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6/30/02 i'm working on my progress.

7/21/02 i leave in 8 more days!!!!!!!

7/26/02 well here i am having that urge to write...i'm feeling a lot right now, i need to write. that day is approaching..then i am gone. Monday at 1 p.m. is when i need to be at the recruiter's office. i'm a bit nervous as well as excited. i'm sure i'll get through with it, then after that is easier. i really don't know what to say right now, but i want to write....oh well, maybe later..........

7/27/02 3:45 a.m. "never did i intend to jump...the idea was to scare myself out of it"

7/28/02 well here it last FULL day left. i can't seem to put a smile on my face, and if i do, it doesn't stay for long. right now i'm thinking of all the happy times i'll have when i'm gone, which makes me feel better, but i will miss everyone at the same time. I'm spending time with family right now, but i'm thinking of my friends. They're the ones that i really connect with. I can't say how much i'll miss them.....ok, it's goodbye for now.

12/30/02 3:00 a.m. hey! it feels great to be back! the worst is over, and i'm having fun. i'm currently on leave for 2 weeks for holiday exodus. i go back on the 4th of January. then i have 2 more weeks left of tech school. then it's on the Luke AFB, Arizona. i know it's not Japan like i wanted, but hey, i'll make the best out of it. it's been so long since i've updated this page! ah, but who cares anyways, no one reads this crap. people have better things to do like...make fun of other people. so anyways. enjoy what petty things i have to speak of, and have fun. -pyro

7/09/03 9:20 p.m. updating my site's looking alot better in my opinion. ARIZONA IS HOT. 115 degrees today.

10/18/03 nothing on my's like when i try to think about what to say, it runs away to the back of my head.

03/14/04 just checking in...went to the renaissance fest and rode a camel. yay

08Aug05 guess what. i'm still here in Arizona. Same place. Luke AFB. And yes, it is still very hot. I realize that i've been writing in this space for over 3 years now. I've forgotten about this little creation of boredom, but now i'm back into it. So more updating to do. I might even get around to adding some pictures here since i have a fancy new digital camera. Also check out my new MySpace profile.
