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A new age is upon us. The Dragon is long dead, but his legacy of destruction lives on. I have lived for a very long time and know more of this land than any other who walks the land. I am known as the Chronicler and this is my book, named for the world it is about, Rexum.

Index of Rexum

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News From Rexum

I have been neglecting this site and I apologize. If you've followed my blog you are aware of what I've been up to. Last semester I had too much work and I had to make sacrifices. If it makes you feel any better I haven't had a chance to read any comics for about a year now. I haven't forgotten about Rexum and every so often I write down some notes. Some day I will get around to updating but that may be a long time. I just don't have the time. Currently, I'm enrolled in a lab class that requires me to be in lab 12 hours a week and spend 3-6 hours writing up lab reports. On top of that I'm taking a Quantum Mechanics class and an astronomy class. I hope to be back soon, but I can't promise anything.
Sorry for the lack of updates but I've just been busy running around trying to finish a bunch of stuff before the end of summer[painting a fence, writing up my first paper, hanging out a little with family (that were very neglected this summer due to my work)]. I will update more in the future but expect a hiatus for a few weeks. I'm sorry for the inconvenience but I will add plenty more soon enough. I have currently written up outlines for two new vignettes: One on a seafarer and one on a Devout of the Crucible. I also have been drawing a lot of maps trying to figure out exactly how Rexum is laid out. I will post the complete map when I am done. Thank you for waiting. When I am back in Berkeley and have time between homework, I will update. I will do my best to make it worth the wait.
So I've pretty much finished Book I: Risenno's Prayer of Risenno's Book in its vignette form and today I even added the little introduction I was planning to that part and the next entitled Risenno's Song. Also I added a few sentences and slightly changed how Book I finished. Expect me to pretty consistently tweak a few sentences around. You may have already noticed but everytime I update I read through the whole thing and change things as I see fit. So, look forward to Part I of Risenno's Song sometime later this week hopefully. (As a Teaser Book III will be entitled Risenno's Dream).
So I've posted Risenno's Prayer Part IV as well as expanded Part I quite a bit so take a look and let me know what you think. It all so rushed but I guess that's just how it's going to be until I take the time to fully fill it out in book form.
I thought I'd keep you guys abreast of what I'm up to. I'm working on the next installment of Risenno's prayer but this one might take awhile but I guarantee it will be the most exciting one yet (now I've overhyped it) and I am also expanding the previous parts as well (I can do that, it's a work in progress). It will be much more like a double (or triple) update as far as new text goes, so I hope you are patient. I just wanted you to know that I am working a lot of this and not forgetting about this site. I am working on it! So in other news... A Dragonlance Movie is actually set to be coming out in Aumtumn 2007. That is freaking amazing. I never thought it would actually be made. For more info go here
Being in a much better zone for writing I fixed up that last installment. Sorry for posting it before it was complete but I really felt like I needed to post something and I was getting really frustrated. Expect more soon, if not today. !!! So after spending a lot of time thinking it over, I've decided to remove the Minotar Islands from Rexum. This was not a decision that I took lightly but when I was working on their story I couldn't help but feel that I was just putting the minotaurs in to have minotaurs. So while there may be a population of minotaurs in Rexum that I may elaborate on later, they do not form a nation. I know this is all kinda lame but I just couldn't in good conscience do it. I'm also doing this is an effort to keep Rexum more unique from some of my personal favorite fantasy worlds.
Sorry for that lack of updates but I just got swept up in the world cup and my boss was gone for a little while so I wasn't up in Berkeley (which is where I almost exclusively write this). Also I bought a freaking awesome Dragonball Z game that took up my time for a few weeks. I promise that I will do everything in my power to make it up over the next few weeks. As of the end of this post I will be working on the next installment of Risenno's Prayer. !!! I updated Risenno's Prayer and after struggling with it for a couple hours I'm just posting it. I am NOT happy with it but I figured I should post it since it's been so long. Expect me to go back and change it later, but the plot is pretty much what I wanted. I'm just so pissed and frustrated cuz I couldn't make it turn out how I wanted. Oh well. Maybe next time. Let me know what you think by leaving a message in the poll.
Added part II of Risenno's Prayer. Let me know what you think. I'm planning on making this a much longer story than any of my previous vignettes since I have a little more time.
Did some layout changes and added a site for newcomers that even long time visitors could use as a reading order for this site.
