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To join just send me an Email with the following information:

1. Your Characters name.

2. Your stats.

3. Your ability.

4. Your Finisher.

5. The rest of the stuff I 4got which is foudn below Creating names are easy. Just make one up or pick from from the real game. No names such as Goku, Tenchi, and anything else that has to do with any other type of Jap Anime. It's just not right. Your stats is chosen by you. Take 500 points and divide them into the 4 different stats. Those stats are: Energy Level (El), Speed (Sp), Armor (multiply it by 10)(just this once), Strength (Str).

The higher your El the stronger your energy blast etc. The higher Sp is the higher the chance of dodging and it determines who goes first in fights. Armor is like health. Once reached 0 in fights the person dies. Str is how strong punches are and how well u are with weapons etc. It takes alot of strength to rip through tough armor.....In the end you should send us something exactly like this (*means dont change. ** means u pick):

Your Chars Name**- Main Weapon: Buster Gun*, El:Your EL*, Sp: Your Sp**, Armor: Your Armor**, Str: Your Str**, Items: None*, Secondary Weapon: None*, Money: $0*, Finisher: Pick one**, Abilities: Pick One**, Team: Make one up or be lone for now**, Pet: None*, Wins/Loses: 0/0*, Stats: Alive*. SN:Your Sn**

Of course take out the stars. I wont accept a form that has something like this:

Damien you make up my stats team: none

How am i suppose to know what that means? Copy the example and fill in the areas with the two stars. Go to the abilities and finishers page for finishers and abilitites.


Email Me Your Stats To Join