
Here is another exciting view of what our experience of our L.A. vacation was.

L.A. Spring Break 3: Rocks and the Hotel

Date: April 2001

Devin giving the "It's ok to walk here" only seconds before plummeting 10 stories to an assured and untimely death.....

This mysterious creature is not often found wondering under the sun hours, for it is hard for it to protect itself. It's only weapon to survive an attack are the rocks it carries......

This picture was caught by a slim margin of 2 seconds before the unaware picture taker was last seen alive. They were instantly killed by a passing alien aircraft. Those bastards......

Devin's response: What the hell? That wasn't there when I went to bed......

Devin agitates Ben. Ben ignores Devin and continues to look mellowed out.

Devin and Ben splash around in the hotel pool like a couple of giddy young school girls. Awww, how cute!!!!

Devin is murdered and his body thrown in the pool. The murderers? Meh, who cares. :)

Those were some great pics, but there are still a few more to see from this trip!