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Caldemons Apothecary

Welcome to Caldemons Apothecary. The Apothecary Shop is a rather large, open room with two windows in the back wall and a door between them, which leads to the herb garden in the back which can be seen through the windows. On low beams on one side of the room hang the various dried herbs. Fresh herbs are picked at the time of purchase from the garden. Near one of the windows is a wooden table surrounded by chairs, a shelf nearby holds many ancient tomes and scrolls, and there is usually a dedicant student studying there, or perhaps an ovate in the green robes of the initiate to druidism. Often, a bardic student, dressed in blue robes, is practicing his or her craft. And those who have studied for years and achieved the highest ranking wear the white robes of a druid. On painted wooden tables lay the various jars, items, and pouches that the High Druidess has for sale. In a box under the High Druidess' own desk are the gemstones and enchanted jewelry and stones.


Fresh Herbs

Common Herbs 1 silver per bunch
Imported Herbs 1 gold per bunch
Rare Herbs 25 gold per bunch

Dried Herbs

Common Herbs 5 silver per pouch
Imported Herbs 3 gold per pouch
Rare Herbs 10 gold per pouch (ex. Lotus)

Other Herbal Items

Frankincense Sm. Pouch 100 gold
Roots, common 5 silver each
Roots, rare 5 gold each (ex. spikenard)
Fresh Honey Sm Jar 3 copper - Lg Jar 5 copper
Berries, whole 1 gold per pouch
Berries, ground 3 gold per pouch

Enchanted Herbal Items (ask for a separate item and price list)

Some popular items: Evil Spirit Ward, Lusty Wench, Lullabye Pillow, Home Sweet Home, Fountain of Youth, Invisibility Charm and more!


Mother's Milk Tea Additive Jar 1 gold (increases milk supply, great for twins!)
Cough Syrup Jar 1 gold
Sore Throat Tea Pouch 8 silver
Achy Body Bath Pouch 1 pouch 2 silver
Sore Muscle Rub 1 vial 2 silver
Poultices 2 silver
Salves 1 gold
Soothing Salve
Healing Salve
Hair Loss Salve
Aches and Pains Salve

Tinctures (very concentrated herbal remedies, to be taken as such or added to tea) 2 gold per vial

Magical Items -- Items change often!

Scrolls -- Basic Herbs and their Properties 5 gold

Stones (price varies)

Claddagh of Sustenance -- The wearer of this broach can survive for three days at a time without need of food or water, then the claddagh pin must be taken off and let rest for three days before it can be used again. 1500 gp

Natural Cloak -- This green cloak allows the wearer to camouflage himself with his natural surroundings (i.e. must be of nature, rocks, forest, etc.) The wearer becomes virtually invisible as long as the wearer remains still. The cloak camouflages all senses, even dogs cannot smell the wearer. This cloak also allows the wearer to walk through any briars, dense vegetation, etc, as though he were walking through cleared land. 5000 gp

Fiery Shillelagh -- This staff of hazel has the power to cast a bolt of fiery lava at the intended victim within 30'. 1000 gp

Brownie Twist -- A six inch long length of knotted horse-hair bound on the ends with silver caps. Twist it in your hand and once a battle, it will render any one weapon twisted and useless within 20' distance. 1800 gp

Mac-Inion Stone -- This small, black stone will cause the holder to be fertile for one time, even in those barren. "Mac" should be said for a boy, or "inion" for a girl. 1000 gp

Dove's Brilliance -- A small white dove's feather that when held and the Gaelic word "dealrach" is said (meaning bright and radiant), it glows as well as a lit torch, and stays lit until put away. 250 gp

Sword of Dealan -- A longsword enchanted so that when the blade strikes, a strike of lightning is made. The blade need not even touch to use the lightning enchantment, an obsidian stone on the hilt need only be touched to send a lightning strike. 850 gp

Cupid's Arrow -- A simple arrow, that when shot at the object of your desire, infuses into their bodies leaving no wound, they only feel a slight prick, and they are fascinated and entranced with you long enough for love to bloom, usually from one week to a month, according to how susceptible to the manipulation the person is. 500 gp


Consultation -- free with purchase

Midwife Services -- Donations.

