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Stats Updates

Enter The Battle Room . Here is the stats you get for Missions, loses, and Wins. Email Pyro new stats after missions and Me stats from battles.

When you win you must add 200 points divided into your stats. You will also get 200 dollars. You get a win on your wins/loses space.

When you lose you add 100 divided into your stats and add 50 dollars to your money. You also die and cant fight for the rest of the day. Add a lose to your wins/loses space also.

On missions the person who puts you on the mission will decide the stats you get. Pyro is to have checked the mission and agree on the stats increase.


Here I will explain how to fight. This is VERY simple and I will atempt to teach you TWICE AND ONLY TWICE (at most)! If you dont get it then 2bad. Anyway heres how it goes. Just look at the example then read the instructions below.

After you find a ref (the speacially assigned Members that ref fights) and an opponent (other fighter)you then will do something like this.

1. Ref: Send Stats fighters.

2. Fighter 1 & 2: Sent stats.

3. Ref: Fighter one goes first.

4. Fighter 1: Fires blast of energy at Fiighter 2.

5. Ref: 50 damage to Fighter 2. Go Fighter 2.

6. Fighter 2: Counters with his own blast.

7. Ref: Fighter 2's blast collides with FIghter 1's and they do no damage.

I will now explain the events in numbers. Number 1 is what happens after you get someone to fight and a Ref. In the example the ref's name is Ref. He 1st asks for stats from both fighters. Refs determine Damage and ref fights. Listen to them or else. Only People on the Refs page can ref, and you MUST copy the battle and send it to Mega Man X . He checks the battle over and makes sure its ok.

Number 2 shows Fighter 1 and 2 sending stats to the Ref. Sending stats is simple done by Instant Messaging The Ref with your full stats. Fighters one and two are called that just fore example. After number 2 number 3 shows the ref explaining who goes first. Based off speed (sp) the ref decides. If sp is tied he will go to another stat. In number 4 you see Fighter 1 Attacking.

You can use weapons or Items in fights. You can punch and kick and make up your own little combos of punches/kicks. They wont be as tough as finishers though. Finishers are only allowed when the ref says they are. Dont pester the ref about it please. You Limit yourself. The main rule though is NO SAYING DAMAGE! You are not the ref. I always get things like: Throws rock in opponents head and he dies. YOU CANNOT DO THAT! YOU CAN THROW A ROCK BUT NOT SAY DAMAGE! Dont get carried away either.

Number 5 shows the ref telling Fighter 2 he is ready for him to go. Fighter 2 Attacks and could have tried to block, dodge, or counter if he had said it quick enough. Just saying counter etc. is good enough. The ref will give a good amount of time for fighters to say it. After number 5 number 6 comes (Duh!). Fighter 2 attacks and does damage. Countering etc. is allowed only 3x per battle. After both Fighters attack and the ref says each persons damage intake. The process ( numbers 3-7) is repeated until someone dies. Oh and you can Run from battles!(The fight is done noboddy wins or loses).

Refs Job

The refs job is to ref battles and calculate damage. They ref missions also. A ref is a good person to be and also is very much needed. Refs say damage and take it from HP. Thats about it. Email Me to become a ref. YES YOU CAN BE TURNED DOWN! Thats all about battling email Me (Zero) for help on This topic.