The god of death, Hel is neutral evil. Her title are Lady Death, or
simply Death. The domains associated with Hel are dark, death, evil,
and magic. Followers of Hel are known as reapers.
Ironically, Hel has the simplest of objectives, yet her plans are rarely obvious,
even to Mordred. Hel is seldom choosy about who populates her kingdom,
and her reapers strive for just one simple goal: to kill everyone and everything
on the prime material plane, thus allowing Death to reign supreme. Hel’s
followers tend to be quiet and withdrawn by nature, beings who no longer
see any joy in life and are thus quite willing to snuff it out. The
unholy symbol of all reapers is the skull, the symbol of the inevitable fate
that awaits all mortals. Hel's favored weapon is the scythe.
The most powerful of the Mordred's Four Horsemen, Hel frequently works with
other deitities of evil, and her reapers are one of the few groups that will
even tolerate the Red Plague, the followers of Scourge. This is not
because they particularly respect Scourge and his followers, or care much
about their portfolio, but simply because Scourge's followers have proven
so efficient at spreading death in their wake. The followers of certain
deities, Ariel and Arawn in particular, are of course natural enemies of
the reapers, and conflicts with such groups are frequent.
Reapers of Hel always dress in long, flowing black robes, both for ceremony and adventuring, and are often recognized by the pale skin most followers develop over time. Reapers must conduct daily sacrifices to their dark god, and must offer up intelligent beings equivalent to their station on a weekly basis, or risk facing Lady Death's displeasure.