LAST UPDATE:RELAUNCHING - A REDIRECT: Thank you to al that have been to this incarnation of UMB. I have now begun to publish pages from the new version of the site: I hope you will look over it, and give me any feedback in the guestook here if you can. I know that some of the coding is alittle off and not all of it is up yet, but please have a look and please keep coming back
IMPORTANT NEWS - I am currently working on a whole new look for the site, and in that will also be completing all the work that needs to be finished. As a result, no more updates will be made to this version of the site. However, I am leaving this site opened for the time being while I make the other site, so you will still have something to look at and a wealth of info to view.
I want to thank everyone who has viewed the site so far and I hope you will join me in the new look when it goes live. As always I want this to be one of the most comprehensive Marilyn Manson websites out there, and with it, I want it to be a good looking site. I am expecting this new design to take two months to do, which includes the redesign and the rest of the info being writeen and added.
Thank you again.
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