Gabriel, Stephane: Duke of the Black Eagle duchy.
Gaia: Supreme power of the Prime Material Plane.
Gaia's Spine: Large mountain range running down the center of Grandia.
Gallatia: Kingdom located in central Eastmarch.
Garl Glittergold: Greater deity of The Twin Paradises
Garrette: Duchy in southern Ascaria.
Garven: Kingdom located in northern Eastmarch.
Gehenna: One of the twelve outer planes. Strongly evil, mildly lawful. Connected to the plane of shadow by the river Phlegethon.
Gideria: Kingdom located in western Westmarch.
Goblin Fever: Disease harmless to goblins, fatal to other humanoids.
Wall, The: Large stone wall south of Gallatia and Cardif constructed
to keep out the
Southland barbarians.
Green Hills: Duchy in northern Ascaria.
Grey Sea: Cold, stormy sea located east of Grandia. Also called Sea of Troubles.
Grolantor: Lesser deity of Tarterus.
Gruumsh: Greater deity of The Nine Hells.