Star Ocean:The Second Story Characters

Claude C. Kenni
Race: Human
Type: Fighter
Gender: Male
Weapon: Sword
Age: 19
Hair: Blonde
Eyes: Blue
Birthdate: January 23
Fav. Food: Steak
Fav. Instrument: Silver Trumpet

Claude is one of the main heroes you choose to begin with. He is the son of Ronixis Kenni, captain of the Calnas and the hero from the first Star Ocean. While exploring the planet Milocinia with his father, he gets caught in a transporter and is beamed to the distant planet of Expel, where the adventure begins. Claude becomes good friends with Rena, even developing a slight crush on her. He greatly admires Dias and grows fond of Leon (like a little brother). He becomes quite intersted in the rest of the females of you party also, although he shares a closer friendship with Opera as she's from a more sophisticated planet.

In BattleClaude about to use Mirror Slice
Claude's weapon of choice is a sword. His Killer Moves are both quick and deadly, he is one of the most powerful characters in your party. He can also equip the most powerful weapons and armor. Keep him in the front fighting or towards the back protecting Rena.

Rena Lanford
Race: Nedian
Type: Mage
Gender: Female
Weapon: Glove/Knuckles
Age: 17
Hair: Dark Blue (but looks light blue(?)
Eyes: Violet
Birthdate: May 13
Fav. Food: Shortcake
Fav. Instrument: Lyre

Rena is the other main character you can choose to play as. Rena is quite a dreamer but she can remain on the task at hand. Her adventure begins when she enters the Shingo Forest. Rena is a very kind hearted, naive, caring, sensitive, and sencere person. She has a very deep love for her childhood friend, Dias, and developes a close relation ship with Claude early on. She finds yet another friend when Celine joins (this one maybe stronger since Celine is the first female to join). She has a tough time deciding between Dias and Claude...but later on sees Ashton and Noel as two possbillities. She's annoyed by Precis's childish ways and Chisato's constant snooping.

In BattleRena is about to cast a healing spell
Rena is one of the most important people to have in your party. She is the first person for a long time that can heal your party without items. Not only that but her physical attacks cause greater damage than all the other mages. But as you progress in the game her physical attacks shrink slightly in power as her spells grow. It's good to have her up front fighting towards the beginning, but later on she needs to be in the back constantly using her spells. Make sure you assign a character to aid/protect her during battle.

Celine Jules
Race: Expel
Type: Mage
Gender: Female
Weapon: Rod/Staff
Age: 23
Birthdate: September 18
Hair: Lavender
Eyes: Violet
Fav. Food: Baby Rabbit Risotto
Fav. Instrument: Violin

Celine is the child of respected mages in Mars Village. She is constantly out looking for adventure, danger, and treasure. But because of her occupation she feels she'll never have a boyfriend. She becomes friends with Rena and Claude. She's Bowman's ex-fiancee...and even has a fling with the Prince of Cross (she wastes no time). She developes a love for Ernest after he joins, since he also has an "eye" for exploration (^_^). She sees Dias as a jerk and tries to steer clear of Precis and Leon.

In BattleCelin's magic comes in quite handy, especially early in the game wince she's the only one able to cast them!
Celine has some of the most (if not the most) powerful offensive magic in the game. But since she can only equip robes and other light armor she might faint in battle if you don't assign a character to protect her. But as long as she is kept towards the back she should be ok. She attacks using rods (which won't cause much damage, but they can assist her by recovering HP or MP every 5-10 sec and raising her magic power).

Ashton Anchors
Race: Expel
Type: Fighter
Gender: Male
Weapon: Twin Daggers
Age: 20
Hair: Brown (however, in-game his hair is black(?)
Eyes: Light Green
Birthdate: September 28
Fav. Food: Hamburger
Fav. Instrument: Piano

Ashton, a "sword for hire", seems to always be in the wrong place at the wrong time. And as you try to talk to him, the two-headed dragon he was fighting becomes fused on him. So as a result he joins you to find a way to exorcise the dragons. Ashton is at first a rude and selfish person...but later becomes a compassionate...nerdy and quirky character. His obsession with barrels is extremely weird on its on. He doesn't care much for Rena, Claude, or Celine at first...but later becomes good friends with them. He's got a soft spot for kids though. Such as when he goes out of the way to help the poor sick Eleanor...and developes a fondness for Precis and Leon.

In Battle
While Ashton dosen't have the strength of Claude or Dias, he makes a great addition to the attack team anyway. Ashton attacks using twin daggers. As long as he has a decent weapon and some MP you'll find him very helpful on your quest. Skills are another htig though, what few skills he does have...he stinks at them. However if you choose to have him in your party you'll never get to see Opera Vectra. And for that reason I've used him only in a few games (I like Opera better).

