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The Chocobo Pet Store was last updated: 5-22-04
Please make sure the chocobo name you select isn't taken..
I am finally back online and I've had some rough times..
I'm sorry msshinobu I have not been running this site properly.
I do have a new little asset on this site, if you would like your own chocobo with your face on it, you can for the small fee of $4.95.
It insures that your chocobo will always be here. I have also erased all of the chocobo's on here. I'm going to make this site a little different. This is no longer going to be chocobo racing it's going to be chocobo fighting!!! If you are looking to buy a custom chocobo don't forget to sign up with PayPal
?Contest Questions?
5 EXP. 2 ACCEL.- How many yards are there from goal line to goal line in Canadian football??
Saturday, August 25th- I have put a poll up for all your opinions..
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