Classes -- Various classes are offered, such as Using Herbs in Healing and Midwifery Classes. Each class costs 10 gp, plus any scrolls the student may choose to buy.

Handfasting -- 100 gp

Physician Visits -- 25 gp per visit, includes healing and herbal remedies.

Magical Services -- Price is negotiable.

Blessings -- Price is negotiable.
Babies and Children
New Home
Going to War

Other Ceremonies -- The druid/ess can perform many other ceremonies, ask about specifics. (Cleansing a Home, Fruitful Harvest, Curses on the Enemy, etc)

Enchanted Herbal Item List

Nightmare Sachet: A pouch filled with anise seeds and under your pillow and you will be protected from nightmares.

Sleep as the Dead: A pouch of agrimony, placed under the head of a sleeping enemy (or friend). They will not awaken until the pouch is removed.

Prosperity Sachet: A pouch filled with alfalfa, placed in a cupboard of the home, protects from hunger and poverty.

Wreath for the Broken Hearted: A crown of dried amaranth flowers. Worn around the head, cures the broken heart. Can also wear a pouch of the dried flowers upon your person.

Curse Removal Bath: A mixture of angelica and chamomile that when bathed in, removes curses, spells and hexes put upon you.

Evil Spirit Ward: A sachet of boneset, fennel and dried blueberries blessed by the druidess that when placed upon your home or place of business will ward off evil spirits.

Anti-Thief Ward: As simple as a small bag of caraway seeds that the druidess has blessed. Any item containing a few seeds is theft-proof.

Lusty Wench: Add some of this little mixture to tea or sprinkle on food. Powerful aphrodisiac. (capers, carrot seeds, rose petals, catnip, lavender, violet, sugar cane)

Bond of Friendship: A dried bit of catnip tied with a pink ribbon. Held in one hand, when you clasp someone's hand with your other, they are your forever friend, as long as that catnip is kept in a safe place.

Lullabye Pillow: A soft, feather filled pillow stuffed as well with celery seeds and huckleberry. Slept upon, it will give relief to insomnia as well as provide good dreams.

All Access: A small pouch of chicory and mistletoe enchanted to unlock any lock on a door or box as long as it is not magically as well as physically sealed by holding the pouch to the lock.

Home Sweet Home: An activated and enchanted mandrake root, placed on the mantel of a home or business, will bring protection, fertility and prosperity to the household, as well as keep demons from the home, as where mandrake is, a demon cannot reside.

Ring of Healing: A carved wooden ring of mistletoe wood, engraved with celtic knotwork and enchanted with a healing spell, when worn will ward off sicknesses and cure fresh wounds quickly.

Invisibility Charm: A carved piece of mistletoe wood in the shape of a leaf worn around the neck, when touched, conveys invisibility.

Party Wreath: A wreath of fresh parsley made by the druidess, when worn, will keep you from being inebriated no matter how much you drink.

Fountain of Youth: You've heard it a thousand times, a human falls in love with someone more long lived, say an elf, or even an immortal. How do you slow down aging? Drink the tea once a day, and you will stay young. Contains ground apple seeds, carrot seeds, fern, mistletoe and sage. Used in conjunction with burning frankincense in your home to strengthen the enchantment.

Shield of Protection: A pouch of pennyroyal, a few grains of rice, agrimony, and amaranth placed inside your tunic against your bare skin will give you a shield of protection that will remain in place until the pouch is removed.

Feath Fiath: The "magic mist of invisibility". A vial of concentrates enchanted so that when opened and the contents poured out, a mist forms rapidly outwards encompassing a 20' by 20' area in minutes, rendering any in the mist unable to see...and leaving you free to leave before the mist dissipates, which occurs within an hour's time. (contains: edelweiss, heliotrope and mistletoe)

Caldemons Apothecary

Kingdom of Caldemon
Spells and Magic Items