Precis Neumann
Race: Expel
Type: Fighter
Gender: Female
Weapon: Bobot (Mechanical Punching Hand)
Age: 16
Hair: Strawberry Blonde
Eyes: Light Green
Birthdate: February 29
Fav. Food: Chocolate Crepes (that explains her hyperness)
Fav. Instrument: Harmonica

Precis is an extremely perky, hyper active teenager. Precis lives in the town of Linga, and along with all the other people their she is an inventor. Precis is always willing to learn more and cram more knowledge. Precis thinks of Rena as her rival for Claude's affections. But she also a flame for Ashton. She thinks of Leon as a little they both have similar interests. She also finds Opera interesting as she is equally skilled with machines.

In Battle
Pecis uses the large Punching Hands on her backpack to attack. Her Killer Moves are powerful and fun to watch. And she's another lon-ranged fighter. So she's a perfect addition to the party. But choosing her means you can't recruit Bowman Jean. She's better in my oppinion.

Opera Vectra
Race: Tetragenes
Type: Fighter
Gender: Female
Weapon: Energy Paks (used to power up her rifle-type gun, the "Kaleidoscope")
Age: 23
Hair: Golden Blonde
Eyes: Hazel
Birthdate: August 24
Fav. Food: Apple Cider
Fav. Instrument: Piano

The eldest daughter (and heir) of a wealthy family. You may notice that Opera has three eyes (the third one is on her forehead), this is a characteristic of the race of Tetragenes. She crash-landed on Expel while looking for her boy friend, Ernest Raviede. While looking for information on him at the Hilton Tavern, she meets Claude and Rena...and if you saw Ernest in the town of Cross you can aid her in her search. A fiery woman of many passions, Opera enjoys fine spirits. She an extremely smart woman, but not snobby like Celine. Opera is a skilled technician and weilds various firearms with ease. She isn't one to take crap from people though, as she'll prove many a time. She's a "honey makin' money"...heh heh, ahem...she's independant to say the least. And is most definetly the sexy girl of the group, which often makes the other females jealous at times. She developes a small crush for Claude, but quickly diminishes it if Ernest is around. She gets along fairly well with everyone.

In BattleOpera, after use Flame Launcher
Opera is my favorite character to use in the game. Her Killer Moves are deadly and hit multiple times. She uses a gun called the "Kaleidoscope" that you can upgrade by inserting newer energy paks. She's useful in any battle (normal or boss) and she's very deadly against flying enemies since she can stay in one place and fire her gun at a very fast pace. She also has the fastest normal attack. If you keep her well supplied with magic points (MP) you'll be very pleased with the results. If you want her make sure you don't recruit Ashton.

Bowman Jean
Race: Expel
Type: Fighter
Gender: Male
Weapon: Gloves/Knuckles
Age: 27
Hair: Dark Brown
Eyes: Light Brown
Birthdate: December 30
Fav. Food: Daikon Miso Soup
Fav. Instrument: Harmonica

Bowman runs a pharmacy in the town of Linga. Bowman may look like an ordinary guy, but deep inside he's a warrior dying for adventure. Infact, he and Celine Jules used to be lovers...they were even going to be wed. Even though he was destined to become Lacour's greatest scholar and scientific genius, he instead shared adventure and romance with Celine. It eneded, somehow, with him leading a simple, slow life as a pharmacist instead of a treasure hunter like Celine. So when Celine comes back into town (and with a bunch of adventurers) he can't resist the urge to join. He does love his wife, Nineh, despite his roving eyes...lingering feelings for Celine...and lust for Opera and Chisato. He likes Claude and an extent where even goes girl watching with 'em! He can't tolerate Leon's bratty attitude, however.

In Battle
Bowman uses the same Knucles as Rena, but can equip a wider variety of them. His Killer Moves are fairly powerful, but you may not realize him in battle since all of your other characters have higher levels and more advanced skills. And while he is a pretty intersting character interms of might not find much use for him on the battlefield.

Ernest Raviede
Race: Tetragenes
Type: Fighter
Gender: Male
Weapon: Whips
Age: 35
Hair: Sandy Blonde
Eyes: Hazel
Birthdate: August 31
Fav. Food: Hassaku Tea
Fav. Instrument: Cembalo

Ernest is an archaeologist from the planet Tetragenes and he is the one Opera is searching for. Ernest came to Expel to search for ancient artifacts in the ruins here. If you managed to recruit Opera (then spoke with her through a PA in Arlia then visited her crashed ship in the Shingo Forest) then you will have the opportunity to recruit Ernest at the Hoffman Ruins. He does crae greatly for Opera, but soon grows interested in Celine (as she is a treasure hunter, similar to him). He sees Claude and Noel as good friends, but won't talk much with the other party they're all so much younger.

In Battle
Ernest attacks with whips. He starts out at level 25, so you must level him up properly in order fo him to be of any use. While he isn't the most powerful person in the game he can eventually become one worthy of a battle usage. His Killer Moves are fairly strong and he has a longer ranged normal attack.

