<html> <!-- \/ body tag --> <body bgcolor="#F3EB81"> <!-- /\ body tag --> <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0" border color="black" bgcolor="f3eb81" width="100%"><tr><td> <table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" bgcolor="f3eb81" width="100%"><tr bgcolor="lightgreen"> <td align=center> <font face="comic sans MS" size="3"><b>MASA GUESTBOOK</B> </div></td></tr></table></td></tr></table> <BR> <head> <title>GUESTBOOK</title> <CENTER> <a href="javascript: NewWindow('http://angelfire.com/rock3/masanote/guestbooksign','Smilies','570','470','yes','guestbook.q15');"> <font face="comic sans MS" size="2" COLOR=BLUE><b><EM>PLEASE SIGN THIS BOOK!</B></EM> </a> <script language="javascript"> var win = null; function NewWindow(mypage,myname,w,h,scroll,elem) { LeftPosition = (screen.width) ? (screen.width-w)/2 : 0; TopPosition = (screen.height) ? ((screen.height-h)/2)-20 : 0; settings = "height=540,width=380,top,left,scrollbars=yes,resizable,location=no,toolbar=no"; win = window.open(mypage+'?elem='+elem,myname,settings); } </script> <br> <BR> <center> <a href="http://www.angelfire.com/rock3/masanote/masa-main2"><font face="comic sans MS" size="2" COLOR=BLUE><b>Back to Masa<a/></B> <br> <br> <center> <font size="2" COLOR=BLACK> Saturday 10/29/2005 </center> <table cellpadding="1" cellspacing="0" border="10" bgcolor="#999999" width="100%"><tr><td> <table border="0" cellpadding="10" cellspacing="1" bgcolor="#999999" width="100%"><tr bgcolor="cornsilk"><td> <font size="2" font color="black"> <b>-My name is: <font size="2" font color="green"> <a href="mailto:andrewshepard88@gmail.com">Andrew Shepard </a> <font size="2" font color="green"><br> <font size="2" font color="black"> <b>-Do I have a website?: <font size="2" font color="green"> <a href="http://www.thebandcoldsmoke.com"> Yes</a> <br> <font size="2" font color="black"> <b>-I found you because: <font size="2" font color="green"> Followed the smell of Rock n' Roll. <br> <font size="2" font color="black"> <b>-I think Masa should: <font size="2" font color="green"> Not eat ramen noodles everyday. <br> <font size="2" font color="black"> <b>-I wanna say: <font size="2" font color="green"> Keep it real. </div></td></tr></table></td></tr></table> <br /></form></div> <center> <font size="2" COLOR=BLACK> Friday 09/30/2005 </center> <table cellpadding="1" cellspacing="0" border="10" bgcolor="#999999" width="100%"><tr><td> <table border="0" cellpadding="10" cellspacing="1" bgcolor="#999999" width="100%"><tr bgcolor="cornsilk"><td> <font size="2" font color="black"> <b>-My name is: <font size="2" font color="green"> <a href="mailto:bubbatec@hotmail.com">Tina Lie </a> <font size="2" font color="green"><br> <font size="2" font color="black"> <b>-Do I have a website?: <font size="2" font color="green"> <a href="http://www.tinalie.com"> Yes</a> <br> <font size="2" font color="black"> <b>-I found you because: <font size="2" font color="green"> Judge Judy told me about you <br> <font size="2" font color="black"> <b>-I think Masa should: <font size="2" font color="green"> <br> <font size="2" font color="black"> <b>-I wanna say: <font size="2" font color="green"> Hi Masa I Thought you pyt a new link to my website. From Tina Lie Norway Download my music and tell me what you think. Good website! </div></td></tr></table></td></tr></table> <br /></form></div> <center> <font size="2" COLOR=BLACK> Thursday 09/15/2005 </center> <table cellpadding="1" cellspacing="0" border="10" bgcolor="#999999" width="100%"><tr><td> <table border="0" cellpadding="10" cellspacing="1" bgcolor="#999999" width="100%"><tr bgcolor="cornsilk"><td> <font size="2" font color="black"> <b>-My name is: <font size="2" font color="green"> <a href="mailto:im_the_band@hotmail.com ">Parisa </a> <font size="2" font color="green"><br> <font size="2" font color="black"> <b>-Do I have a website?: <font size="2" font color="green"> No</a> <br> <font size="2" font color="black"> <b>-I found you because: <font size="2" font color="green"> went to the immigration office <br> <font size="2" font color="black"> <b>-I think Masa should: <font size="2" font color="green"> not eat ramen noodle everyday <br> <font size="2" font color="black"> <b>-I wanna say: <font size="2" font color="green"> I saw you last night at the Boro and it was awesome! You rock and your hilarious! Can't wait to see you again and tell all my friends!! </div></td></tr></table></td></tr></table> <br /></form></div> <center> <font size="2" COLOR=BLACK> Monday 01/10/2005 </center> <table cellpadding="1" cellspacing="0" border="10" bgcolor="#999999" width="100%"><tr><td> <table border="0" cellpadding="10" cellspacing="1" bgcolor="#999999" width="100%"><tr bgcolor="cornsilk"><td> <font size="2" font color="black"> <b>-My name is: <font size="2" font color="green"> <a href="mailto:terrlu@yahoo.com ">Terry Utterback </a> <font size="2" font color="green"><br> <font size="2" font color="black"> <b>-Do I have a website?: <font size="2" font color="green"> No</a> <br> <font size="2" font color="black"> <b>-I found you because: <font size="2" font color="green"> Hello... I'm a psychic, duh <br> <font size="2" font color="black"> <b>-I think Masa should: <font size="2" font color="green"> play 'Asshole' song to my boss <br> <font size="2" font color="black"> <b>-I wanna say: <font size="2" font color="green"> Hey Masa, been a while since I seen you last....glad your still rockin' around town....OH yeah, if you don't remember the name maybe the song "STAGEFRIGHT" will help, that's all anyone remembers about me. See you soon, I just got back to town. </div></td></tr></table></td></tr></table> <br /></form></div> <center> <font size="2" COLOR=BLACK> Tuesday 09/15/2004 </center> <table cellpadding="1" cellspacing="0" border="10" bgcolor="#999999" width="100%"><tr><td> <table border="0" cellpadding="10" cellspacing="1" bgcolor="#999999" width="100%"><tr bgcolor="cornsilk"><td> <font size="2" font color="black"> <b>-My name is: <font size="2" font color="green"> <a href="mailto:ELANORETEDESCHI@aol.com ">Kayce </a> <font size="2" font color="green"><br> <font size="2" font color="black"> <b>-Do I have a website?: <font size="2" font color="green"> <a href="http://www.razencain.8k.com"> Yes</a> <br> <font size="2" font color="black"> <b>-I found you because: <font size="2" font color="green"> followed the smell of Rock n'Roll <br> <font size="2" font color="black"> <b>-I think Masa should: <font size="2" font color="green"> play 'Asshole' song to my boss <br> <font size="2" font color="black"> <b>-I wanna say: <font size="2" font color="green"> Hey saw you at the Bluebird a long time ago just wondered how you are doing! Still rockin'! </div></td></tr></table></td></tr></table> <br /></form></div> <center> <center> <font size="2" COLOR=BLACK> Friday 05/21/2004 </center> <table cellpadding="1" cellspacing="0" border="10" bgcolor="#999999" width="100%"><tr><td> <table border="0" cellpadding="10" cellspacing="1" bgcolor="#999999" width="100%"><tr bgcolor="cornsilk"><td> <font size="2" font color="black"> <b>-My name is: <font size="2" font color="green"> <a href="mailto:mydeathparade@netzero.net ">Jesse </a> <font size="2" font color="green"><br> <font size="2" font color="black"> <b>-Do I have a website?: <font size="2" font color="green"> No</a> <br> <font size="2" font color="black"> <b>-I found you because: <font size="2" font color="green"> Judge Judy told me about you <br> <font size="2" font color="black"> <b>-I think Masa should: <font size="2" font color="green"> be a porn star. Not a rock star <br> <font size="2" font color="black"> <b>-I wanna say: <font size="2" font color="green"> Great show at Brothers last night(5-20-04), I think you should come more often. You had an awesome Akira shirt on. Keep rocking! </div></td></tr></table></td></tr></table> <br /></form></div> <center> <center> <font size="2" COLOR=BLACK> Thursday 05/20/2004 </center> <table cellpadding="1" cellspacing="0" border="10" bgcolor="#999999" width="100%"><tr><td> <table border="0" cellpadding="10" cellspacing="1" bgcolor="#999999" width="100%"><tr bgcolor="cornsilk"><td> <font size="2" font color="black"> <b>-My name is: <font size="2" font color="green"> <a href="mailto:artpaul@mailcity.com"> ART PAUL SCHLOSSER </a> <font size="2" font color="green"><br> <font size="2" font color="black"> <b>-Do I have a website?: <a href="http://www.cdbaby.com/cd/artpaul4"> <font size="2" font color="green"> Yes</a> <br> <font size="2" font color="black"> <b>-I found you because: <font size="2" font color="green"> I'm a psychic. duh <br> <font size="2" font color="black"> <b>-I think Masa should: <font size="2" font color="green"> --->ERROR <br> <font size="2" font color="black"> <b>-I wanna say: <font size="2" font color="green"> Hi to everyone down there & ask you to check out my song They Won't Play This On The Country Western Radio or my other song Girlfriend With A Car on Apple iTunes. </div></td></tr></table></td></tr></table> <br /></form></div> <center> <center> <font size="2" COLOR=BLACK> Sunday 03/07/2004 </center> <table cellpadding="1" cellspacing="0" border="10" bgcolor="#999999" width="100%"><tr><td> <table border="0" cellpadding="10" cellspacing="1" bgcolor="#999999" width="100%"><tr bgcolor="cornsilk"><td> <font size="2" font color="black"> <b>-My name is: <font size="2" font color="green"> <a href="mailto:">Jimmy T </a> <font size="2" font color="green"><br> <font size="2" font color="black"> <b>-Do I have a website?: <font size="2" font color="green"> No</a> <br> <font size="2" font color="black"> <b>-I found you because: <font size="2" font color="green"> followed the smell of Rock n'Roll. <br> <font size="2" font color="black"> <b>-I think Masa should: <font size="2" font color="green"> play "Asshole" song to my boss. <br> <font size="2" font color="black"> <b>-I wanna say: <font size="2" font color="green"> Come to my dance party. 12th of March. Because you are our hero!! xoxoxoxoxoxox ;) </div></td></tr></table></td></tr></table> <br /></form></div> <center> <center> <font size="2" COLOR=BLACK> Sunday 02/29/2004 </center> <table cellpadding="1" cellspacing="0" border="10" bgcolor="#999999" width="100%"><tr><td> <table border="0" cellpadding="10" cellspacing="1" bgcolor="#999999" width="100%"><tr bgcolor="cornsilk"><td> <font size="2" font color="black"> <b>-My name is: <font size="2" font color="green"> <a href="mailto:CNColvard@yahoo.com ">Big Friendly </a> <font size="2" font color="green"><br> <font size="2" font color="black"> <b>-Do I have a website?: <font size="2" font color="green"> No</a> <br> <font size="2" font color="black"> <b>-I found you because: <font size="2" font color="green"> followed the smell of Rock n'Roll. <br> <font size="2" font color="black"> <b>-I think Masa should: <font size="2" font color="green"> play "Asshole" song to my boss. <br> <font size="2" font color="black"> <b>-I wanna say: <font size="2" font color="green"> Masa-sama, I'm still loving it from your appearance at Brother's Bar. You freakin' ROCK! Come back to Jacksonville Alabama when you can. WE NEED MORE MASA!!! </div></td></tr></table></td></tr></table> <br /></form></div> <center> <center> <font size="2" COLOR=BLACK> Thursday 02/12/2004 </center> <table cellpadding="1" cellspacing="0" border="10" bgcolor="#999999" width="100%"><tr><td> <table border="0" cellpadding="10" cellspacing="1" bgcolor="#999999" width="100%"><tr bgcolor="cornsilk"><td> <font size="2" font color="black"> <b>-My name is: <font size="2" font color="green"> <a href="mailto:mws2e@mtsu.edu ">matt </a> <font size="2" font color="green"><br> <font size="2" font color="black"> <b>-Do I have a website?: <font size="2" font color="green"> <a href="http://notbeforenoon.batcave.net ">Yes</a> <br> <font size="2" font color="black"> <b>-I found you because: <font size="2" font color="green"> followed the smell of Rock n'Roll. <br> <font size="2" font color="black"> <b>-I think Masa should: <font size="2" font color="green"> have noticed I had a crush. <br> <font size="2" font color="black"> <b>-I wanna say: <font size="2" font color="green"> not before noon has been rocked by masa. now we need masa like heroin. </div></td></tr></table></td></tr></table> <br /></form></div> <center> <center> <font size="2" COLOR=BLACK> Friday 12/19/2003 </center> <table cellpadding="1" cellspacing="0" border="10" bgcolor="#999999" width="100%"><tr><td> <table border="0" cellpadding="10" cellspacing="1" bgcolor="#999999" width="100%"><tr bgcolor="cornsilk"><td> <font size="2" font color="black"> <b>-My name is: <font size="2" font color="green"> <a href="mailto:lou@theroyalwe.net ">lou</a> <font size="2" font color="green"><br> <font size="2" font color="black"> <b>-Do I have a website?: <font size="2" font color="green"> <a href="http://www.theroyalwe.net ">Yes</a> <br> <font size="2" font color="black"> <b>-I found you because: <font size="2" font color="green"> went to the immigration office <br> <font size="2" font color="black"> <b>-I think Masa should: <font size="2" font color="green"> be a porn star. Not a rock star <br> <font size="2" font color="black"> <b>-I wanna say: <font size="2" font color="green"> Thanks again Masa for showing some New Orleans boys some hospitality. You rock ass........ </div></td></tr></table></td></tr></table> <br /></form></div> <center> <center> <font size="2" COLOR=BLACK> Sunday 10/19/2003 </center> <table cellpadding="1" cellspacing="0" border="10" bgcolor="#999999" width="100%"><tr><td> <table border="0" cellpadding="10" cellspacing="1" bgcolor="#999999" width="100%"><tr bgcolor="cornsilk"><td> <font size="2" font color="black"> <b>-My name is: <font size="2" font color="green"> <a href="mailto:">michael sontag </a> <font size="2" font color="green"><br> <font size="2" font color="black"> <b>-Do I have a website?: <font size="2" font color="green"> [ERROR]---> <br> <font size="2" font color="black"> <b>-I found you because: <font size="2" font color="green"> [ERROR]---> <br> <font size="2" font color="black"> <b>-I think Masa should: <font size="2" font color="green"> [ERROR]---> <br> <font size="2" font color="black"> <b>-I wanna say: <font size="2" font color="green"> Hey man, you rock. Seriously, I enjoyed it. </div></td></tr></table></td></tr></table> <br /></form></div> <center> <font size="2" COLOR=BLACK> Monday 10/06/2003 </center> <table cellpadding="1" cellspacing="0" border="10" bgcolor="#999999" width="100%"><tr><td> <table border="0" cellpadding="10" cellspacing="1" bgcolor="#999999" width="100%"><tr bgcolor="cornsilk"><td> <font size="2" font color="black"> <a href="http://angelfire.com/rock3/masanote/control"> <b>SECRET POSTING</a> </div></td></tr></table></td></tr></table> <br /></form></div> <center> <font size="2" COLOR=BLACK> Thursday 07/24/2003 </center> <table cellpadding="1" cellspacing="0" border="10" bgcolor="#999999" width="100%"><tr><td> <table border="0" cellpadding="10" cellspacing="1" bgcolor="#999999" width="100%"><tr bgcolor="cornsilk"><td> <font size="2" font color="black"> <b>-My name is: <font size="2" font color="green"> <a href="mailto:thebubblegumcomplex@yahoo.com ">caldwell </a> <font size="2" font color="green"><br> <font size="2" font color="black"> <b>-Do I have a website?: <font size="2" font color="green"> <a href="http://www.geocities.com/thebubblegumcomplex"> Yes</a> <br> <font size="2" font color="black"> <b>-I found you because: <font size="2" font color="green"> you sent me the spam with your link. <br> <font size="2" font color="black"> <b>-I think Masa should: <font size="2" font color="green"> have noticed I had a crush. <br> <font size="2" font color="black"> <b>-I wanna say: <font size="2" font color="green"> I am so happy to say that I got to play a show with Masa and I'm even happier that he opened up with just an acoustic guitar. That gave my band a lot of room to overpower him with our loud guitars and shrilling vocals, therefore making us look better. Thank you Masa for writing great songs! caldwell </div></td></tr></table></td></tr></table> <br /></form></div> <center> <font size="2" COLOR=BLACK> Thursday 07/24/2003 </center> <table cellpadding="1" cellspacing="0" border="10" bgcolor="#999999" width="100%"><tr><td> <table border="0" cellpadding="10" cellspacing="1" bgcolor="#999999" width="100%"><tr bgcolor="cornsilk"><td> <font size="2" font color="black"> <b>-My name is: <font size="2" font color="green"> <a href="mailto:groove64@bellsouth.net ">Entropy64 </a> <font size="2" font color="green"><br> <font size="2" font color="black"> <b>-Do I have a website?: <font size="2" font color="green"> <a href="http://www.entropy64.com "> Yes</a> <br> <font size="2" font color="black"> <b>-I found you because: <font size="2" font color="green"> saw your T-shirts. <br> <font size="2" font color="black"> <b>-I think Masa should: <font size="2" font color="green"> play "Asshole" song to my boss. <br> <font size="2" font color="black"> <b>-I wanna say: <font size="2" font color="green"> Go MASA you rock! Love your integrity dude! More local artists should follow your lead. "the E64 gang" </div></td></tr></table></td></tr></table> <br /></form></div> <center> <font size="2" COLOR=BLACK> Thursday 07/17/2003 </center> <table cellpadding="1" cellspacing="0" border="10" bgcolor="#999999" width="100%"><tr><td> <table border="0" cellpadding="10" cellspacing="1" bgcolor="#999999" width="100%"><tr bgcolor="cornsilk"><td> <font size="2" font color="black"> <b>-My name is: <font size="2" font color="green"> <a href="mailto:mimi@cityimprov.com ">mimi ikard</a> <font size="2" font color="green"><br> <font size="2" font color="black"> <b>-Do I have a website?: <font size="2" font color="green"> No <br> <font size="2" font color="black"> <b>-I found you because: <font size="2" font color="green"> [ERROR]---> <br> <font size="2" font color="black"> <b>-I think Masa should: <font size="2" font color="green"> [ERROR]---> <br> <font size="2" font color="black"> <b>-I wanna say: <font size="2" font color="green"> I am your biggest fan, masa. I used to have a tape, but I wore it through. \"Please please please\" send me something good. Mimi </div></td></tr></table></td></tr></table> <br /></form></div> <center> <font size="2"> Tuesday 07/15/2003 </center> <table cellpadding="1" cellspacing="0" border="10" bgcolor="#999999" width="100%"><tr><td> <table border="0" cellpadding="10" cellspacing="1" bgcolor="#999999" width="100%"><tr bgcolor="cornsilk"><td> <font size="2" font color="black"> <b>-My name is: <font size="2" font color="green"> <a href="mailto:JEFFERYFLOWERCHILD@YAHOO.COM">RICKY BELLFLOWER</a> <font size="2" font color="green"><br> <font size="2" font color="black"> <b>-Do I have a website?: <font size="2" font color="green"> No <br> <font size="2" font color="black"> <b>-I found you because: <font size="2" font color="green"> Hello, I'm a psychic. Duh. <br> <font size="2" font color="black"> <b>-I think Masa should: <font size="2" font color="green"> Be a porn star. Not a rock star. <br> <font size="2" font color="black"> <b>-I wanna say: <font size="2" font color="green"> I LOVE YOUR CHINESE MUSIC. YOU'RE THE GREATEST. </div></td></tr></table></td></tr></table> <br /></form></div> <center> <font size="2"> Friday 07/04/2003 </center> <table cellpadding="1" cellspacing="0" border="10" bgcolor="#999999" width="100%"><tr><td> <table border="0" cellpadding="10" cellspacing="1" bgcolor="#999999" width="100%"><tr bgcolor="cornsilk"><td> <font size="2" font color="black"> <b>-My name is: <font size="2" font color="green"> <a href="mailto:cer2d@mtsu.edu">Shut Up And Drives Captain Sweetass </a><font size="2" font color="green"><br> <font size="2" font color="black"> <b>-Do I have a website?: <font size="2" font color="green"> No <br> <font size="2" font color="black"> <b>-I found you because: <font size="2" font color="green"> [ERROR]---> <br> <font size="2" font color="black"> <b>-I think Masa should: <font size="2" font color="green"> [ERROR]---> <br> <font size="2" font color="black"> <b>-I wanna say: <font size="2" font color="green"> I LOVE THE MASA EXPERIENCE! I WANT A MASA VHS! I WANT A MASA CD! I WANT THE AUTOGRAPHED PHOTO! I WANT IT ALL! I would also like the pictures from the WMTS studio, and dont act like you dont have them. I know you do </div></td></tr></table></td></tr></table> <br /></form></div> <center> <font size="2"> Thursday 06/26/2003 </center> <table cellpadding="1" cellspacing="0" border="10" bgcolor="#999999" width="100%"><tr><td> <table border="0" cellpadding="10" cellspacing="1" bgcolor="#999999" width="100%"><tr bgcolor="cornsilk"><td> <font size="2" font color="black"> <b>-My name is: <font size="2" font color="green"> <a href="mailto:fuck you ">Smedley </a><font size="2" font color="green"><br> <font size="2" font color="black"> <b>-Do I have a website?: <font size="2" font color="green"> <a href="http://www.assrammer.com"> Yes </a> <br> <font size="2" font color="black"> <b>-I found you because: <font size="2" font color="green"> went to the immigration office <br> <font size="2" font color="black"> <b>-I think Masa should: <font size="2" font color="green"> go back to Japan <br> <font size="2" font color="black"> <b>-I wanna say: <font size="2" font color="green"> Hey REuben, Eat my shit you asshole! I fucking hate steely dan, and I fucking hat you! If I see you at a Masa show, I'll kick your little scrawny ass!!! FAG!! Rock-n-Roll is elton john! </div></td></tr></table></td></tr></table> <br /></form></div> <center> <font size="2"> Tuesday 06/24/2003 </center> <table cellpadding="1" cellspacing="0" border="10" bgcolor="#999999" width="100%"><tr><td> <table border="0" cellpadding="10" cellspacing="1" bgcolor="#999999" width="100%"><tr bgcolor="cornsilk"><td> <font size="2" font color="black"> <b>-My name is: <font size="2" font color="green"> <a href="mailto:">Rueben Kincaid </a><font size="2" font color="green">[ERROR]---><br> <font size="2" font color="black"> <b>-Do I have a website?: <font size="2" font color="green"> No </a> <br> <font size="2" font color="black"> <b>-I found you because: <font size="2" font color="green"> saw your truck. <br> <font size="2" font color="black"> <b>-I think Masa should: <font size="2" font color="green"> be a porn star. Not a rock star. <br> <font size="2" font color="black"> <b>-I wanna say: <font size="2" font color="green"> Hey Smedlley its called Rock-n-roll, ASSHOLE!! Masa is an american Bad ASS! go back to listening to your little fag steeley dan shit! Rueben </div></td></tr></table></td></tr></table> <br /></form></div> <center> <font size="2"> Tuesday 06/04/2003 </center> <table cellpadding="1" cellspacing="0" border="10" bgcolor="#999999" width="100%"><tr><td> <table border="0" cellpadding="10" cellspacing="1" bgcolor="#999999" width="100%"><tr bgcolor="cornsilk"><td> <font size="2" font color="black"> <b>-My name is: <font size="2" font color="green"> <a href="mailto:">TVI Inc. </a><br> <font size="2" font color="black"> <b>-Do I have a website?: <font size="2" font color="green"> No </a> <br> <font size="2" font color="black"> <b>-I found you because: <font size="2" font color="green"> [ERROR]---> <br> <font size="2" font color="black"> <b>-I think Masa should: <font size="2" font color="green"> [ERROR]---> <br> <font size="2" font color="black"> <b>-I wanna say: <font size="2" font color="green"> I'd really like a copy of the first demo with "asshole" and any video stuff you have- oh yea, get your ROCKIN ASS on down here to huntsville alabama !!! p.s.