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My Pregnancy

My pregnancy began in July of 2002, but I found out on August 3rd. At the beginning, I kept having "nightmares" that I was having twins. Then early October I had a bleeding episode so I visited the doctor for the first time. Dr. Orafu used a doppler to listen to the heartbeat- we heard TWO. She said that the "background" one was mine. So that eased my mind about having twins. From then until my ultrasound on October 29, my mom kept asking my "why are you sticking your belly out?" Well, we found out (10/29) that the reason I was getting so big so fast was because there really was two!!! Despite the hugeness I have really had a blessed pregnancy. I have had no major complications that's common for twin pregnancies, and minor aches and pains. So here are the photos of my belly and my many ultrasounds!!! (there are a bunch of photos one the pages so it may take some time to download-it depends on your computer!)

What a Huge belly!!!

Belly Shots


1 - Oct. 29, 2002
2 and 3- Dec. 20, 2002 and Jan. 17, 2003
4 and 5 - Feb. 3 and Feb. 10
6 and 7 - Feb. 24 and March 3
8 and 9 - March 7 and March 10
10 and 11 - March 17 and March 20 -no pics! just stats!

Here are some nursery pictures

Bears and Bunnies