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The Fantasy World Builders Forum - Home


Welcome to the introductory website for the Fantasy World Builders Forum!

At first the forum was a place for world builders to gather, it was a site on its own, but I feel it needs a supporting site where I can put files and resources for its visitors, and it might even develop into a place where posters can put up their campaign worlds. Well, I had better talk to them about that and see how they feel!

Please vote for us in the D&D top 25 sites. It will open a new window, link you to a great site in that window, and give this place more visitors, which = more resources, downloads and cool stuff for you!


Fantasy World Builders Forum


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News: 10th of August 2001

Things are going slowly but steadily - 28 members on the forums. I'm hoping that number will grow soon. In the meantime I'll be updating the site more often and adding things as quickly as possible. The site may also undergo a minor redesign.

updated.gif (168 bytes)World of Aiem added to Hosted Campaign Worlds.
new.gif (147 bytes)1 new resource link.
new.gif (147 bytes)Drang-Mi-Laran Language Sheet!

Coming Soon:

rd_di.gif (198 bytes) The World of Aiem, hosted by this site, should be updated and added to frequently. Check it out here.

rd_di.gif (198 bytes) Possibly some things from the campaign worlds of forum members, as well as my own. Watch out for some maps of my campaign world!

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