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My Thoughts on the Mavs

Here's Dirk showin off that stomach! Nash is also one of the greatest players EVER! I had to put his pic in here for Suzanne...he's her's so stay away ladies!Doesn't Nelly look a little insane here??? He's an awesome coach!

Mark Cuban...the guy responsible for turning a horrible team into the best team in the NBA. Have you ever seen an owner so into the game as Cuban? Raja Bell...a smart edition to the team this year and one of my favorites to watch!

Adam Harrington....what can i say? He was only part of the Mavericks for 13 games. I have to say the Mavs made a HUGE mistake when they waived this Auburn rookie. (What a babe!) He has so much potential it's not even funny. Cuban and Nelly should have kept Harrington on instead of signing Rigadeau. That guy does not know how to play ball here in America. We'll miss you Harrington!!