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Finishers can be used once during fights at anytime. ONLY ONCE! You cant have it at the end of attacks either. You also get someones finisher if you defeat them.

Giga Attack: The user forms energy around his/her body, then thrusts forward and attacks the enemy. (Good for tight situations.)

Ultra Combo : With this finisher the user does a combo of powerful punches and kicks to finish the enemy off. (Good for weak opponents.)

Mega Energy Blast : User charges energy to form a large energy ball and then fires at oppoent. This ball of energy can destroy a planet at times. Very strong move. (A good desperation blast.)

Energy Disk : User form a flat energy disket that is able to cut thought any thing. Need at least one hand free to use this.(Good for destroying multiple units.)

Mega Cannon Blast : The user fires a mega beam at the opponet which causes a lot of damage.(A strong attack.)

Triple Beam Shot : The user fires a shot that will produce three medium size energy balls.(The closer you are is the stronger it becomes.)

Tornado Flame : The user will shoot a flame shaped like a tornado that will burn and mix up the opponent.(Good for when you are in a tight situation.)

Phoenix Blast : The user will fire a flaming blast which forms into a phoenix. The phoenix heals the user and thusts toward the enemy in a flaming rage.(A very intresting move.)

Crystal Ice Shot : The user will shoot a blast that will freeze the opponent and case them to shatter in many peices.(A must have!)

Ice Stab: User Throws A Sharp Peice Of ice that will freeze the oppoent.

Flaming Uppercut: The user will have a flaming sword that will burn the oppoent.

Body Scirrors: The user will shoot round shaped scissors that cuts up the oppoent numerously .

Nova Strike: User jumps into the air and thusts down and hits oppoent hard.

Final Shot: Before User Dies They Fire A Strong Blast That Can Kill Or Badly Hurt His Opponent.

Thunder God Stab: User jumps into the sky and and grabs a lighting bolt and throws it towards the enemy.

Power Sword Shot: User thrusts his/her sword into enemy then Blasts him/her off the Blade.

Aming Laser: User Aims A Laser At opponents Head And Steals A Chip From Them If They Have One (Low chance.)

Lighting Web: User will shoot a web that will wrap oppoent and electrocute and alows him/her you hit you a lot.(Two in one)

Soul Body: Makes A Clone Of User And Has Half THe Stats Of THe REal Person. Cant Use Weapons/Items, Use Anytime You Want Only Once Per Battle.

Death Wind: Takes oppoent way into the air and then drops him/her to the ground.

Acid Rain: The user will make rain come down and he/her will be protected and you will get hit.

Ice Bubble: User Send Out bubbles of ice and frezzes opponent for 4 turns.

Grenade Bomb: The user will throw a lot of grenades and will bomb the oppoent.

Meteor Shower: The user will have meteors come from the sky and hit the oppoent.

Double Team: (need a partner with same move can be used any time)

Beam Wave: The user will fire a wave of beams that will hit every where but him/herself.

Inforcer: User Sends Out A Dummy That Takes All The Damage Has 100 Hp And Can Shoot.Used Like Soul Body.

Steal: (items low chance)

Mug: (money high chance)

Finishing Touch: Gives User The Finishing Touch To A Combo.

Raybebite: User Runs Up And Bites The Opponent And Poisions Them For -50 Every Round Only Pets Can Get It.(For a pet.)

Spark Bomb: A bomb made out of electricity nova blade,a strong attack can only be used with a sowrd.

Twin Sword: 2 The user will have two blades that is stronger.

Ground HunterThe user will shoot a missile underground and it will blow up under oppoent.

Fire Storm: The user will shoot a a storm of fire.

Super Arm: The user will shoot his/her arm off and at the end of the arm has a turbo so the arm can go fast and hit the oppoent hard.

Junk Wall: The user will make a wall of junk that can block any thing for one turn.

Freeze Creature: The user has a creature that when it tuches you you freeze on inpacked.

Noise Annoyer: The user will play annoying sounds that will cause the oppoent to not consentrate and leave him/her open to be hit.

Metal Sword: The user will have a metal sword the can cut throw things.

Flash Bomb: The user will fire a flash of lif=ght that will blinde oppoent.

Time Alter: The user will stop the oppoent for one turn and you can do anything.(Used usally if you have to do 2 things like heal and attack or something.)

Air Blower: The user will shoot wind at the oppoent and blow the oppoent away.(Aloso can blow other things.)

Plant Sucker: The user will send out a plant that suck 50% of the oppoents el and gives it to his/herself just for the match. (Can use for one turn.)

Gravity Hold: Puts preasure on opponent causing him to lose speed for turn.

Sackrafise: the user will kill his/herself and oppoent. (should have a revive item.)

Nalplam Bomb: A bomb that explodes in the air and drop smaller bomb on the ground. (Isnt to strong if only hit by 1.)

Charging Kick: The user will strike the oppoent with a hard kic.

Gyro Attack: The user Thruses towards opponent and a great speed causeing him to fall down losing a turn.

Crystal Eye: A laser is shot from the Users eyes used to surprise enemy.

Lightning Speed: Your speed triples for the duration of the battle making you dodge more attacks.

Hells Breath: The pet's eyes turn black acsented with red in the center then his Mouth opens and his opponet is covered in a fury of flames so fast hes unable to dodge or block the attack.(For Pyros pet.)

Ultra Transform: The user of this Finisher turns into a dragon and stats is doubled. The user then attacks the enemy with full power.(For Zero Dragon X's pet only)

Hell's Flame: The user surrounds his enemy in flames that asorb his energy and gives it to the user, healing him.(For Pyro only)

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