~~The latest Hatching is upon us! There's still time to get those last few candidates in, so hurry up!
~~We have a new webmistress! Liz (KawaiiLizard@aol.com) has recently taken over the website, so please direct all questions, comments, and suggestions to her.
~~EVERYTHING is currently being updated, so please send all updated material to Liz as soon as possible!
Here's our BoD, if you have any questions or anything you can e-mail:
Weyrleader T'ren (Beth)
Weyrwoman Aliana (Cassie)
Weyrwoman Second Jenine (Liz)There are still high positions open and we are always looking for new members, especially some male greenriders and blueriders. A gold egg may be popping up in the future, so remember: if you are willing to work, you will get rewards!
The date preceding each link is the date of its update.03/09/02~~Riders and Dragons -- Basic persona information of riders and their dragons
03/11/02~~Weyrfolk and Holders -- This includes basic persona information on candidates, weyrfolk, and our holders
08/15/02~~Pets -- A list of the pets: flits, canines, felines, and others
03/18/02~~History -- Past hatchings and major events
10/14/01~~Clutch Charts -- All the clutches we've had at Dark Cove Weyr
10/14/01~~Clutch Information -- Includes when the next the flight is to happen and tells the number of eggs in each clutch and the parentage
~~Guide and Persona Sheet -- Want to join? Fill out this form and mail it to the Weyrleaders! Also has our rules and requirements
~~Conversion Chart and Timeline -- How to convert Earth dates to Pern dates and the timeline of the weyr
~~Gallery -- Drawings of the weyr, people, dragons, etc.
We were approved by the Dragonlady herself, and we follow her rules and that Pern and The Dragonriders of Pern are copyrighted to her.
All references to worlds and characters based on Anne McCaffrey's fiction are copyright (C) Anne McCaffrey 1967, 2000, all rights reserved, and used by permission of the author.
Anne McCaffrey's Site
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