- i'm already on mailing list- you rock my ass!!!! </div></td></tr></table></td></tr></table> <br /></form></div> <center> <font size="2"> Tuesday 05/20/2003 </center> <table cellpadding="1" cellspacing="0" border="10" bgcolor="#999999" width="100%"><tr><td> <table border="0" cellpadding="10" cellspacing="1" bgcolor="#999999" width="100%"><tr bgcolor="cornsilk"><td> <font size="2" font color="black"> <b>-My name is: <font size="2" font color="green"> <a href="mailto:smedley@aol.com ">Smedley </a><br> <font size="2" font color="black"> <b>-Do I have a website?: <font size="2" font color="green"> No </a> <br> <font size="2" font color="black"> <b>-I found you because: <font size="2" font color="green"> went to an immigration office. <br> <font size="2" font color="black"> <b>-I think Masa should: <font size="2" font color="green"> go back to Japan. <br> <font size="2" font color="black"> <b>-I wanna say: <font size="2" font color="green"> What the hell kind of shit is this? </div></td></tr></table></td></tr></table> <br /></form></div> <center> <font size="2"> Monday 2/03/2003 </center> <table cellpadding="1" cellspacing="0" border="10" bgcolor="#999999" width="100%"><tr><td> <table border="0" cellpadding="10" cellspacing="1" bgcolor="#999999" width="100%"><tr bgcolor="cornsilk"><td> <font size="2" font color="black"> <b>-My name is: <font size="2" font color="green"> <a href="mailto:mail@ringtoneparty.com "> Simon Darcy </a><br> <font size="2" font color="black"> <b>-Do I have a website?: <font size="2" font color="green"> <a href="http://www.ringtoneparty.com ">Yes </a> <br> <font size="2" font color="black"> <b>-I found you because: <font size="2" font color="green"> followed the smell of Rock n'Roll. <br> <font size="2" font color="black"> <b>-I think Masa should: <font size="2" font color="green"> loose some weight. <br> <font size="2" font color="black"> <b>-I wanna say: <font size="2" font color="green"> Well done. You may be a tool but you have a cool site. </div></td></tr></table></td></tr></table> <br /></form></div> <center> <font size="2"> Thursday 1/16/2003 </center> <table cellpadding="1" cellspacing="0" border="10" bgcolor="#999999" width="100%"><tr><td> <table border="0" cellpadding="10" cellspacing="1" bgcolor="#999999" width="100%"><tr bgcolor="cornsilk"><td> <font size="2" font color="black"> <b>-My name is: <font size="2" font color="green"> <a href="mailto:">Brian Scoggin </a><br> <font size="2" font color="black"> <b>-Do I have a website?: <font size="2" font color="green"> <a href="http://www.therbb.com ">Yes </a> <br> <font size="2" font color="black"> <b>-I found you because: <font size="2" font color="green"> [ERROR]---> <br> <font size="2" font color="black"> <b>-I think Masa should: <font size="2" font color="green"> [ERROR]---> <br> <font size="2" font color="black"> <b>-I wanna say: <font size="2" font color="green"> Hey man. I enjoyed the show at the 12th & Porter. Keep up the insanity. </div></td></tr></table></td></tr></table> <br /></form></div> <center> <font size="2"> Saturday 12/14/2002 </center> <table cellpadding="1" cellspacing="0" border="10" bgcolor="#999999" width="100%"><tr><td> <table border="0" cellpadding="10" cellspacing="1" bgcolor="#999999" width="100%"><tr bgcolor="cornsilk"><td> <font size="2" font color="black"> <b>-My name is: <font size="2" font color="green"> <a href="mailto:">Reuben Kincaid </a><br> <font size="2" font color="black"> <b>-Do I have a website?: <font size="2" font color="green"> <a href="http://">No </a><br> <font size="2" font color="black"> <b>-I found Masa because: <font size="2" font color="green"> Judge Judy told me about you <br> <font size="2" font color="black"> <b>-I think Masa should: <font size="2" font color="green"> play <br> <font size="2" font color="black"> <b>-I wanna say: <font size="2" font color="green"> Hey, Love the new site. Can't wait to rock with you at the End with a few wine spritzers! </div></td></tr></table></td></tr></table> <br /></form></div> <center> <font size="2"> Tuesday 12/04/2002 </center> <table cellpadding="1" cellspacing="0" border="10" bgcolor="#999999" width="100%"><tr><td> <table border="0" cellpadding="10" cellspacing="1" bgcolor="#999999" width="100%"><tr bgcolor="cornsilk"><td> <font size="2" font color="black"> <b>-My name is: <font size="2" font color="green"> <a href="mailto:UASRecords@aol.com">UAS Records </a><br> <font size="2" font color="black"> <b>-Do I have a website?: <font size="2" font color="green"> <a href="http://angelfire.com/Home/UASRecords">Yes </a><br> <font size="2" font color="black"> <b>-I found Masa because: <font size="2" font color="green"> went to an immigration office <br> <font size="2" font color="black"> <b>-I think Masa should: <font size="2" font color="green"> go back to Japan <br> <font size="2" font color="black"> <b>-I wanna say: <font size="2" font color="green"> Where's our damn link?!! </div></td></tr></table></td></tr></table> <br /></form></div> <center> <font size="2"> Wednesday 11/06/2002 </center> <table cellpadding="1" cellspacing="0" border="10" bgcolor="#999999" width="100%"><tr><td> <table border="0" cellpadding="10" cellspacing="1" bgcolor="#999999" width="100%"><tr bgcolor="cornsilk"><td> <font size="2" font color="black"> <b>-My name is: <font size="2" font color="green"> <a href="mailto:willie2869@hotmail.com">willie grayson </a><br> <font size="2" font color="black"> <b>-Do I have a website?: <font size="2" font color="green"> <a href="http://">No </a><br> <font size="2" font color="black"> <b>-I found Masa because: <font size="2" font color="green"> Followed the smell of Rock n' Roll <br> <font size="2" font color="black"> <b>-I think Masa should: <font size="2" font color="green"> Not eat ramen noodles everyday <br> <font size="2" font color="black"> <b>-I wanna say: <font size="2" font color="green"> ok this will sound like the geekyest(ok yeah thats a word i think)you have ever heard i recently played dynasty warriors3 on xbox the ending theme(circuit)is bangin!i played sax for a number of years so i like every thing(musicaly)and i was hooked dude i got the mp3 and put it on cd so i could hear this trak while i drive the guitar is smooth as glass and by the way the girl singing the lyrics has a fan for life !keep on rockin man you are damn good </div></td></tr></table></td></tr></table> <br /></form></div> <center> <font size="2"> Sunday 10/27/2002 </center> <table cellpadding="1" cellspacing="0" border="10" bgcolor="#999999" width="100%"><tr><td> <table border="0" cellpadding="10" cellspacing="1" bgcolor="#999999" width="100%"><tr bgcolor="cornsilk"><td> <font size="2" font color="black"> <b>-My name is: <font size="2" font color="green"> <a href="mailto:sammyquoe@aol.com ">Sammy Quoe </a><br> <font size="2" font color="black"> <b>-Do I have a website?: <font size="2" font color="green"> <a href="http://">No </a><br> <font size="2" font color="black"> <b>-I found Masa because: <font size="2" font color="green"> saw your truck <br> <font size="2" font color="black"> <b>-I think Masa should: <font size="2" font color="green"> loose some weight <br> <font size="2" font color="black"> <b>-Masa's perfect girl is: <font size="2" font color="green"> Masette <br> <font size="2" font color="black"> <b>-I wanna say: <font size="2" font color="green"> I saw you a while back at the bluebird, and it inspired me to join the Army. Keep it up, Masa. Your music whips a horses behind with a belt. You heard me right, Masa, a BELT! YO YO YO WHAT'S UP MAN! </div></td></tr></table></td></tr></table> <br /></form></div> <br> <center> <font size="2"> Tuesday 10/15/2002 </center> <table cellpadding="1" cellspacing="0" border="10" bgcolor="#999999" width="100%"><tr><td> <table border="0" cellpadding="10" cellspacing="1" bgcolor="#999999" width="100%"><tr bgcolor="cornsilk"><td> <font size="2" font color="black"> <a href="http://angelfire.com/rock3/masanote/control"> <b>SECRET POSTING</a> </div></td></tr></table></td></tr></table> <br /></form></div> <br> <center> <font size="2"> Tuesday 10/15/2002 </center> <table cellpadding="1" cellspacing="0" border="10" bgcolor="#999999" width="100%"><tr><td> <table border="0" cellpadding="10" cellspacing="1" bgcolor="#999999" width="100%"><tr bgcolor="cornsilk"><td> <font size="2" font color="black"> <b>-My name is: <font size="2" font color="green"> <a href="mailto:Mike.Greene@attbi.com">Mike G </a><br> <font size="2" font color="black"> <b>-Do I have a website?: <font size="2" font color="green"> <a href="http://www.v90music.com">Yes </a><br> <font size="2" font color="black"> <b>-I found Masa because: <font size="2" font color="green"> Followed the smell of Rock n' Roll <br> <font size="2" font color="black"> <b>-I think Masa should: <font size="2" font color="green"> play 'Asshole' song to my boss <br> <font size="2" font color="black"> <b>-Masa's perfect girl is: <font size="2" font color="green"> <br> <font size="2" font color="black"> <b>-I wanna say: <font size="2" font color="green"> Hey Masa this is Mike Greene from the band V90 in Chicago, we had a great time meeting you and jamming at Guido's for the 2NMC. We would love to come back to Nashville and play a show with you again and welcome you to come to Chicago as well. Let me know if you ever have a show where you think we could come down and open up for you and if you ever want to travel to Chicago I will put a good show together to get you some exposure. I'm going to put a link up to your site on ours this week and will email you some pics from the show. Keep in touch and add my name to your email list so I know what you are up to. Talk to ya later Mike G V90 www.v90music.com </div></td></tr></table></td></tr></table> <br /></form></div> <br> <center> <font size="2"> Saturday 08/31/2002 </center> <table cellpadding="1" cellspacing="0" border="10" bgcolor="#999999" width="100%"><tr><td> <table border="0" cellpadding="10" cellspacing="1" bgcolor="#999999" width="100%"><tr bgcolor="cornsilk"><td> <font size="2" font color="black"> <b>-My name is: <font size="2" font color="green"> <a href="mailto:art@aol.com">Art </a><br> <font size="2" font color="black"> <b>-Do I have a website?: <font size="2" font color="green"> <a href="http://">No </a><br> <font size="2" font color="black"> <b>-I found Masa because: <font size="2" font color="green"> you sent me spam with your link, you jackass! <br> <font size="2" font color="black"> <b>-I think Masa should: <font size="2" font color="green"> go back to Japan <br> <font size="2" font color="black"> <b>-Masa's perfect girl is: <font size="2" font color="green"> <br> <font size="2" font color="black"> <b>-I wanna say: <font size="2" font color="green"> it is cool site. </div></td></tr></table></td></tr></table> <br /></form></div> <br> <center> <font size="2"> Sunday 08/18/2002 </center> <table cellpadding="1" cellspacing="0" border="10" bgcolor="#999999" width="100%"><tr><td> <table border="0" cellpadding="10" cellspacing="1" bgcolor="#999999" width="100%"><tr bgcolor="cornsilk"><td> <font size="2" font color="black"> <b>-My name is: <font size="2" font color="green"> <a href="mailto:e@burnsongs.com">Ernie </a><br> <font size="2" font color="black"> <b>-Do I have a website?: <font size="2" font color="green"> <a href="http://www.daville.com">Yes </a><br> <font size="2" font color="black"> <b>-I found Masa because: <font size="2" font color="green"> followed the smell of Rock n'Roll <br> <font size="2" font color="black"> <b>-I think Masa should: <font size="2" font color="green"> Not eat ramen noodle and hot dogs everyday <br> <font size="2" font color="black"> <b>-Masa's perfect girl is: <font size="2" font color="green"> yoko ono <br> <font size="2" font color="black"> <b>-I wanna say: <font size="2" font color="green"> I saw you at Hall Of Fame on 8/18/02 and I laughed my ass off. Everybody tells me it's not supposed to be funny. HUH? I listened to all your songs at mp3.com and I think you are a genius! When are you playing next??? </div></td></tr></table></td></tr></table> <br /></form></div> <br> <center> <font