In the next few days I'm going to change the layout and do some revisions on a lot of my work and if you are lucky/unlucky/care/don't care I might just add Risenno's Prayer Part II also (I have to write it first). One of the major things to be added is a suggested reading order for what I've posted so that one can go through the material and not get lost in references and names as well as to fully appreciate the site. As a side note I really liked the Risennos but the story in my head isn't exactly what I wrote down which brings me to a quick note about the Vignettes. The Vignettes are condensed versions of stories that I have time to write. For instance Part I of Risenno's Prayer could have been much longer (~20-30 pages) with a lot more detail about his early life, his exam, his life as a Priest and so on but I just don't have the time to write that all out. At some later date, during a vacation or perhaps if I just have a long enough time without a lot of homework I may go back and fill in the gaps and expand the whole thing to what could be a book sized story. I just wanted to get the ideas posted and get some reactions partially because I don't know if I ever will have time to write the stories in their entirety and want to share them. Mainly I put them up because before I put that much effort and invest that much time, I want to make sure that the story is interesting and worthwhile of that investment. I actually have had a different novel in the back of my head for a long time and it may soon see itself put in Vignette form because I never got around to writing it all out because that would take a dedicated month or two to hammer out, but some day, some summer where I'm not doing research or something...
Added a Vignette, Risenno's Prayer Part I. Let me know what you think
AN UPDATE! Added Muinark to the Nations Page! I hope it was worth the wait. It's not finished but none of the Nations page updatas are quite yet. Hope you like it!
Sorry for the lack of updates, I've just been swamped with work and everything. I will update as soon as I can.
Added a new vignette entitled, "The Wound". Check it out and let me know what you think. I'm a little rusty because it has been a while so don't hold it against me. I think its ok, not the best though.
Just an update to let you know that I haven't forgot about you. Just wait until monday and I'll be done with my finals and then you can expect some updates again at about the rate of 1 a week just like before.
I'll update a little later today but I think you should know that I most likely will not update in the next two weeks because I have finals coming up. In preparation for this you may have noticed that I've been updating a little more than once a week in previous weeks so I hope you understand. Expect an update later tonight. Updated the Nations page with an update on the Underraces. I've tried for the last 2 hours to write a vignette but I just can't. I'm sorry. I'll post one next week. I'm just having writer's block. There's just so much, I can't pick what to write.
I added a nation's update for the Crucible and the Northern Exiles, but before you read those, read the Vignette entitled, "The Trial of the Exiles". Let me know what you think.
I added a new vignette about the purge entitled Jinwa's Flight. Take a look. Let me know what you think.
So I added a vignette about the Purge and improved the Bloodstone Clan nations page update. Please give me some feedback. I want to know what you've thought of the last few entries and be honest. For some reason I just feel that they haven't been quite up to snuff.
So I added Trivamulia and the Bloodstone clan to the Nations page. Let me know what you think. Just to let you know, these are not finished, once I have completed all of the entries I am going to go back and complete each individual entry. That's 3 nations updates in 2 days. That may mean that I might not be able to do a vignette update this week, but I think I'll be able to, but don't expect any more nations updates because I feel like the overall quality is declining. That's why I'm stopping and going to come back and improve it later. That kind of an update might still happen this week.
Surprise update, and update on the people of Senrisita. Don't know who they are?! then just go here
KS=king size, of course. Why didn't I realize that? It's been a long week I guess. In response to your questions, I have a brief outline of the history. The Dracon are another name for the underraces, specifically the underraces when they were following Frakner. With regards to the purge, I'm going to get to that soon, but in general it was the period of time when the Gods were undergoing ascension and was marked towards its end by Frakner expanding westward in retribution to his treatment upon his ascension. With regards to the nations, I'm slowly filling that in on the Nations of Rexum page. Would you prefer a much more straight outline or a continuation of the vignette format? I could just write a general summary of what happened like in Textbook, but that would give away all the secrets. I was planning on making come out more gradually. With the vignettes I was hoping to slowly unveil all the aspects of what is going on to try to capture what was really going on and what it was like. The Purge was a time of great chaos and no one (well maybe one person...) really knew what was going on. I wanted to capture that. Expect more soon. Next update will feature another Purge vignette and a nations page entry for Trivamulia. By the way, notice the new poll.
There you have it, a purge vignette. And its about ascension. And there is even the Hunter in it... This just goes to show that that poll matters. Btw who is KS? He signed in the guestbook. I'm just curious. To give me feedback just vote in the poll and leave a comment. See, I'm forcing you to vote... Mwahaha. I have absolute power over you, unless you don't care about the site, then I guess you have no power. By the way, I promise that the whole Ascension thing is going to be some of my best work. I've put a lot of thinking into it. Please give me some feedback of what you thought.
