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Top Thirty Hottest Guys

30. Ben Affleck

Ben Affleck has been in such films as Dogma, Bounce, and Pearl Harbor. He enjoys leisure time with Alfred, his boyfriend and plans to go to Ethipia in June to feed starving children. Go, Ben, go!
Ben would have made it higher on my list..but he has been defiled. Between J.HO and the boozing it up, he just didn't make he cut. And now a short list of facts(try to guess the real ones!)
FULL NAME: Benjamin Geza Affleck
FAMILY HISTORY: Raised by his two fathers Franklin Affleck and Charlie Rush.
AGE:30 D.O.B.:August 15, 1972
RANDOM FACTS: He didn't finish collage. Spent months in a rehab center in Malibu. As a child he collected his stomach that is! Ben has a terrible fear of being gang raped. He is addicted to gambling and you can find him at the Hard Rock Hotel in Las Vegas almost every weekend. His best friend, Matt Damon, has called him "a strange and vulgar man."

29. Craig Parker

28. Anthony Stuart Head

27. Justin Berfield

26. and 25. Joel and Benji Madden

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