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Gabriel Lesgles

Nickname(s): Laigle (de Meaux), Bossuet

Hair colour: What little he has is black

Eye colour: Dark brown

Height: 5'9

Age: 25

Affiliation: Les Amis De L'ABC

Occupation: Law student (*snicker, well former law student)

Family: Laigle has a rather extensive family he really doesn't tell anyone much about. While it's known both of his parents are still alive, and are definately royalists, he has yet to tell anyone what their names are (and I've yet to make them up! lol). He has two siblings- an older sister and a younger brother who, like his parents, have yet to be named. Recently, he recieved a visit from his cousin, Jean-Marc (also very much a royalist), who was sent to Paris by his parents to make sure he was alright, since he wasn't answering any of their letters, though nothing is known about his aunts or uncles.

History: In Progress

Player: Jace

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