See, I updated just as I promised. I added an entry to the nation page for Tuanmor (it's not perfect but I'll add more after I do all the others). I would have done a Vignette but I am just too tired. Keep an eye out for one later this week. It will be about Ascension during the purge... or will it....?.... yes it will...
In general you should expect an update to the nations page and one to the vignettes page every week. I did very poorly on that test I had to study for. Oh well. By midnight expect an update. I haven't decided what it will be yet.
Sorry for no updates this week but I'm on vacation and I have a HUGE midterm to study for. I promise that this lack of updates is not me slacking off again. Expect an update on tuesday and I'll do my best to make it worth your wait. Also PLEASE VOTE so I know what you want.
Did some reformatting and some updates to come later. Expect additons to the vignettes page and Nations page at least once a week.
Wow, two updates in a row, it's been maybe a decade since that happened... Well take a look and let me know what you think.
Well, there you have it a tase of things to come. Come take a look at a little of whats to come.
Well, I guess it's been long enough for me to update the site again. I've been giving this stuff a lot of thought lately and I think that you guys will be pleasantly surprised with what will be coming up in the next couple weeks. Expect to see a couple of things popping up. I doubt it will have been worth the wait... err I mean it will definitely be worth the wait... I will be updating roughly once a week. Keep your eyes open.
7-22-2002 I added some stuff to the Purge page. I dont have much time now and am not very happy with what I wrote. I dont like how it sounds at all. I am most likely going to rewrite it. But the basic idea is there.
Well, well, well. i am sitting here in my dads class waiting for the portuguese dinner which should be a very interesting experience. I will get to talk with alf and a crazy man with long hair. I wonder how many of you are wondering how long the question of the week will stay there. I want to keep it that for all eternity. Mwhahaha. Now, movin on, I keep hearing that i should update more often, but i really have not been having enough time to do so. Soon, my precious, soon I will be able to. I am promising nothing, Brandon, so my lack of action should be no disapointment and shouldnt be seen as letting anyone down.
Well ( i know, i know), I am in history class again with nothing to do, so i dedicided I might as well type an update. I havent beendoing too much with this site because of my lack of time and the amount of things on my mind (not school, because quite honestly I dont have enough work to warrent me spending 5 minutes out of my day worrying about it). I have also been lazy, I admit it, but after I resolve some more issues I may be back to my usual jovial self or perhaps the depressed man you know and love. It depends, but I dont know how its going to turn out. Some of you have wanted me to give you the pass so you can update this site for yourselves. While this initially seemed like a good idea because it meant less work for me, I decided that I wanted to keep this website as something that I did. There are so few things that I do by myself that are of little value, I want to keep this to myself. Keep in mind that this may be just for now, because the idea of not having to worry about this site tempted the lazy side of me. Oh well, I still have 15 minutes to kill. What to do, what to talk about. Well, I got an avatar of woe and a verdant force from an ugly dwarf who plays a beautiful sorcerer (j/k Art). That made me happy. Now I just have to ge the other 3 avatars of woe, the other verdant force, the 2 spiritmongers, the 4 recurring nightmares, the 4 surivival of the fittest, and then I will be almost there (dammit).
Well, (dam i say well a lot) last night was opening night for the Miser. Right now I am sitting in history class with nothing to do because I finished my oral defense website. I am typing here to say I didnt get much sleep and have had NO time this week for this site. I am also sick (great) with a sore throat and tonight in closing night (yeah two nights only). I dont know when I will have time because after this I have to prepare for Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are dead which instead of a minor role, I actually star in ( i dont know how I will do it, but I have to or Mr. Claws will kill me). Give me some time before you expect to see an update, my time is very much taken up because I planned it this way so I dont have too much time to think alone because when I am alone and bored I begin to think about things that get me depressed. So take comfort in the fact that while you may want to see updates, I generally only do updates when I am bored and alone and therefore depressed. So no updates means no depression. Although sometimes I do update simply because I enjoy it, that doesnt happen because most of the time I update while at home (which for me is the epitiome of boredom and loneliness). Is Robert insane? quite possibly. but he is definitely bored in Mr. Denny's class.
Well, I have finished my term papers and only have a few things left to do for the rest of this year (I only will have one real final [my dad's]) which are the two plays I am doing. This means I should be able to update more often.
Sorry that I didnt get to doing any of those updates, but i did update my writing page. Rest assured that I am not only slacking off in this page. My schoolwork is getting in poorer and poorer quality as my grades continue to rise. I need to get to work on this i know. But i also have a midterm due next in a week that i havent even started thinking about along with my final for english which is commentary on a book i havent even gotten half way through. Please dont get angry because it will fall on deaf ears. After some time, there will be updates. I need to concentrate on school stuff because that always will get first priority.
