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Use missions to earn money and get a quick stats increase. To go on a mission you need a ref also.

There is currently 1 mission open

Recover Stolen Weapons

The weapons manufacturing plant was robbed late last night and has requested help. They lost a great deal of various weapons and will pay $1,000, one Power Sword, and Two Back Up Chips to the first six people who can work together to complete this mission.

Since they have a list of whats been stolen you won't be able to keep anything but the power swords. They also belive that the boss, Snake and some of his thugs took them and are hiding underground. The only ways to get in are through the forest or the sewers. We've gotten permission to go in through the sewers to advoid detection because the forest is heavily guarded and almost impossible to inflitrate. To Sign up for this Mission Email Me

People Signed Up:

Pyro, Zero, ZXD, MMX, Neo, Colonel. This mission is taken.

Email Me for questions