Leon D.S. Geeste
Race: Fellpool
Type: Mage
Gender: Male
Weapon: Books
Age: 12
Hair: Light Blue
Eyes: Light Blue
Birthdate: November 25
Fav. Food: Carrot Juice
Fav. Instrument: Violin

Leon is a scientist who works with his parents in the laboratories in the basement of Lacour Castle. He s always trying to act older and he thinks he is above everyone else in the party in terms of "wisdom" and "intelligence". While he resists Claude and Rena's kindness at first he laters grows to love them like siblings. Leon is a very snobby little brat and will seriously get on your nerves at first but he later leans toward the innocent kid side. Leon will only join if you are playing as Claude. He likes Claude and Rena a lot. He even developes a crush on Rena! He also develops a crush on Precis (he seems to find her passion of inventing attractive). He gets along with Noel, but seems to care less for Aston, Opera (although he seems to find her attractive (^_-), and Ernest...and then he hates Bowman with a passion.

In BattleLiek Celine, his magic is very powerful
Leon is a very gifted magical user. While not as strong as Celine with magic or as physically strong as Rena, Leon has many spells that neither of them get. He should be kept in the back so he can continueously cast spells without delay.

Dias Flac
Race: Expel
Type: Fighter
Gender: Male
Weapon: Long Sword
Age: 25
Hair: Dark Blue (appears almost platinum in-game(?)
Eyes: Dark Brown
Birthdate: August 5
Fav. Food: Chicken Skewers
Fav. Instrument: Cembalo

Dias, the mysterious friend of Rena, will appear from time to time to show off his superior fighting skills. He rarely talks and has a strong hate for Claude (at first). He has a very cold exterior and prefers to travel alone, fighting for his own causes. He only joins if you're playing as Rena. Dias obviously has strong feelings for Rena, but is drawn more to Chisato and her lively personality. He later becomes friends (and respects) Claude, but he hates Ashton. He doesn't have much tolerance for Celine's haughty ways or Precis's excessive hyperness. He can, however, get along fairly ok with Bowman and Ernest (age or maturity, perhaps)

In BattleDias using his Killer Move, Illiusion
Dias is an incredible swordsman and is one of the strongest first. While he is the strongest character towards the beginning of the game, his usefulness and power steadily drop as you get further in the game. By the time you reach the later half of the game he'll be about as powerful as Ashton.

Noel Chandler
Race: Nedian
Type: Mage
Gender: Male
Weapon: Glove/Knuckles
Age: 24
Hair: Dark Brown (appears blonde in game)
Eyes: Unknown (his eyes are always shut)
Birthdate: February 16
Fav. Food: Big Tuna
Fav. Instrument: Illusive Shamisen

Noel is the "caretaker" of the many animals that inhabit Energy Nede. He halps you in your search for a Synard in the Cavern of the Red Crystal. After your long search through the cave and you successfully acquire a Synard he will ask to join you on your adventures. He finds similar interests with Bowman, Leon, and Ernest. And also becomes close to Rena...however, he doesn't seem to care much for the others.

In BattleNoel casting a spell
Noel is yet another mage. Except he is the only mage other than Rena that can heal your party. He has a pretty huge supply of offensive magic attacks and a few defensive ones. He can also equip stronger armor than all the other mages. He isn't really that effective besides those two pluses (or um...three), Rena is a much better healer and Celine is better with offensive magic.

Chisato Madison
Race: Nedian
Type: Fighter
Gender: Female
Weapon: Stun Guns
Age: 22
Hair: Dark Red
Eyes: Light Blue
Birthdate: October 22
Fav. Food: Fruit Sandwich
Fav. Instrument: Organ

A very intersting and humorous character indeed. Chisato is an ivestigative reporter for the Nede Chronicle. You can find her trying to hunt you down (like all good reporters) to get all the info. she can of your origin. But her stealth techniques leave much to be desired and you spot her everywhere you go. But you can take advantage of this and snab her business card in the Cavern of the Red Crystal and get her to join your group. Chisato is a pretty much open person and always lets you know what's on her mind. And she does whatever necessary to get the best story she can. She instantly becomes friends with Opera and Ernest, she finds Claude and Ashton attractive, although she seems more intersted in Dias. She doesn't care much for Leon or Celine's ritzy/arrogant attitudes, or the way Rena brushes her off (for doing her job). Precis reminds her a little of herself.

In BattleChisato using her crackling rod to perform her Killer Move, 10 Thousand Volts
Chisato is another great addition to the attack team. She is very agile and all of her Killer Moves hit multiple times. But instead of using her Stun Gun to attack, she prefers to show off her kicks (she does use a taser when she does a jump attack though). Although she kicks most of the time her range is a little better than most. If you have her and Opera in your attack team you can have a continueous barrage of hits and Killer Moves.