size="2"> Tuesday 08/13/2002 </center> <table cellpadding="1" cellspacing="0" border="10" bgcolor="#999999" width="100%"><tr><td> <table border="0" cellpadding="10" cellspacing="1" bgcolor="#999999" width="100%"><tr bgcolor="cornsilk"><td> <font size="2" font color="black"> <b>-My name is: <font size="2" font color="green"> <a href="mailto:gr@tplus.at">Georg </a><br> <font size="2" font color="black"> <b>-Do I have a website?: <font size="2" font color="green"> <a href="http://www.race.at">Yes </a><br> <font size="2" font color="black"> <b>-I found Masa because: <font size="2" font color="green"> Went to an immigration office <br> <font size="2" font color="black"> <b>-I think Masa should: <font size="2" font color="green"> <br> <font size="2" font color="black"> <b>-Masa's perfect girl is: <font size="2" font color="green"> <br> <font size="2" font color="black"> <b>-I wanna say: <font size="2" font color="green"> hi to all music-lovers around the world from austria ! please feel free to visit www.race.at our austrian music-site and leave us a note... </div></td></tr></table></td></tr></table> <br /></form></div> <br> <center> <font size="2"> Sunday 08/11/2002 </center> <table cellpadding="1" cellspacing="0" border="10" bgcolor="#999999" width="100%"><tr><td> <table border="0" cellpadding="10" cellspacing="1" bgcolor="#999999" width="100%"><tr bgcolor="cornsilk"><td> <font size="2" font color="black"> <a href="http://angelfire.com/rock3/masanote/control"> <b>SECRET POSTING</a> </div></td></tr></table></td></tr></table> <br /></form></div> <br> <center> <font size="2"> Saturday 08/10/2002 </center> <table cellpadding="1" cellspacing="0" border="10" bgcolor="#999999" width="100%"><tr><td> <table border="0" cellpadding="10" cellspacing="1" bgcolor="#999999" width="100%"><tr bgcolor="cornsilk"><td> <font size="2" font color="black"> <b>-My name is: <font size="2" font color="green"> <a href="mailto:">Jon Cumshot </a><br> <font size="2" font color="black"> <b>-Do I have a website?: <font size="2" font color="green"> <a href="http://">No </a><br> <font size="2" font color="black"> <b>-I found Masa because: <font size="2" font color="green"> Went to an immigration office <br> <font size="2" font color="black"> <b>-I think Masa should: <font size="2" font color="green"> Go back to Japan <br> <font size="2" font color="black"> <b>-Masa's perfect girl is: <font size="2" font color="green"> <br> <font size="2" font color="black"> <b>-I wanna say: <font size="2" font color="green"> I am writing this as a warning. I am the CEO of Nashville cable. Apparently you aired an illegal show on our cable access. We trace wires going from our cable lines straight to your apartment. You apparently "pirated" our station for your show. It is obvious that it was you, because there was a white mazda truck with this website on it. The person on this page looks just like the person performing on the illegal show! </div></td></tr></table></td></tr></table> <br /></form></div> <br> <center> <font size="2"> Monday 08/05/2002 </center> <table cellpadding="1" cellspacing="0" border="10" bgcolor="#999999" width="100%"><tr><td> <table border="0" cellpadding="10" cellspacing="1" bgcolor="#999999" width="100%"><tr bgcolor="cornsilk"><td> <font size="2" font color="black"> <b>-My name is: <font size="2" font color="green"> <a href="mailto:">Bruce (Fuzzy) Nicoletti </a><br> <font size="2" font color="black"> <b>-Do I have a website?: <font size="2" font color="green"> <a href="http://">No </a><br> <font size="2" font color="black"> <b>-I found Masa because: <font size="2" font color="green"> Saw your truck <br> <font size="2" font color="black"> <b>-I think Masa should: <font size="2" font color="green"> Go back to Japan <br> <font size="2" font color="black"> <b>-Masa's perfect girl is: <font size="2" font color="green"> <br> <font size="2" font color="black"> <b>-I wanna say: <font size="2" font color="green"> Hey, I saw your truck parked at the bookstore the other day so I thought I'd check out your site. Maybe we can get together sometime. See ya later! Bruce </div></td></tr></table></td></tr></table> <br /></form></div> <br> <center> <font size="2"> Sunday 08/04/2002 </center> <table cellpadding="1" cellspacing="0" border="10" bgcolor="#999999" width="100%"><tr><td> <table border="0" cellpadding="10" cellspacing="1" bgcolor="#999999" width="100%"><tr bgcolor="cornsilk"><td> <font size="2" font color="black"> <b>-My name is: <font size="2" font color="green"> <a href="mailto:lloydsax@yahoo.com">Arian Lloyd Avery </a><br> <font size="2" font color="black"> <b>-Do I have a website?: <font size="2" font color="green"> <a href="http://arianlloydavery.com">Yes </a><br> <font size="2" font color="black"> <b>-I found Masa because: <font size="2" font color="green"> Went to an immigration office <br> <font size="2" font color="black"> <b>-I think Masa should: <font size="2" font color="green"> Get married (see below) <br> <font size="2" font color="black"> <b>-Masa's perfect girl is: <font size="2" font color="green"> <br> <font size="2" font color="black"> <b>-I wanna say: <font size="2" font color="green"> I wanna play my sax and sing in your band. </div></td></tr></table></td></tr></table> <br /></form></div> <br> <center> <font size="2"> Thursday 07/18/2002 </center> <table cellpadding="1" cellspacing="0" border="10" bgcolor="#999999" width="100%"><tr><td> <table border="0" cellpadding="10" cellspacing="1" bgcolor="#999999" width="100%"><tr bgcolor="cornsilk"><td> <font size="2" font color="black"> <b>-My name is: <font size="2" font color="green"> <a href="mailto: dustyhundley@aol.com">Dusty </a><br> <font size="2" font color="black"> <b>-Do I have a website?: <font size="2" font color="green"> <a href="http://">No </a><br> <font size="2" font color="black"> <b>-I found Masa because: <font size="2" font color="green"> You sent me spam with your link, you Jackass! <br> <font size="2" font color="black"> <b>-I think Masa should: <font size="2" font color="green"> play "Asshole" song to my boss <br> <font size="2" font color="black"> <b>-Masa's perfect girl is: <font size="2" font color="green"> <br> <font size="2" font color="black"> <b>-I wanna say: <font size="2" font color="green"> your a tool but cool </div></td></tr></table></td></tr></table> <br /></form></div> <br> <center> <font size="2"> Saturday 07/06/2002 </center> <table cellpadding="1" cellspacing="0" border="10" bgcolor="#999999" width="100%"><tr><td> <table border="0" cellpadding="10" cellspacing="1" bgcolor="#999999" width="100%"><tr bgcolor="cornsilk"><td> <font size="2" font color="black"> <b>-My name is: <font size="2" font color="green"> <a href="mailto:">Bill Blickers </a><br> <font size="2" font color="black"> <b>-Do I have a website?: <font size="2" font color="green"> <a href="http://">No </a><br> <font size="2" font color="black"> <b>-I found Masa because: <font size="2" font color="green"> Saw your truck <br> <font size="2" font color="black"> <b>-I think Masa should: <font size="2" font color="green"> Not eat ramen noodle and hot dogs everyday <br> <font size="2" font color="black"> <b>-Masa's perfect girl is: <font size="2" font color="green"> <br> <font size="2" font color="black"> <b>-I wanna say: <font size="2" font color="green"> As I was waking up this morning, I saw a white Mazda truck with this website on the back window stop in front of my house. A japanese male then got out of the truck and stole my newspaper! As I came charging out of the house, this guy spun wheels as he sped away! I am offering a 50 cent award for anyone who can tell me who did this. It may be a coincidence, but the guy looks just like the guy on this webpage!! </div></td></tr></table></td></tr></table> <br /></form></div> <br> <center> <font size="2"> Saturday 07/06/2002 </center> <table cellpadding="1" cellspacing="0" border="10" bgcolor="#999999" width="100%"><tr><td> <table border="0" cellpadding="10" cellspacing="1" bgcolor="#999999" width="100%"><tr bgcolor="cornsilk"><td> <font size="2" font color="black"> <b>-My name is: <font size="2" font color="green"> <a href="mailto: michaelashley@comcast.net">Michael Ashley </a><br> <font size="2" font color="black"> <b>-Do I have a website?: <font size="2" font color="green"> <a href="http://">No </a><br> <font size="2" font color="black"> <b>-I found Masa because: <font size="2" font color="green"> Judge Judy told me about you <br> <font size="2" font color="black"> <b>-I think Masa should: <font size="2" font color="green"> play "Asshole" song to my boss <br> <font size="2" font color="black"> <b>-Masa's perfect girl is: <font size="2" font color="green"> Anyone with money, right? <br> <font size="2" font color="black"> <b>-I wanna say: <font size="2" font color="green"> Hey, MASA, keep up the good work. You're a great guy, and good things happen to good people.Tell your roommate, Ricky Bravelion to get off your back, and that Michael Ashley said hey! Good luck and stay cool! </div></td></tr></table></td></tr></table> <br /></form></div> <br> <center> <font size="2"> Monday 07/01/2002 </center> <table cellpadding="1" cellspacing="0" border="10" bgcolor="#999999" width="100%"><tr><td> <table border="0" cellpadding="10" cellspacing="1" bgcolor="#999999" width="100%"><tr bgcolor="cornsilk"><td> <font size="2" font color="black"> <b>-My name is: <font size="2" font color="green"> <a href="mailto: rockerman34@yahoo.com">Kenny Knight of 24-7 </a><br> <font size="2" font color="black"> <b>-Do I have a website?: <font size="2" font color="green"> <a href="http://www.24-7rocks.com">Yes </a><br> <font size="2" font color="black"> <b>-I found Masa because: <font size="2" font color="green"> You sent me spam with your link, you Jackass! <br> <font size="2" font color="black"> <b>-I think Masa should: <font size="2" font color="green"> Be a porn star. Not a rock star <br> <font size="2" font color="black"> <b>-Masa's perfect girl is: <font size="2" font color="green"> <br> <font size="2" font color="black"> <b>-I wanna say: <font size="2" font color="green"> MASA, Just wanted to say thanks for giving us the hook-up at The French Quarter. we had a good time jamming with you guys. Lets do it again soon!. Later, Kenny </div></td></tr></table></td></tr></table> <br /></form></div> <br> <center> <font size="2"> Wednesday 06/12/2002 </center> <table cellpadding="1" cellspacing="0" border="10" bgcolor="#999999" width="100%"><tr><td> <table border="0" cellpadding="10" cellspacing="1" bgcolor="#999999" width="100%"><tr bgcolor="cornsilk"><td> <font size="2" font color="black"> <b>-My name is: <font size="2" font color="green"> <a href="mailto: tawny14@aol.com">Tawny </a><br> <font size="2" font color="black"> <b>-Do I have a website?: <font size="2" font color="green"> <a href="http://www.mp3.com/tawny">Yes </a><br> <font size="2" font color="black"> <b>-I found Masa because: <font size="2" font color="green">Followed the smell of Rock n' Roll <br> <font size="2" font color="black"> <b>-I think Masa should: <font size="2" font color="green"> Not eat ramen noodle and hot dogs everyday <br> <font size="2" font color="black"> <b>-Masa's perfect girl is: <font size="2" font color="green"> <br> <font size="2" font color="black"> <b>-I wanna say: <font size="2" font color="green"> Hey!! Great to meet you...and GREAT SITE = ) Just wanted to say hey...played at the 12@12 the other night....the girl rock band...anyway, cool site and thanks for letting us play = ) </div></td></tr></table></td></tr></table> <br /></form></div> <br> <center> <font size="2"> Monday 06/10/2002 </center> <table cellpadding="1" cellspacing="0" border="10" bgcolor="#999999" width="100%"><tr><td> <table border="0" cellpadding="10" cellspacing="1" bgcolor="#999999" width="100%"><tr bgcolor="cornsilk"><td> <font size="2" font color="black"> <b>-My name is: <font size="2" font