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About Us

Shannon and Rocky

Hi, as you all know I am currently a new mother of twins. I recently graduated from high school in 2002 and am in Nursing school at Kent State Tusc. branch. Nursing school is great, it's a lot of fun and A LOT of work. I work part time, well I try to every other weekend, as an STNA for agency. The babies' father, Rocky, and I have been together for a little over 3 years, although we just recently broke up at the beginning of October, and I now live with and take care of the babies by myself (with a bunch of help from my family!). Of course their father does come by atleast once a week. Rocky is currently employed at AEP as a meter reader and wants to go to college to be an electrical engineer. He is a great father, has a good heart and LOVES the twins, he's just not quite ready for all the responsabilites it entails, especially being in a serious relationship. It is definately hard to live with someone else, especially if you never even got the opportunity to live by yourself and enjoy that type of freedom. Anyway, if you would like to contact me, my email is

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