Sorry I havent updated for a few days and probably wont for a few more because i am a little sick and any creative time i do have is directed to essays or a new play idea I am working on. For 6 hours today i was stuck watching crappy tv because i didnt have enough strength to move my hands and only a couple of hours ago did I gain enough strength to type. So dont expect much for a few days. Sorry brandon, i know i specifically told you i would update this weekend, but i got sick. I have some good ideas though. I am going to work in vampires with my next update probably.
I fixed a few mistakes and added something in my writings page.
I posted the Dolon Generalist prestige class.
Today I added some new prestige classes.
Today I added my unfinished story to my fan-fiction page. Go here and read it if you want. I also added a poetry page to the message board yesterday. I have currently put two poems on it. Feel free to post any of your poems there as well.
Well, I updated the writings page and posted some stuff and figured out how to do a lot with ezboard. I am going to scan some more of my legends things now.
As some of you already noticed the poll is back up. Whee!
The poll is down for reasons that I cant even begin to grasp. I will let you know when I figure it out and it is back on. For the next few days my number of updates on this site will decrease as I am trying to learn the system that I used to make my messageboard. You can find some of my posts here.
I updated the writings page again. Sign my guestbook or else... Seriously, I only got myself, Brandon, and Alf to sign it. Zuhair and Jaime... sign it! I now have a message board. See it here
3-24-2002: Late at Night
Sorry I didnt do anything this weekend on the site. I really have no excuse except my laziness (which is a good enough reason for me). I tend to update a little more during the school week, because it gives me a regimented way of running my life and updating comes at the lull between getting home and going to sleep. Wait, i do have a slightly better excuse. My brother is back from Berkeley and he has become addicted to Empire Earth, which is a very cool game by the way.
I put up a poll. Whee! Sorry that I didnt do more, but I had to BS my way through a math essay and a midterm thesis. (both of which i had a month to do. both of which i did at literally the 11th hour)
I added the sjha website to the index and updated it. I need to do a lot of filler work now. I added something to my writings page. I also found a really cool site that everyone should go to. It is Brandon's. Go toChildrenatPlay (Brandon, consider your site plugged)
Hey, I just found out that Zuhair and Jaime are visiting my site. You guys can sign my guest book. It has been moved to just above the news.
I have looked through a couple of my friends' jornals on livejornal and have decided that I will do something very similar to that on this page. The page that features my writings will also include pointless ramblings ("what's the difference?" you ask, well, there is the... and the... Oh who in the hell am I kidding! I can't not write insane raving rants. It just happens). I just added a fan fiction area to the webpage. There you can find Brandon's Flamebrother story.
I fixed the mistakes I made in the Flamebrother and also made an entrance page for this site right here. Tell me what you think.
I have just posted Brandon's Flamebrother. I was going to post some more, but right now my family is having a party. I have had my time freed up for me, so I will probably be able to update more often. I am almost sure that I will post some of my original work that is not fantasy related. I am going to compile it and place it on this page. Be on the look out for that becuase I will probably do that tomorrow. I have a lot of things going through my head and I wrote some very expressive poetry. :) I just updated the Fretorundall papers.
I am currently doing some updates. I created a page that will house information on one of the major gaps in the history of Rexum, the Purge. More information of that era will be posted there shortly. I also am adding what the hunter is because I no longer think it will adversely affect my campaign if people know what it is.
I am very sorry about the lack of updates for such a long period of time (exactly one month). I would like to apologize to you, Brandon, because I know you have been visiting this site more than me. I have just not been having the vast amounts of free time which used to be characteristics of my day. I have also been spending a lot of my creative energy in a personal jornal which I have been writing I may decide to post select portions of it on this website (that was my original intention, but now I am trying to decide if it is too personal or not). I will try to get around updating the site, but to be honest I just dont think that right now I have to obsessive zeal which I once had for this website. This zeal has been placed somewhere else. I will try to update the site more often, but between my school work, friends, and "Rosencrantz and Guildenstern Are Dead", I dont know when I will find time.
Today, I updated the Fretorundall papers again. I am sorry for not updating yesterday like I told Brandon I would, but last night I didn't get home until much later that I thought I was going to.
Well, today I got to work on posting the prestige classes. I already posted the Stonemore Smithie and might post more later. (If I do I will make note of it here). I just posted the Devout Prestige Class as well.