color="green"> <a href="mailto: Starving_artist@hotmail.com">Jason </a><br> <font size="2" font color="black"> <b>-Do I have a website?: <font size="2" font color="green"> <a href="http://">No </a><br> <font size="2" font color="black"> <b>-I found Masa because: <font size="2" font color="green">Saw your T-shirts <br> <font size="2" font color="black"> <b>-I think Masa should: <font size="2" font color="green">Be a porn star. Not a rock star <br> <font size="2" font color="black"> <b>-Masa's perfect girl is: <font size="2" font color="green"> <br> <font size="2" font color="black"> <b>-I wanna say: <font size="2" font color="green"> You are already a pretty established artist. And from the looks of your site, everybody seems to love you! So Congrats...any ways I just wanted to hear some tips from you and how you got to be where you are...currently I've been using that new service called Inside Sessions, the website is just Inside Sessions. You might have already heard of it. They have a program for songwriters with some very good info. Basically, established songwriters like Bernie Taupin, Will Jennings and more I don't remember talk about their secrets to success. But the coolest thing is when you register for the service, you get to submit a song to an A & R for written feedback about structure, lyrics, and originality. I know, what do these guys know right? Well, all I do know is I want to get published, I hope I get that publishing deal they offer to like the best three songs, I think I have a good chance man. Anyway, what do you guys do to get published? Now that I've kinda told you my thing, I wanna hear yours...thanks MASA, keep up the great work... </div></td></tr></table></td></tr></table> <br /></form></div> <br> <center> <font size="2"> Wednesday 05/08/2002 </center> <table cellpadding="1" cellspacing="0" border="10" bgcolor="#999999" width="100%"><tr><td> <table border="0" cellpadding="10" cellspacing="1" bgcolor="#999999" width="100%"><tr bgcolor="cornsilk"><td> <font size="2" font color="black"> <b>-My name is: <font size="2" font color="green"> <a href="mailto:">Rubin Kincaid </a><br> <font size="2" font color="black"> <b>-Do I have a website?: <font size="2" font color="green"> <a href="http://">No </a><br> <font size="2" font color="black"> <b>-I found Masa because: <font size="2" font color="green"> Went to an immigration office <br> <font size="2" font color="black"> <b>-I think Masa should: <font size="2" font color="green"> Go back to Japan <br> <font size="2" font color="black"> <b>-Masa's perfect girl is: <font size="2" font color="green"> <br> <font size="2" font color="black"> <b>-I wanna say: <font size="2" font color="green"> Hey Peter...Shut the hell up!!! ASS Licker!!! You don't know what the hell you're talking about!!! And all the other Masa haters can bite my ASS!!! </div></td></tr></table></td></tr></table> <br /></form></div> <br> <center> <font size="2"> Wednesday 05/08/2002 </center> <table cellpadding="1" cellspacing="0" border="10" bgcolor="#999999" width="100%"><tr><td> <table border="0" cellpadding="10" cellspacing="1" bgcolor="#999999" width="100%"><tr bgcolor="cornsilk"><td> <font size="2" font color="black"> <b>-My name is: <font size="2" font color="green"> <a href="mailto:bluesman@tomshim">Tommy Shim </a><br> <font size="2" font color="black"> <b>-Do I have a website?: <font size="2" font color="green"> <a href="http://www.tomshim.com ">Yes </a><br> <font size="2" font color="black"> <b>-I found Masa because: <font size="2" font color="green"> You sent me spams with your link, you Jackass!! <br> <font size="2" font color="black"> <b>-I think Masa should: <font size="2" font color="green"> Not eat ramen noodle and hot dogs everyday <br> <font size="2" font color="black"> <b>-Masa's perfect girl is: <font size="2" font color="green"> I have no idea... <br> <font size="2" font color="black"> <b>-I wanna say: <font size="2" font color="green"> I am a Korean. I came to USA 1976 with my guitar and I'm still playing blues. I wish you a good luck with your music. </div></td></tr></table></td></tr></table> <br /></form></div> <br> <center> <font size="2"> Tuesday 05/07/2002 </center> <table cellpadding="1" cellspacing="0" border="10" bgcolor="#999999" width="100%"><tr><td> <table border="0" cellpadding="10" cellspacing="1" bgcolor="#999999" width="100%"><tr bgcolor="cornsilk"><td> <font size="2" font color="black"> <b>-My name is: <font size="2" font color="green"> <a href="mailto:sprinkles@aol.com">Peter Sprinkler </a><br> <font size="2" font color="black"> <b>-Do I have a website?: <font size="2" font color="green"> <a href="http://www.sprinkleshow.com">Yes </a><br> <font size="2" font color="black"> <b>-I found Masa because: <font size="2" font color="green"> Went to the immigration office <br> <font size="2" font color="black"> <b>-I think Masa should: <font size="2" font color="green"> Go back to Japan <br> <font size="2" font color="black"> <b>-Masa's perfect girl is: <font size="2" font color="green"> Mike Tyson <br> <font size="2" font color="black"> <b>-I wanna say: <font size="2" font color="green"> I just got spammed with your communist propaganda BULLSHITS!!!!! The Electric Guitar wasn't created by a goddamned Japanese person. It was created in the woohly swamps of Mississippi you son of a bitch!!!! What kind of shits is that? HUH? You better spam your fans again and tell them that it was all a lie!!! A lie goddamnit!!!!! Peter Sprinkler Hey Rubin, what's happend to you, you piece of shit!!!!! ASSHOLE!!!!!!!!! </div></td></tr></table></td></tr></table> <br /></form></div> <br> <center> <font size="2"> Thursday 05/02/2002 </center> <table cellpadding="1" cellspacing="0" border="10" bgcolor="#999999" width="100%"><tr><td> <table border="0" cellpadding="10" cellspacing="1" bgcolor="#999999" width="100%"><tr bgcolor="cornsilk"><td> <font size="2" font color="black"> <a href="http://angelfire.com/rock3/masanote/control"> <b>SECRET POSTING</a> </div></td></tr></table></td></tr></table> <br /></form></div> <br> <center> <font size="2"> Wednesday 05/01/2002 </center> <table cellpadding="1" cellspacing="0" border="10" bgcolor="#999999" width="100%"><tr><td> <table border="0" cellpadding="10" cellspacing="1" bgcolor="#999999" width="100%"><tr bgcolor="cornsilk"><td> <font size="2" font color="black"> <b>-My name is: <font size="2" font color="green"> <a href="mailto:Merican@roundeye.com">Hackwong Dongkong </a><br> <font size="2" font color="black"> <b>-Do I have a website?: <font size="2" font color="green"> <a href="http://">No </a><br> <font size="2" font color="black"> <b>-I found Masa because: <font size="2" font color="green"> Saw your truck <br> <font size="2" font color="black"> <b>-I think Masa should: <font size="2" font color="green"> Get married (see below) <br> <font size="2" font color="black"> <b>-Masa's perfect girl is: <font size="2" font color="green"> Alec Baldwin <br> <font size="2" font color="black"> <b>-I wanna say: <font size="2" font color="green"> Mike Curb and the Scene are right. You are the funniest, most heartfelt comedian I've heard in a while. Please don't learn the English language, your image would suffer. </div></td></tr></table></td></tr></table> <br /></form></div> <br> <center> <font size="2"> Saturday 04/27/2002 </center> <table cellpadding="1" cellspacing="0" border="10" bgcolor="#999999" width="100%"><tr><td> <table border="0" cellpadding="10" cellspacing="1" bgcolor="#999999" width="100%"><tr bgcolor="cornsilk"><td> <font size="2" font color="black"> <b>-My name is: <font size="2" font color="green"> <a href="mailto:masaSUCKS@shittymusic.com">Thank god I'm not Masa </a><br> <font size="2" font color="black"> <b>-Do I have a website?: <font size="2" font color="green"> <a href="http://www.NeedEnglishLessons.com">Yes </a><br> <font size="2" font color="black"> <b>-I found Masa because: <font size="2" font color="green"> Went to the immigration office <br> <font size="2" font color="black"> <b>-I think Masa should: <font size="2" font color="green"> Go back to Japan <br> <font size="2" font color="black"> <b>-Masa's perfect girl is: <font size="2" font color="green"> Justin Timberlake <br> <font size="2" font color="black"> <b>-I wanna say: <font size="2" font color="green"> Oh what horrible music this is! I hope it's a big joke! </div></td></tr></table></td></tr></table> <br /></form></div> <br> <center> <font size="2"> Thursday 04/25/2002 </center> <table cellpadding="1" cellspacing="0" border="10" bgcolor="#999999" width="100%"><tr><td> <table border="0" cellpadding="10" cellspacing="1" bgcolor="#999999" width="100%"><tr bgcolor="cornsilk"><td> <font size="2" font color="black"> <b>-My name is: <font size="2" font color="green"> <a href="mailto:johnnyquest86@yahoo.com">Johnny Harricharan </a><br> <font size="2" font color="black"> <b>-Do I have a website?: <font size="2" font color="green"> <a href="http://Who's George Strait ">Yes </a><br> <font size="2" font color="black"> <b>-I found Masa because: <font size="2" font color="green"> Followed the smell of Rock n' Roll <br> <font size="2" font color="black"> <b>-I think Masa should: <font size="2" font color="green"> Be a porn star. Not a rock star <br> <font size="2" font color="black"> <b>-Masa's perfect girl is: <font size="2" font color="green"> A choclate sista wit da junk in da trunk <br> <font size="2" font color="black"> <b>-I wanna say: <font size="2" font color="green"> You are the greatest thing to happen to musak since Milli Vanilli. That is so great that you are here to stay Please please please come to Atlanta fo all the pussy I have my Nike hat and I sing on the way to home </div></td></tr></table></td></tr></table> <br /></form></div> <br> <center> <font size="2"> Thursday 04/25/2002 </center> <table cellpadding="1" cellspacing="0" border="10" bgcolor="#999999" width="100%"><tr><td> <table border="0" cellpadding="10" cellspacing="1" bgcolor="#999999" width="100%"><tr bgcolor="cornsilk"><td> <font size="2" font color="black"> <b>-My name is: <font size="2" font color="green"> <a href="mailto:Matthewpadams@yahoo,com">Matthew Adams </a><br> <font size="2" font color="black"> <b>-Do I have a website?: <font size="2" font color="green"> <a href="http://hey, hey, hey...........NO!">Yes </a><br> <font size="2" font color="black"> <b>-I found Masa because: <font size="2" font color="green"> Judge Judy told me <br> <font size="2" font color="black"> <b>-I think Masa should: <font size="2" font color="green"> Loose some weight <br> <font size="2" font color="black"> <b>-Masa's perfect girl is: <font size="2" font color="green"> His right hand....... <br> <font size="2" font color="black"> <b>-I wanna say: <font size="2" font color="green"> Hey hey hey please please please keep rockin your non american balls off. Seeeeeesss a kunty guuulll, no malbo man. Donut wrry, im not for nOkalohoma. I'm nutting witrh out famuly... </div></td></tr></table></td></tr></table> <br /></form></div> <br> <center> <font size="2"> Sunday 04/21/2002 </center> <table cellpadding="1" cellspacing="0" border="10" bgcolor="#999999" width="100%"><tr><td> <table border="0" cellpadding="10" cellspacing="1" bgcolor="#999999" width="100%"><tr bgcolor="cornsilk"><td> <font size="2" font color="black"> <a href="http://angelfire.com/rock3/masanote/control"> <b>SECRET POSTING </a><br> </div></td></tr></table></td></tr></table> <br /></form></div> <br> <center> <font size="2"> Friday 04/05/2002 </center> <table cellpadding="1" cellspacing="0" border="10" bgcolor="#999999" width="100%"><tr><td> <table border="0" cellpadding="10" cellspacing="1" bgcolor="#999999" width="100%"><tr bgcolor="cornsilk"><td> <font size="2" font color="black"> <b>-My name is: <font size="2" font color="green"> <a href="mailto:jason@elluzion.net">Jason </a><br> <font size="2" font color="black"> <b>-Do I have a website?: <font