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Here are some accessories to buy. You can have as many as you want equpided.

Stock Upgrade: Allows the user to use an extra weapon in battle. Can be bought 2x. Price: 4,000

Buster Gun Upgrade: Upgrades Buster Gun. Becomes extremely powerful. Can be bought many times. Gets more Effective every time. Price: 3,000

Self Destruct Chip: Allows user to self destruct. Price: 500.

Beam Sabre Upgrade: Upgrades Beam Sabre. Becomes extremely powerful. Can be bought many times. Gets more Effective every time. Price: 4,000

Back Up Chip: Use as an extra life. Once the keeper of these items runs out and they die again.... they dont come back instantly. Price: 500.

Auto Revive: This chip automatically uses energy capsules when you need them etc. Good for those who dont wanna waste a turn healing. Price: 1,500.

Upgrade: Boost up everything by 300. Price: 1,500.

Magnet Shield: Forms shield around user which cannot be broken through easily. Price: 1,500.

Self Destruct Chip: Allows user to self destruct. Price: 500.

Mega Chip: Has all of chips inside of it. Does what they do (accept this chip of course). Price: 5,000.

Energy chip: Boosts up energy level+250. Price: 1,500.

Strength Chip: Boosts up strength+250. Price: 1,500.


Here are the current items. Carry as many as you want for battles, missions, or quests. You can only use items once then u must buy them back unless said differently.

Energy Charger: This item allows the user to charge one attack. Once used it vanishes. Price: 200

Energy Tank: Raise your EL by 100. Price: 800

Stamina Pill: Lets you use the Finisher twice but 2nd time the damage is cut by 1/4. Price:500

Mega Stamina Pill: Lets you use your Finisher 3 times during a fight. Price: 1,000

Point Pellet: Makes ur attack atuomaticlly hit. Price: 300

Sub-Tank: A weak Submarine not as strong as the Weapon Sub. Price: 1,000

Super Tank: A Slow tank not as strong as the Weapon Tank. Price: 2,000

Surprise Jet: An Airplane with the ability of Stealth. Price: 4,000

Speed Jumper: Lets you attack 2 times. Price: 2,000

Weapon Pellet: Makes your Attack stronger for one fight. Price: 600

Weapon Sub-Tank-2,000- A sub for underwater adventures. Has missles and laser equiped onto it. Price: 6,000

Weapon Tank: A Tank with Weapons, Slow but deadly. Price: 5,000

Energy Pill: This heals you for 300 HP you can only carry two though. Price 1,000 (per pill).

Energy Bag: You can carry up to 5 energy pills in this. Price 1,200.


Use Weapons to attack. You can only have 2 equiped at once and the rest stay un equiped. The higher the price the more powerful!

Dragon Blaster: A blaster from the ancient Dragons VERY strong. Price: 8,000

Mega Blaster- A blaster made by Doc Light and Tested by Zero Dragon X Strong. Price: 5,000

Buster gun: You start with this weapon. If you want you can buy another... Price: 500

Pulse Rifle: Sends a pulse that can stun enemies on impact. Great if you want to get alot of hit in. Not to strong though. Price: 5,000

Freeze Rifle: May Freeze Opponent. Good for a fire boss. Price: 6,000

Air Rifle: Blows enemy away... good for people who fight people with B sabers. Theyll never get a chance to come close. Price: 4,000

Laser Shot Gun: Shots a spread of balls made out of lasers. If it hits someone it can cause massive damage. Price: 3,500

Elemental Buster: This Buster lets you use different elements in your attacks like Fire, Ice, Wind, Water, and Earth. Price: 8,000

Sneak Shot: Shoots a shot that is invisible unless a person has Detector. Great for you sneaky people to use! Price: 6,000

Small Sword: a small sword with great mobility. Not to much power but hey, its cheap. Price: 1,000

Beam Sabre: Your standard Beam Sabre. Not to shabby. Price: 1,200

Laser Sword: A stronger type of Beam Saber. Use this to rip through someones armor. Perfectly Designed. Price: 3,000

Large Laser Sword: A longer strong laser sword. Great in power and can melt almost anything in seconds. Price: 7,000

Power Sword: Has great intensive power on impact. Good for cutting enemies into nothing. Price: 5,000

Zero Sword: Tested by the great Zero, made by Dr. Light is very strong and mobile. Price: 6,000

Dragon Sword: Made by Dr. Light and tested by Zero. Awesome sword with extending Beam. Price: 8,000

Dragon X: Stongest Laser Sword around. Very powerful! Price: 10,000

Pulse Grenade: a grenade with some great power. Hard to aim but once it hits...GAME OVER (not instantly). Price: 1,000 Each

Entrapment Buster: Traps enemy good for running away from battles. Price: 3,000

Force Fields

Use Force Fields in battle to protect yourself against attacks. Only good for 3 turns every fight.

Regular: A regular force feild. Price: 5,000

Large: A large force feild good for blocking pretty strong attacks. Price: 8,000

Electro Magnetic Force Field: A lagre force field made us energy and other particals. Great for blocking very strong attacks. Price: 10,000

Hidden Force Field: This creates a force field that hides you from your enemy. Price: 6,000

Force Feild Upgrades

Strong Chip: Makes sheild stronger. Price: 3,000

Disable Refelct: Disables Oppononent and mimics his/her attack. Price: 8,000

Reflect: Reflects all long ranged attacks. Price: 4,000

Stun Close Range: If attacked by close range enemies are stuned. Price: 4,000

Fire Stopper: Stops fire attacks. Price: 4,000

Ice Stopper: Stops Ice attacks Price: 4,000

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