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Most Sacred Heraldry


Armor Coloring

   The Death Angels are very close to the Dark Angels main chapter in terms of armor coloring. The standard dark green color is present on almost every marine. The main change from the original chapter is the right-hand shoulder armor, where the squad heraldry is placed. On most marines, this plate is colored the same bone-white color of the chapter's Deathwing company. The Deathwing and Ravenwing companies are their respective bone-white and black colors.

   The main exception to this rule is the chapter's Assault Squads. Since the majority of the chapter trains for some time within the 8th Company Assault Reserves, the Assault Squads keep a half-green half-bone color scheme for their shoulder pads.

   The chapter's Apothecaries keep a white shoulder pad with the Apothecarion symbol, while the Techmarines maintain a red shoulder pad with the Ordo Mechanicus symbol. Standard bearers recieve a golden shoulder pad with the Imperial Laurel symbol on it.

   Chaplains maintain the black armour of the parent chapter, with the shoulder pad being green with a black rim. Librarians maintain a blue armour with a green shoulder pad scheme. Masters and Grand Masters of the companies, as well as the Chapter Master, Melchior, maintain a night-black color with their personal heraldry on it.

    The chapter symbol is that of its parent chapter, the Winged Sword, while the Deathwing and Ravenwing symbols remain the same.