size="2" font color="green"> <a href="http://elluzion.net">Yes </a><br> <font size="2" font color="black"> <b>-I found Masa because: <font size="2" font color="green"> Judge Judy told me <br> <font size="2" font color="black"> <b>-I think Masa should: <font size="2" font color="green"> Not eat ramen noodles everyday <br> <font size="2" font color="black"> <b>-Masa's perfect girl is: <font size="2" font color="green"> Judge Judy <br> <font size="2" font color="black"> <b>-I wanna say: <font size="2" font color="green"> Saw you at The End tonight, great show. Dont stop. </div></td></tr></table></td></tr></table> <br /></form></div> <br> <center> <font size="2"> Friday 04/05/2002 </center> <table cellpadding="1" cellspacing="0" border="10" bgcolor="#999999" width="100%"><tr><td> <table border="0" cellpadding="10" cellspacing="1" bgcolor="#999999" width="100%"><tr bgcolor="cornsilk"><td> <font size="2" font color="black"> <b>-My name is: <font size="2" font color="green"> <a href="mailto:">Reuben Kincaid </a><br> <font size="2" font color="black"> <b>-Do I have a website?: <font size="2" font color="green"> <a href="http://">No </a><br> <font size="2" font color="black"> <b>-I found Masa because: <font size="2" font color="green"> Judge Judy told me <br> <font size="2" font color="black"> <b>-I think Masa should: <font size="2" font color="green"> Sing 'Asshole' song to my boss <br> <font size="2" font color="black"> <b>-Masa's perfect girl is: <font size="2" font color="green"> <br> <font size="2" font color="black"> <b>-I wanna say: <font size="2" font color="green"> I will be at the Masa'a Tin Pan South show at the End. I will be drinking wine spritzers and listening to some kick ass rock n roll. I hope to meet other Masa fans while I'm there. Reuben K. </div></td></tr></table></td></tr></table> <br /></form></div> <br> <center> <font size="2"> Friday 03/29/2002 </center> <table cellpadding="1" cellspacing="0" border="10" bgcolor="#999999" width="100%"><tr><td> <table border="0" cellpadding="10" cellspacing="1" bgcolor="#999999" width="100%"><tr bgcolor="cornsilk"><td> <font size="2" font color="black"> <b>-My name is: <font size="2" font color="green"> <a href="mailto:">Joy </a><br> <font size="2" font color="black"> <b>-Do I have a website?: <font size="2" font color="green"> <a href="http://">No </a><br> <font size="2" font color="black"> <b>-I found Masa because: <font size="2" font color="green"> I'm a psychic. duh <br> <font size="2" font color="black"> <b>-I think Masa should: <font size="2" font color="green"> Not eat ramen noodles everyday <br> <font size="2" font color="black"> <b>-Masa's perfect girl is: <font size="2" font color="green"> sheesh find ya own gal MASA <br> <font size="2" font color="black"> <b>-I wanna say: <font size="2" font color="green"> Sorry I didn't get to see you while In Nashville bud. Maybe next time. I'll be back In May. Hugs, Joy </div></td></tr></table></td></tr></table> <br /></form></div> <br> <center> <font size="2"> Friday 03/29/2002 </center> <table cellpadding="1" cellspacing="0" border="10" bgcolor="#999999" width="100%"><tr><td> <table border="0" cellpadding="10" cellspacing="1" bgcolor="#999999" width="100%"><tr bgcolor="cornsilk"><td> <font size="2" font color="black"> <b>-My name is: <font size="2" font color="green"> <a href="mailto:maraiashort@aol.com">Maraia </a><br> <font size="2" font color="black"> <b>-Do I have a website?: <font size="2" font color="green"> <a href="http://">No </a><br> <font size="2" font color="black"> <b>-I found Masa because: <font size="2" font color="green"> Went to the immigration office <br> <font size="2" font color="black"> <b>-I think Masa should: <font size="2" font color="green"> Have noticed I had a crush <br> <font size="2" font color="black"> <b>-Masa's perfect girl is: <font size="2" font color="green"> <br> <font size="2" font color="black"> <b>-I wanna say: <font size="2" font color="green"> can't wait for the Mars experience </div></td></tr></table></td></tr></table> <br /></form></div> <br> <center> <font size="2"> Thursday 03/28/2002 </center> <table cellpadding="1" cellspacing="0" border="10" bgcolor="#999999" width="100%"><tr><td> <table border="0" cellpadding="10" cellspacing="1" bgcolor="#999999" width="100%"><tr bgcolor="cornsilk"><td> <font size="2" font color="black"> <b>-My name is: <font size="2" font color="green"> <a href="mailto:">A Guestbook Reader </a><br> <font size="2" font color="black"> <b>-Do I have a website?: <font size="2" font color="green"> <a href="http://">No </a><br> <font size="2" font color="black"> <b>-I found Masa because: <font size="2" font color="green"> <br> <font size="2" font color="black"> <b>-I think Masa should: <font size="2" font color="green"> <br> <font size="2" font color="black"> <b>-Masa's perfect girl is: <font size="2" font color="green"> <br> <font size="2" font color="black"> <b>-I wanna say: <font size="2" font color="green"> To the local musician: Lick my motherfucking balls asshole! Masa has rocked 12th & Porter you no songwriting shithead. Screw you! Maybe you should work at the #@%&$, oh you probably do. How many songs do you have on hold, loser!! How many nobody producers has your girlfriend sucked off!!! ASSHOLE!! A Masa Fan </div></td></tr></table></td></tr></table> <br /></form></div> <br> <center> <font size="2"> Friday 03/22/2002 </center> <table cellpadding="1" cellspacing="0" border="10" bgcolor="#999999" width="100%"><tr><td> <table border="0" cellpadding="10" cellspacing="1" bgcolor="#999999" width="100%"><tr bgcolor="cornsilk"><td> <font size="2" font color="black"> <b>-My name is: <font size="2" font color="green"> <a href="mailto:harveygoodtimer@aol.com">Harvey </a><br> <font size="2" font color="black"> <b>-Do I have a website?: <font size="2" font color="green"> <a href="http://">No </a><br> <font size="2" font color="black"> <b>-I found Masa because: <font size="2" font color="green"> Followed the smell of Rock n' Roll <br> <font size="2" font color="black"> <b>-I think Masa should: <font size="2" font color="green"> Get married (see below) <br> <font size="2" font color="black"> <b>-Masa's perfect girl is: <font size="2" font color="green"> Check out my website <br> <font size="2" font color="black"> <b>-I wanna say: <font size="2" font color="green"> Hey man i like your music. I am an entertainer too!! Check out my site and see what I've go going on! I'm coming to nashville in May. Maybe we can eat lunch. Later </div></td></tr></table></td></tr></table> <br /></form></div> <br> <center> <font size="2"> Monday 03/18/2002 </center> <table cellpadding="1" cellspacing="0" border="10" bgcolor="#999999" width="100%"><tr><td> <table border="0" cellpadding="10" cellspacing="1" bgcolor="#999999" width="100%"><tr bgcolor="cornsilk"><td> <font size="2" font color="black"> <b>-My name is: <font size="2" font color="green"> <a href="mailto:pwm@pamelamartinmusic.com">Pamela Martin </a><br> <font size="2" font color="black"> <b>-Do I have a website?: <font size="2" font color="green"> <a href="http://www.pamelamartinmusic.com">Yes </a><br> <font size="2" font color="black"> <b>-I found Masa because: <font size="2" font color="green"> Followed the smell of Rock n' Roll <br> <font size="2" font color="black"> <b>-I think Masa should: <font size="2" font color="green"> <br> <font size="2" font color="black"> <b>-Masa's perfect girl is: <font size="2" font color="green"> will leave that for YOU to decide! <br> <font size="2" font color="black"> <b>-I wanna say: <font size="2" font color="green"> I live in the Nashville area....would love to jam with you sometime. I know you used to perform at the Broken Spoke awhile back! Contact me if you're interested. And of course, check out my site! </div></td></tr></table></td></tr></table> <br /></form></div> <br> <center> <font size="2"> Saturday 03/16/2002 </center> <table cellpadding="1" cellspacing="0" border="10" bgcolor="#999999" width="100%"><tr><td> <table border="0" cellpadding="10" cellspacing="1" bgcolor="#999999" width="100%"><tr bgcolor="cornsilk"><td> <font size="2" font color="black"> <b>-My name is: <font size="2" font color="green"> <a href="mailto:">Kevin </a><br> <font size="2" font color="black"> <b>-Do I have a website?: <font size="2" font color="green"> <a href="http://www.velvetpop.com">Yes </a><br> <font size="2" font color="black"> <b>-I found Masa because: <font size="2" font color="green"> Followed the smell of Rock n' Roll <br> <font size="2" font color="black"> <b>-I think Masa should: <font size="2" font color="green"> Have noticed I had a crush. <br> <font size="2" font color="black"> <b>-Masa's perfect girl is: <font size="2" font color="green"> <br> <font size="2" font color="black"> <b>-I wanna say: <font size="2" font color="green"> </div></td></tr></table></td></tr></table> <br /></form></div> <br> <center> <font size="2"> Saturday 03/09/2002 </center> <table cellpadding="1" cellspacing="0" border="10" bgcolor="#999999" width="100%"><tr><td> <table border="0" cellpadding="10" cellspacing="1" bgcolor="#999999" width="100%"><tr bgcolor="cornsilk"><td> <font size="2" font color="black"> <b><a href="http://angelfire.com/rock3/masanote/control"> SECRET POSTING </a><br> </div></td></tr></table></td></tr></table> <br /></form></div> <br> <center> <font size="2"> Saturday 03/02/2002 </center> <table cellpadding="1" cellspacing="0" border="10" bgcolor="#999999" width="100%"><tr><td> <table border="0" cellpadding="10" cellspacing="1" bgcolor="#999999" width="100%"><tr bgcolor="cornsilk"><td> <font size="2" font color="black"> <b>-My name is: <font size="2" font color="green"> <a href="mailto:matth@projectionsvideo.com">Matt Hulgan </a><br> <font size="2" font color="black"> <b>-Do I have a website?: <font size="2" font color="green"> <a href="http://">No </a><br> <font size="2" font color="black"> <b>-I wanna say: <font size="2" font color="green"> MASA I'm the Croatian fan. I'm in Nashville this weekend and shows are my gig. I love the ass songs with guitar and you should playing not this weekend? Matt </div></td></tr></table></td></tr></table> <br /></form></div> <br> <center> <font size="2"> Saturday 02/23/2002 </center> <table cellpadding="1" cellspacing="0" border="10" bgcolor="#999999" width="100%"><tr><td> <table border="0" cellpadding="10" cellspacing="1" bgcolor="#999999" width="100%"><tr bgcolor="cornsilk"><td> <font size="2" font color="black"> <b><a href="http://angelfire.com/rock3/masanote/control"> SECRET POSTING </a><br> </div></td></tr></table></td></tr></table> <br /></form></div> <br> <center> <font size="2"> Monday 02/18/2002 </center> <table cellpadding="1" cellspacing="0" border="10" bgcolor="#999999" width="100%"><tr><td> <table border="0" cellpadding="10" cellspacing="1" bgcolor="#999999" width="100%"><tr bgcolor="cornsilk"><td> <font size="2" font color="black"> <b>-My name is: <font size="2" font color="green"> <a href="mailto:rockerman34@yahoo.com">Kenny Knight </a><br> <font size="2" font color="black"> <b>-Do I have a website?: <font size="2" font color="green"> <a href="http://www.24-7rocks.com">Yes </a><br> <font size="2" font color="black"> <b>-I wanna say: <font size="2" font color="green"> MASA, Whats Up RockAss! Just checking in to promote our new CD simply titled "24-7 Rocks" and sponge off of your fans a little. Check us out. </div></td></tr></table></td></tr></table> <br /></form></div> <br> <center> <font size="2"> Saturday 02/16/2002 </center> <table cellpadding="1" cellspacing="0" border="10" bgcolor="#999999" width="100%"><tr><td> <table border="0" cellpadding="10" cellspacing="1" bgcolor="#999999" width="100%"><tr bgcolor="cornsilk"><td> <font size="2" font color="black"> <b>-My name is: <font size="2" font color="green"> <a href="mailto:AAAFTW@hotmail.com">Friends of Masa </a><br> <font size="2" font color="black"> <b>-Do I have a website?: <font size="2" font color="green"> <a href="http://">No </a><br> <font size="2" font color="black"> <b>-I wanna say: <font size="2" font color="green"> While we realize that your music contains absolutely no artistic merit, the friends of Masa believe in his diligence. The world will always need a few Masas!! </div></td></tr></table></td></tr></table> <br /></form></div> <br> <center> <font size="2"> Saturday 02/16/2002 </center> <table cellpadding="1" cellspacing="0" border="10" bgcolor="#999999" width="100%"><tr><td> <table border="0" cellpadding="10" cellspacing="1" bgcolor="#999999" width="100%"><tr bgcolor="cornsilk"><td> <font size="2" font color="green"> <a href="http://www.angelfire.com/rock3/masanote/control"><b>SECRET POSTING</b> </a><br> </div></td></tr></table></td></tr></table> <br /></form></div> <br> <center> <font size="2"> Saturday 02/16/2002 </center> <table cellpadding="1" cellspacing="0" border="10" bgcolor="#999999" width="100%"><tr><td> <table border="0" cellpadding="10" cellspacing="1" bgcolor="#999999" width="100%"><tr bgcolor="cornsilk"><td> <font size="2" font color="black"> <b>-My name is: <font size="2" font color="green"> <a href="mailto:garyparks@yahoo.com">G.F. Parks </a><br> <font size="2" font color="black"> <b>-Do I have a website?: <font size="2" font color="green"> <a href="http://">No </a><br> <font size="2" font color="black"> <b>-I wanna say: <font size="2" font color="green"> write more songs like "Asshole"!!! </div></td></tr></table></td></tr></table> <br /></form></div> <br> <center> <font size="2"> Saturday 02/09/2002 </center> <table cellpadding="1" cellspacing="0" border="10" bgcolor="#999999" width="100%"><tr><td> <table border="0" cellpadding="10" cellspacing="1" bgcolor="#999999" width="100%"><tr bgcolor="cornsilk"><td> <font size="2" font color="black"> <b>-My name is: <font size="2" font color="green"> <a href="mailto:dhand34@hotmail.com">Jennifer Brantley </a><br> <font size="2" font color="black"> <b>-Do I have a website?: <font size="2" font color="green"> <a href="http://">No </a><br> <font size="2" font color="black"> <b>-I wanna say: <font size="2" font color="green"> See you at The Bbird </div></td></tr></table></td></tr></table> <br /></form></div> <br> <center> <font size="2"> Monday 01/28/2002 </center> <table cellpadding="1" cellspacing="0" border="10" bgcolor="#999999" width="100%"><tr><td> <table border="0" cellpadding="10" cellspacing="1" bgcolor="#999999" width="100%"><tr bgcolor="cornsilk"><td> <font size="2" font color="black"> <b>-My name is: <font size="2" font color="green"> <a href="mailto:smonea@aol.com">Simon </a><br> <font size="2" font color="black"> <b>-Do I have a website?: <font size="2" font color="green"> <a href="http://">No </a><br> <font size="2" font color="black"> <b>-I wanna say: <font size="2" font color="green"> Wow man, cool site. I typed in Judge Judy, you know the tv show, and it showed up. Keep on Rockin! </div></td></tr></table></td></tr></table> <br /></form></div> <br> <center> <font size="2"> Wednesday 01/23/2002 </center> <table cellpadding="1" cellspacing="0" border="10" bgcolor="#999999" width="100%"><tr><td> <table border="0" cellpadding="10" cellspacing="1" bgcolor="#999999" width="100%"><tr bgcolor="cornsilk"><td> <font size="2" font color="black"> <b>-My name is: <font size="2" font color="green"> <a href="mailto:brantley5@hotmail.com">dope-a-matic </a><br> <font size="2" font color="black"> <b>-Do I have a website?: <font size="2" font color="green"> <a href="http://dopeamatic.com">Yes </a><br> <font size="2" font color="black"> <b>-I wanna say: <font size="2" font color="green"> Great show! </div></td></tr></table></td></tr></table> <br /></form></div> <center> <font size="2"> Monday 01/21/2002 </center> <table cellpadding="1" cellspacing="0" border="10" bgcolor="#999999" width="100%"><tr><td> <table border="0" cellpadding="10" cellspacing="1" bgcolor="#999999" width="100%"><tr bgcolor="cornsilk"><td> <font size="2" font color="black"> <b>-My name is: <font size="2" font color="green"> <a href="mailto:JimMcCaskill@yahoo.com">Jim McCaskill </a><br> <font size="2" font color="black"> <b>-Do I have a website?: <font size="2" font color="green"> <a href="http://">No </a><br> <font size="2" font color="black"> <b>-I wanna say: <font size="2" font color="green"> I found this site from friend. Masa is the best! Jim </div></td></tr></table></td></tr></table> <br /></form></div> <br> <center> <font size="2"> Sunday 01/20/2002 </center> <table cellpadding="1" cellspacing="0" border="10" bgcolor="#999999" width="100%"><tr><td> <table border="0" cellpadding="10" cellspacing="1" bgcolor="#999999" width="100%"><tr bgcolor="cornsilk"><td> <font size="2" font color="black"> <b>-My name is: <font size="2" font color="green"> <a href="mailto:sprinkles@aol.com">Peter Sprinkler </a><br> <font size="2" font color="black"> <b>-Do I have a website?: <font size="2" font color="green"> <a href="http://www.sprinkleshow.com ">Yes </a><br> <font size="2" font color="black"> <b>-I wanna say: <font size="2" font color="green"> Hey great site. You are the best artist. no doubt. When are you playing again? </div></td></tr></table></td></tr></table> <br /></form></div> <br> <center> <font size="2"> Sunday 01/20/2002 </center> <table cellpadding="1" cellspacing="0" border="10" bgcolor="#999999" width="100%"><tr><td> <table border="0" cellpadding="10" cellspacing="1" bgcolor="#999999" width="100%"><tr bgcolor="cornsilk"><td> <font size="2" font color="black"> <b>-My name is: <font size="2" font color="green"> <a href="mailto:tommyboythePrez@sonyrecords.com">Tommy Motolla</a><br> <font size="2" font color="black"> <b>-Do I have a website?: <font size="2" font color="green"> <a href="http://www.sonymusic.com">Yes </a><br> <font size="2" font color="black"> <b>-I wanna say: <font size="2" font color="green"> Masa, You rock ass. maybe we can talk. Later. T.M. New York, New York </div></td></tr></table></td></tr></table> <br /></form></div> <br> <center> <font size="2"> Tuesday 01/15/2002 </center> <table cellpadding="1" cellspacing="0" border="10" bgcolor="#999999" width="100%"><tr><td> <table border="0" cellpadding="10" cellspacing="1" bgcolor="#999999" width="100%"><tr bgcolor="cornsilk"><td> <font size="2" font color="black"> <b>-My name is: <font size="2" font color="green"> <a href="mailto:">Kitt </a><br> <font size="2" font color="black"> <b>-Do I have a website?: <font size="2" font color="green"> <a href="http://www.izakandwest.com">Yes </a><br> <font size="2" font color="black"> <b>-I wanna say: <font size="2" font color="green"> Masa, you are one of my best friends in the whole wide rockin' ass music world ! love ya bud ! Don't be afraid to ROCK ! --Kitt </div></td></tr></table></td></tr></table> <br /></form></div> <br> <center> <font size="2"> Tuesday 01/15/2002 </center> <table cellpadding="1" cellspacing="0" border="10" bgcolor="#999999" width="100%"><tr><td> <table border="0" cellpadding="10" cellspacing="1" bgcolor="#999999" width="100%"><tr bgcolor="cornsilk"><td> <font size="2" font color="black"> <b>-My name is: <font size="2" font color="green"> <a href="mailto:bws-management@talkcity.com">BWS Management Int`l </a><br> <font size="2" font color="black"> <b>-Do I have a website?: <font size="2" font color="green"> <a href="http://home.talkcity.com/DianaDr/bws-management/index.html">Yes </a><br> <font size="2" font color="black"> <b>-I wanna say: <font size="2" font color="green"> Dear Friend ! Do you like Linedance ? Please visit Paul Mateki fanclub on BWS Management homepage. That page is dedicated to all the line dancers that dance around the world. For all the hand-clapping, foot-stomping, shuffling and grape-vining people out there, we have done our best to find the best dances to be done to Paul Mateki's music. We hope you enjoy the dances! Please visit BWS Management Int`l homepage. Paul Mateki from Texas in USA - "Male Vocalist of the Year, and Most played country artist on radiostations in Europe" (ECMA - 2001) #3 most played on radiostations worldwide 2001. Listen to Paul`s music, and find out why he is the #1 singer in Europe . Buy your own Paul Mateki CD on. BWS Management Homepage. Best regards, BWS Management Int`l </div></td></tr></table></td></tr></table> <br /></form></div> <br> <center> <font size="2"> Sunday 01/13/2002 </center> <table cellpadding="1" cellspacing="0" border="10" bgcolor="#999999" width="100%"><tr><td> <table border="0" cellpadding="10" cellspacing="1" bgcolor="#999999" width="100%"><tr bgcolor="cornsilk"><td> <font size="2" font color="black"> <b>-My name is: <font size="2" font color="green"> <a href="mailto:safari99@bellsouth.net">Rose </a><br> <font size="2" font color="black"> <b>-Do I have a website?: <font size="2" font color="green"> <a href="http://">No </a><br> <font size="2" font color="black"> <b>-I wanna say: <font size="2" font color="green"> Masa! Dude...I am so glad that I got to meet you! Thank you so much for your kind words, my goal in life is to ROCK YOUR ASS!! We hope to see you at Wolfy's on Tuesday! Thanks again! Ciao for now! Rose </div></td></tr></table></td></tr></table> <br /></form></div> <br> <center> <font size="2"> Sunday 01/13/2002 </center> <table cellpadding="1" cellspacing="0" border="10" bgcolor="#999999" width="100%"><tr><td> <table border="0" cellpadding="10" cellspacing="1" bgcolor="#999999" width="100%"><tr bgcolor="cornsilk"><td> <font size="2" font color="black"> <b>-My name is: <font size="2" font color="green"> <a href="mailto:bluesman@tomshim.com">Tommy Shim </a><br> <font size="2" font color="black"> <b>-Do I have a website?: <font size="2" font color="green"> <a href="http://www.tomshim.com">Yes </a><br> <font size="2" font color="black"> <b>-I wanna say: <font size="2" font color="green"> I've check your web site and I'm impress. I read your story and listen your songs. It was great and hope you good luck for your music. I am a Korean and I play guitar all my life. Let's have a wonderful new year and Let's keep up the good work !!! PEACE !!! From Seattle WA. Tommy Shim </div></td></tr></table></td></tr></table> <br /></form></div> <br> <center> <font size="2"> Thursday 01/10/2002 </center> <table cellpadding="1" cellspacing="0" border="10" bgcolor="#999999" width="100%"><tr><td> <table border="0" cellpadding="10" cellspacing="1" bgcolor="#999999" width="100%"><tr bgcolor="cornsilk"><td> <font size="2" font color="black"> <b>-My name is: <font size="2" font color="green"> <a href="mailto:emusick@rockhousestudio.com">Earl Musick </a><br> <font size="2" font color="black"> <b>-Do I have a website?: <font size="2" font color="green"> <a href="http://www.reloadrecordcompany.com/earlmusick">Yes </a><br> <font size="2" font color="black"> <b>-I wanna say: <font size="2" font color="green"> Nice web site, if you have a chance and like Americana music check mine out. http://www.mp3.com/earlmusick </div></td></tr></table></td></tr></table> <br /></form></div> <br> <center> <font size="2"> Saturday 12/29/2001 </center> <table cellpadding="1" cellspacing="0" border="10" bgcolor="#999999" width="100%"><tr><td> <table border="0" cellpadding="10" cellspacing="1" bgcolor="#999999" width="100%"><tr bgcolor="cornsilk"><td> <font size="2" font color="black"> <b>-My name is: <font size="2" font color="green"> <a href="mailto:">Kathy Horn </a><br> <font size="2" font color="black"> <b>-Do I have a website?: <font size="2" font color="green"> <a href="http://">No </a><br> <font size="2" font color="black"> <b>-I wanna say: <font size="2" font color="green"> Hello, MASA! It's great to hear from you. You have had a great year! I will especially be looking for you performance at Tin Pan 2002! What a story you have! I admire anyone who can go bindly into a new country and progress like you have. Keep up the good work and the pursuit of your dreams! Hope