A gust of cold air, tinged with small glittering snowflakes, blew through the passageway causing Minaia's robes to rise and her hood to blow back from her silky white hair. With a huff the little Katri promptly yanked her robe back down to cover her legs and went into her and her dragon's chambers. The quite large, silvery-blue scaley male dragon known as Selenyan stood off towards the back of the chambers practicing his skill with the forces of winter.

Far off in the corner, the little wraith called Shade was hunched up, all of his feline fur and feathers on his wings standing on-end as he hissed. The mute catlike shadowshifter didn't appreciate the sudden temperature drop in the room, Minaia herself couldn't confess to liking it. Plus there were icicles beginning to form on the ceiling!

"Yan, what are you doing?" the Katri Empress asked her dragon. The shorting of the dragon's name sounded more like 'Ian' than 'Yan' for his full name sounded more like 'millenium'. Sell-en-ee-an.

Practicing, came the dragon's smooth, twinkling reply.

Minaia blinked once,"....for...?"

For the Flurry, of course! You haven't heard? the silver-blue sounded somewhat indignant as he created another gust of cold air. Ryslen is holding a flight for white-colored, silver-colored, Flurry, and other winter-clutched dragons. It's the first one they've held in years...and the white who called for it is quite pretty, she has snowflake markings on her. Kind of like a snowdrift I guess you'd say. I want to fly.

The albino Katri stared at her dragon, leaning back against the smooth glass-like black wall of the chambers they shared with Fendranon and Arienliu. "You want to fly?" The thought had really never occured to her...not before she'd gotten a dragon, not after she'd gotten a dragon, never until now. Well, that's what dragons did, wasn't it? They flew to mate... "Okay...so this Flurry is for wintery dragons, and you like this--"

Nevalith, her name is Nevalith....Or rather Neva', Yan cut in.

"--you like Neva', but what makes you think you'll catch her? If she called for the flight she's bound to be the most popular female in that flight, and you're...kind of big. Nearly 40' long. Oh, and why are you practicing your skills for a flight?"

Well....I won't have a chance if I'm not in the flight; I'd at least like a chance, Minaia, the bipedal dragon explained, looking up at Shade who'd crawled onto the large dragon's head and procede to make himself at home. With my skills I control cold gusts, I could make a downdraft fouling any dragon's wings.

"Isn't that cheating?" Minaia asked, wondering how Selenyan could concoct such a thing.

....I suppose you are right. If I win any female in that flight I will win her fair and square! Iffff......


If you let me sign up.

Min paused, rubbing her arms a bit,"If Fen agrees."

A flight at Ryslen? Wow...that'll be your first flight, won't it Selenyan? Fendranon's lacey-winged green said in admiration, tilting her head to one side. Sounds fun... Fen! I want to find somewhere to fly!

Fendranon rolled his eyes, folding his legs under him and putting his palms on his knees. "Now look what you started!" he said to the silver-blue with mock anger. "Now I'll have to deal with Liu wanting to fly!"

Fendranon's Katri spouse began to laugh, shaking her head.

Hey! Why don't you fly in the Flurry? Your wings are....kind of white-ish, Selenyan suggested, taking hold of one of his small green friend's wings and extending it for her.

Arienliu snorted and nipped him on the claw causing the big bipedal dragon to jump back knocking his head on the ceiling. The green began to laugh, thwacking her tail against the floor--then she turned serious. I'm afraid I can't. The Masterhealer listed me as a green, so I'm just green. I don't mind, though. Won't be as much competition for any cute guys if it's just me flying. Liu's eyes glinted with a merry blue-green glow.

Fen groaned, then hugged Minaia around the shoulders. "As long as I get to pick my own mate."