Finals are over. They were a pretty big joke, the only difficult final was given to me by my dad. There is a point here, I know there is. Now what was it... Oh yes, now I can update the site more often. Lucky for you guys during the hiatus and before, I developed a lot of material. You will begin to see it pop up, but I will probably make all notes for all my updates here. I am thinking of possibly expanding this website to things no longer pertaining solely to D&D. I might begin to add some general satires and opinion writing. However, that would require additional work, which I am very adverse to doing.
I am posting this message to let you know there will probably not be another one for at least a week. I have put off a lot of things (other than this site) and have quite a lot of work ahead of me (mainly due to Mr. Goodman). Sorry about it, but once I am through finals I will probably be updating things more regularly so this site is officially on a temporary hiatus.
Today I did an update on the Fretorundall papers. Sorry for not doing anything for a month and a half and still not posting the Prestige classes, but I have been developing what some people might describe as a life. Having never obtained one before, I am basing this statement on pure assumption. I am pretty much only making this update because I told Brandon I would :). I actually will probably be updating more regularly after a couple of weeks (after my driver's training class is over and I have finished preparing for an oral test for Mr. Goodman). Although this statement should be taken with a grain of salt because I am very, very lazy.
*Hey this site was mentioned in the school newspaper somehow, so if you are visiting to check it out (and I doubt anyone will, because frankly I wouldn't) let me explain a few things. This world that I have created isn't just something that I use to give myself a power trip or anything nor is it something that I do to shield myself from the realization of my horrible awkwardness in social situatons (this being a fact that I am very aware of and have attempted to cope with), but instead it is something very different. It is an outlet for creative energies that I have had since I was much younger. Now these creative tendencies are constantly at war with my laziness, poor writing ability, my laziness, cripplingly low self-esteem, and my laziness. This all means that I have a lot of excellent ideas that I never bother to add to the page. So if you think this is stupid, think of some cool ideas and imagine they are on the site, because if I wasn't so lazy those things could very probably have been on the site, but right now I am too lazy to finish or proof read this note.*
I have finished drawing almost all of the legendary items, but I haven't posted them because there is a lot of junk on top of my scanner and I'm lazy, but I will put them up soon, as today is the first day of a three day weekend for me. I have made considerable progress in my prestige class project. I have finished several of them, but have not posted them, because I need to make sure they are balanced first. After I have sat down and looked through them (after a couple days when I am not feeling quite so lazy), you may begin to see many things being added to the Prestige Classes part of the Dungeons and Dragons page.
Today, I have undertaken a huge project that I don't know if I will be able to finish by myself. I am going to attempt to create a prestige class for the followers of each of the gods of Rexum. I have already decided that two gods will not have prestige classes, but instead something else. These gods are Hurkurn and Cheritimo. If you are interested in helping me, contact me. I already have concepts for all of the other prestige classes and just pretty much have to balance them, which is the hardest part in my opinion.
Today I began to draw the legendary weapons and have been doing some touch-ups.
Today I added a Legends page and fixed a bunch of typos and contradictions I have noticed. I think the Legends page is pretty cool and is at least fun for me to do. Whether or not it is fun for anyone else remains to be seen. If you have any suggestions or comments e-mail me at I am sorry, but I think I was more than overzealous with my statement of updating the Fretorundall Papers everyday. Every weekend is a better statement.
Sorry about not posting anything, for awhile, but I have been busy. Today I added to the Fretorundall papers and finally have settled on how to deal with the underrace table there are now 2 d20 tables.
I have decided to start posted news on this front page so that people know what is going on and what is being added.
I have been told by certain people at my school that I have become obsessed, but who are they to tell me that I can't have the warm sweet embrace of a webpage to keep me warm in those cold winter nights.
I have added another day to the "Fretorundall Papers" and will try to do so daily. I might also post an adventure that I was going to run, but I can't because my group decided that they wanted to be evil (I don't care really, it gave me an oppurtunity to develop more source material and as their DM I can always get them back ::Mephistophelean laugh::). I have added a guest book at the very bottom of the page. Brandon go ahead and sign it. I have also added a site about the recent mistakes of the newbies in my group (ever growing).
Most importantly, I want everyone who visits this site to notice the ribbon below this text. By clicking on that ribbon you are redirected to a site that tells you everything you need to know in order to be able to help all of those that suffered in the terrible tragedy in New York and Washington D. C.
September 11, 2001, will be a day that will live in infamy.

(If you want to experience this page to its fullest then you should download the font that I use for this site. It can be found here. I Take no responsibility for any viruses or problems this causes. I only took it from a website myself.)


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