to see you again soon. We still must have saki some time! ---kat. </div></td></tr></table></td></tr></table> <br /></form></div> <br> <center> <font size="2"> Friday 12/28/2001 </center> <table cellpadding="1" cellspacing="0" border="10" bgcolor="#999999" width="100%"><tr><td> <table border="0" cellpadding="10" cellspacing="1" bgcolor="#999999" width="100%"><tr bgcolor="cornsilk"><td> <font size="2" font color="black"> <b>-My name is: <font size="2" font color="green"> <a href="mailto:smoochknob@yahoo.com">Donnie From Smooch Knob </a><br> <font size="2" font color="black"> <b>-Do I have a website?: <font size="2" font color="green"> <a href="http://www.smoochknob.com">Yes </a><br> <font size="2" font color="black"> <b>-I wanna say: <font size="2" font color="green"> country girl but? awesome! </div></td></tr></table></td></tr></table> <br /></form></div> <br> <center> <font size="2"> Wednesday 12/19/2001 </center> <table cellpadding="1" cellspacing="0" border="10" bgcolor="#999999" width="100%"><tr><td> <table border="0" cellpadding="10" cellspacing="1" bgcolor="#999999" width="100%"><tr bgcolor="cornsilk"><td> <font size="2" font color="black"> <a href="http://www.angelfire.com/rock3/masanote/login"><b>SECRET POSTING</b> </a> </div></td></tr></table></td></tr></table> <br /></form></div> <br> <center> <font size="2"> Tuesday 12/18/2001 </center> <table cellpadding="1" cellspacing="0" border="10" bgcolor="#999999" width="100%"><tr><td> <table border="0" cellpadding="10" cellspacing="1" bgcolor="#999999" width="100%"><tr bgcolor="cornsilk"><td> <font size="2" font color="black"> <b>-My name is: <font size="2" font color="green"> <a href="mailto:fish@stewartslodge.com">Rhonda </a><br> <font size="2" font color="black"> <b>-Do I have a website?: <font size="2" font color="green"> <a href="http://stewartslodge.com">Yes </a><br> <font size="2" font color="black"> <b>-I wanna say: <font size="2" font color="green"> You crack me up - really MASA, I am waiting for you to go #1 and real big and then I can tell all my friends - hey I met him at the Bluebird Cafe and then at the Broken Spoke and he emailed me for years - HE EMAILED ME!!! Love it - keep it up and hey have a blast this season - remember Christ in Christmas and do New Years somewhere - really different this year.....cheers, Rhonda </div></td></tr></table></td></tr></table> <br /></form></div> <br> <center> <font size="2"> Tuesday 12/18/2001 </center> <table cellpadding="1" cellspacing="0" border="10" bgcolor="#999999" width="100%"><tr><td> <table border="0" cellpadding="10" cellspacing="1" bgcolor="#999999" width="100%"><tr bgcolor="cornsilk"><td> <font size="2" font color="black"> <b>-My name is: <font size="2" font color="green"> <a href="mailto:chilidogcowboy@yahoo.com">Rory White </a><br> <font size="2" font color="black"> <b>-Do I have a website?: <font size="2" font color="green"> <a href="http://">No </a><br> <font size="2" font color="black"> <b>-I wanna say: <font size="2" font color="green"> Dear Captain Masa, My heart goes out to you...I have been reprimanded by the police for the same thing...and it makes promotions a bit sour when you have to look over you shoulder while putting up a flyer--but hey, if you get put in jail it could be good for promotion!!! Just kidding...I laughed when I read that you alerted the police that they have to come to your show since they stole your promotional opportunity!!!! That was a great wise crack that will live long in my memory. Best of Success to you, Masa. Live Long! rory </div></td></tr></table></td></tr></table> <br /></form></div> <br> <center> <font size="2"> Tuesday 12/04/2001 </center> <table cellpadding="1" cellspacing="0" border="10" bgcolor="#999999" width="100%"><tr><td> <table border="0" cellpadding="10" cellspacing="1" bgcolor="#999999" width="100%"><tr bgcolor="cornsilk"><td> <font size="2" font color="black"> <b>-My name is: <font size="2" font color="green"> <a href="mailto:">Jerry Baldassaro </a><br> <font size="2" font color="black"> <b>-Do I have a website?: <font size="2" font color="green"> <a href="http://www.TheBridgeBand.com">Yes </a><br> <font size="2" font color="black"> <b>-I wanna say: <font size="2" font color="green"> Howdy Masa, Chanced upon your site by accident Hope you remember me from April of 2000 Jerry from The Bridge Glad to see you're doing well. We miss the scene but we're planning a 7 state tour late in July including Nashville. We have to get together - I'll keep in touch. I still listen to you tape all the time. How's Bobby Adams - did he do anything with Blah Blah Blah Somethi...? Hope this letter finds you well - Best wishes for the holiday season and a peace filled New Year Jerry Baldassaro/ Artist Mgr/ The Bridge </div></td></tr></table></td></tr></table> <br /></form></div> <br> <center> <font size="2"> Monday 12/03/2001 </center> <table cellpadding="1" cellspacing="0" border="10" bgcolor="#999999" width="100%"><tr><td> <table border="0" cellpadding="10" cellspacing="1" bgcolor="#999999" width="100%"><tr bgcolor="cornsilk"><td> <font size="2" font color="black"> <b>-My name is: <font size="2" font color="green"> <a href="mailto:don@ky.net">Don Thomason </a><br> <font size="2" font color="black"> <b>-Do I have a website?: <font size="2" font color="green"> <a href="http://www.geocities.com/donetho">Yes </a><br> <font size="2" font color="black"> <b>-I wanna say: <font size="2" font color="green"> Masa, thanks again for being in my round last Monday at the Boardwalk Cafe; it was a massive amount of fun with you, me, and Donna Frost. Keep on keepin' on, dude ... I'm looking for a recording of "I Want More Money" soon! Later. </div></td></tr></table></td></tr></table> <br /></form></div> <br> <center> <font size="2"> Monday 12/03/2001 </center> <table cellpadding="1" cellspacing="0" border="10" bgcolor="#999999" width="100%"><tr><td> <table border="0" cellpadding="10" cellspacing="1" bgcolor="#999999" width="100%"><tr bgcolor="cornsilk"><td> <font size="2" font color="black"> <b>-My name is: <font size="2" font color="green"> <a href="mailto:emoon70@yahoo.com">e moon a.k.a the rev gordon souley </a><br> <font size="2" font color="black"> <b>-Do I have a website?: <font size="2" font color="green"> <a href="http://">No </a><br> <font size="2" font color="black"> <b>-I wanna say: <font size="2" font color="green"> Masa, u rocked me, and left me laying in a pool of fluids. Keep it up bro!!! </div></td></tr></table></td></tr></table> <br /></form></div> <br> <center> <font size="2"> Thursday 11/29/2001 </center> <table cellpadding="1" cellspacing="0" border="10" bgcolor="#999999" width="100%"><tr><td> <table border="0" cellpadding="10" cellspacing="1" bgcolor="#999999" width="100%"><tr bgcolor="cornsilk"><td> <font size="2" font color="black"> <b>-My name is: <font size="2" font color="green"> <a href="mailto:cjo@loebandloeb.com">Craig Johnson </a><br> <font size="2" font color="black"> <b>-Do I have a website?: <font size="2" font color="green"> <a href="http://www.lebandloeb.com">Yes </a><br> <font size="2" font color="black"> <b>-I wanna say: <font size="2" font color="green"> To UAS Records; Hi, I have received a note from my client in Japan, and asked me to respond your inquiry. We are in a prosess of this matter of web design, you will receive a mail from us within a few days. Regards, Craig Johnson The Assistant Claim Manager Loeb and Loeb Attorneys at Law </div></td></tr></table></td></tr></table> <br /></form></div> <br> <center> <font size="2"> Wednesday 11/28/2001 </center> <table cellpadding="1" cellspacing="0" border="10" bgcolor="#999999" width="100%"><tr><td> <table border="0" cellpadding="10" cellspacing="1" bgcolor="#999999" width="100%"><tr bgcolor="cornsilk"><td> <font size="2" font color="black"> <b>-My name is: <font size="2" font color="green"> <a href="mailto:uasrecords@aol.com">UAS Webmaster™ </a><br> <font size="2" font color="black"> <b>-Do I have a website?: <font size="2" font color="green"> <a href="http://"> </a><br> <font size="2" font color="black"> <b>-I wanna say: <font size="2" font color="green"> I noticed that you are using the UAS websight background. UAS Webmaster™ (master of HTML) </div></td></tr></table></td></tr></table> <br /></form></div> <br> <center> <font size="2"> Wednesday 11/14/2001 </center> <table cellpadding="1" cellspacing="0" border="10" bgcolor="#999999" width="100%"><tr><td> <table border="0" cellpadding="10" cellspacing="1" bgcolor="#999999" width="100%"><tr bgcolor="cornsilk"><td> <font size="2" font color="black"> <b>-My name is: <font size="2" font color="green"> <a href="mailto:frankielago@hotmail.com">frankie lago </a><br> <font size="2" font color="black"> <b>-Do I have a website?: <font size="2" font color="green"> <a href="http://">No </a><br> <font size="2" font color="black"> <b>-I wanna say: <font size="2" font color="green"> Nice site I will see you at the bluebird </div></td></tr></table></td></tr></table> <br /></form></div> <br> <center> <font size="2"> Thursday 11/08/2001 </center> <table cellpadding="1" cellspacing="0" border="10" bgcolor="#999999" width="100%"><tr><td> <table border="0" cellpadding="10" cellspacing="1" bgcolor="#999999" width="100%"><tr bgcolor="cornsilk"><td> <font size="2" font color="black"> <a href="http://www.angelfire.com/rock3/masanote/login"><b>SECRET POSTING</b> </a><br> </div></td></tr></table></td></tr></table> <br /></form></div> <br> <center> <font size="2"> Thursday 11/08/2001 </center> <table cellpadding="1" cellspacing="0" border="10" bgcolor="#999999" width="100%"><tr><td> <table border="0" cellpadding="10" cellspacing="1" bgcolor="#999999" width="100%"><tr bgcolor="cornsilk"><td> <font size="2" font color="black"> <b>-My name is: <font size="2" font color="green"> <a href="mailto:">Annalisa </a><br> <font size="2" font color="black"> <b>-Do I have a website?: <font size="2" font color="green"> <a href="http://">No </a><br> <font size="2" font color="black"> <b>-I wanna say: <font size="2" font color="green"> Hey Masa, It was good seeing you !!! You rock !! Went to the Billy Block but it was all country and a little too much for me. Didn't see him or know who he was, so I headed out. Did I tell you I'm getting one of my tunes cut. Do you remember Leisl from the Broken Spoke ? seems like you kind of got us together. She is doing an album and wanted to use my "Highway Blues" tune. She isn't with any big label (yet) but has some pretty cool stuff in the works. Any way it was awsome to sign my first contract. Hope the studio session went well for you. I'm tryin' to move to Nashville if I just had the finances. It's alot easier for one person to move than a whole big family like I've got. If I don't get something big (as money) before then, I can afford to in 7 more years. Someday, Nashville or LA. Soon as I can I'm working tword it. Thanks for all your help. "Keep rockin' Nashville" ROCK-N-ROLL, Annalisa </div></td></tr></table></td></tr></table> <br /></form></div> <center> <a href="http://angelfire.com/rock3/masanote/guestbook2"><font face="comic sans MS" size="3"><b>Page 2</a> <center> <br> <br> <a href="http://gomasa.com"> <img height=40 src="/rock3/masanote/m.gif" border=0 alt="Go Back"></a> <a href="http://gomasa.com"> <img height=40 src="/rock3/masanote/a.gif" border=0 alt="Go Back"></a> <a href="http://gomasa.com"> <img height=40 src="/rock3/masanote/s.gif" border=0 alt="Go Back"></a> <a href="http://gomasa.com"> <img height=40 src="/rock3/masanote/a.gif" border=0 alt="Go Back"></a> <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0" border color="black" bgcolor="f3eb81" width="100%"><tr><td> <table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" bgcolor="f3eb81" width="100%"><tr bgcolor="lightgreen"> <td align=center> <font size="2" color=black><b>© 2002 Masa </div></td></tr></table></td></tr></table> </center> </body></html>