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Marcelin Enjolras

Nickname(s): Apollo, Fearless Leader

Hair colour: Dark brown, almost black

Eye colour: Blue (despite my posts implying they're brown)

Height: 5'10

Age: 22 years old

Affiliation: Les Amis De L'ABC

Occupation: Law student and revolutionary

Family: Julien Enjolras (father)- an older bourgeois gentleman Marcelin describes as being very conservative, callous and cold. Like his son, he's very tall for the time, with blue eyes and silver hair which was previously brown.

Clara Enjolras (mother) several years younger than his father, at the best of times Marcelin calls her an irritatingly frivolous woman who really doesn't care much beyond what the latest in fanshion is. Like her husband and her son, her eyes are blue, but her hair, greying as it is, still remains mostly blonde.

History: Enjolras was raised by his wealthy bourgeois parents near Marseille, France. They were not a very close family, and he grew up believing his parents didn't love him. Throughout his childhood, he spent a good deal of his time striving to gain their approval, though early on in his teenaged years, he decided it was a futile gesture, and did whatever he could to seperate himself from them. Now spending much of his free time alone, and often taking to walking the streets, he began growing more and more aware of the suffering of the poor. Still being a rather sensitive boy, under a hard exterior of reservation that was often mistaken for indifference, he decided he had to find some way to help.

Up until that point, his parents had done a fine job of keeping him out of politics. However, as he began searching for a solution, he discovered the ideals of the Republic and fell in love with them. The more he studied, the more sure he became that these were the answers he was looking for. Energized by his findings, he began voicing his opinions. Loudly. His parents, firm royalists, were mortified with the realization of just what it was their son had gotten mixed up with. Of course, their attempts to dissuade him from such foolishness only further fuelled his passions. This, of course, caused his family situation to worsen and instead of being all but ignored by his parents, he fought with them constantly.

After years of fighting behind closed doors over political issues and threats on Enjolras's part to leave, and his parents' part just to throw him out to fend for himself, it finally came time for him to go to university. Julien and Clara had no intentions of sacrificing their son's education over his political views. Besides, they reasoned, perhaps university could knock these ridiculous- and, yes, dangerous- ideas out of his head. He would hopefully forget about the entire affair to put time and effort into his studies, and/or his social life.

Of course, this wasn't the case at all. The poor of Paris seemed even more miserable than the poor in Marseille, and he grew even more determined to put an end to it. Once again, he began loudly voicing his opinions to anyone who happened to be listening. Eventually, this led him to several other students with similar ideals and Les Amis de L'ABC was formed.

Player: Jace

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