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March 23rd, 2001:

Sorry for the lack of updates, I've been thinking about why was I born, what was my purpose of life, and why the hell am I having a Harvest Moon site, that there are hundreds of out there! Well, I'll tell you why!! (I'm not depressed anymore as you can see, I'm actually pissed), Well! I bring info and fast info about games that no one else knows! I have a general knollidge of alot! And I'm a smart ass! And my IT teacher thinks I'm a smart ass! Well, I haven't clue, but I think so as I run two websites and learnt HTML in only 2 days, when others learn it in more! Well, I do have no life and spend my whole life on the Pc, letting it waist away! Well, onto updates: I will not send anymore roms out! WHY??? Because! I spent 24 hours getting all the roms working! And I can't take anymore of this bull! ALL the roms work!! (Except instruc for making english), and the ones that don't are notified!!! So don't give me any bull that they don't work! AND I've decided I WILL NOT!!!!!!!!!!! SEND out roms! Emulaters yes! Roms no! As I have gone to the trouble of getting you the rom, and not the emu, so I'll send you the Emu only!! And any save files!! Also, please send in any info at all!!! ALSO PLEASE Here at HMP it is VERY HARD to run this website expanding all! So I'm asking you to help me run this site, there are plenty of jobs/positions! And no you will not get paid, because I don't, and I don't have the money to pay you! So please E-mail me at:! The subject has been sorted out, and you'll notice that I've changed the E-mail for that, yes cause I find it very hard, but that's not my real E-mail, that's my tempiry until my Bt on is fixed, as that's my one personal! And they've given that to me as a tempiry one! Which is cool but crap as BT haven't a beeping clue what E-mail means! Then again, who does! Hehe You'll also notice these Emoticons, which yes do come from EZBoard! So I am thanking EXBoard for letting me use them!! ALso you know what, this blimmin site is charging me for stealing there info! Beeping hell! (This isn't my HMP, it's FFP), they say I stole 90% of their info, hmmmmmmmmm, note nothing on either site is the same! And then the person goes and ignores me, he says I'll be banned from his site, I didn't even hear about his blimmin site till he E-mailed me telling me I stole stuff off it! Oh well! There ya go, you have the sane (me), the THEM (you), and the insane (him)! Well, this ones been a long one, I'm gonna be re-doing my site! To make it better for you! I'm gonna be changing all the music! Also, I know a way you can get the HTML from this site, now I know 4 ways! I'm not going to tell you though, but I advise you read the Disclaimer as anything stolen from this site without permission (I will give as long as asked, depending on the site so ask before hand, as I might not like you and say NO!), I'm this minute E-mailing someone about that as she asked first, but I want to know the URL, but the thing I wasn't impressed about was she gave me someone elses pics! Which wasn't nice for her to steal them from someone else and give them to me, so I said I don't want the pics and shouted at her, so I'm asking her a load of Q's! Also, THANKYOU ALL!!!!!! Over 3336 people have visited the FRAMES alone! And over 932 on the Non-Frames!!! Thank You ALLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Also, abit of a mone, please put the Dash up on YOUR site for the WebRing! I need more people to come to my site, although another 3 people have just visited the FRAMES!!!! It's so cool! Ya know, I love this site!! Well, I think it's best to say good night, but I think not, I'll ramble on, because from now on my updates will be like this, to congratulate people and all, and mone and groan! Well lets think, what else??? Yes, ah, another moan, ya know, I'm being abit like my Head! Well, PLEASE sign my guestbook, I only put the Counter up, because I know I can't trust you, because I know you wont sign the guestbook unless asked! SO pleasE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Now I'm finished groaning and moaning! ah, oh crap! School on monday! and I've got to do my RE, i'll do it on monday (Although it's due monday! I'll do the usual! but maybe I should just do it now, but I'll think about it after a cool glass (Bottle) of beer!!!) CYA till next time!!!!!! ~HMP~

March 16th, 2001:

Sorry again for the lack of updates! But I have plenty of new info, but onto point 1, I will NOT send you the roms in E-mails, sorry for being so rude and harsh and all, but I spent 24 blumin hours getting the downloads working! And the only 1 that I need to fix is because I don't have the full file! So PLEASE don't send ANYMORE E-mails requesting roms, as I will just discard them! I can't be bothered about them any more, as you can download them, and I downloaded all of them, and they worked on my computer! So they'll work on yours! And no I do not have Emulators on my site! I'm not going to put Emu's on my site, and also if ANYONE puts my patch of HM3 on, I will take the patch off this site, and maybe even make it private, and that only people who sign up, and give me a reason why they want to signup, only then will I think about it! And when I find out the person who gave it to zophar, I will ban their IP address so it doesn't have to be a private site! But no one has yet, so it's good! I've changed the Screenshots page a load!! Now I've got 3 pages instead of 2, and they pics load faster! I'm also spreading all the 50 so pics of HM3 through 5 pages, 10 on 1 page loads up real fast! Or maybe even 15 or 20 on 1 page! That still loads up fast!! Well, Cya!

March 11th, 2001:

Sorry for no updates, but for some of you, you'll know my PC broke down, and I was unable to do anything. Now I've got it fixed and now I'll be updating like normal! As you know all of the downloads work except 1, I've had to take 1 down, as it would refuse to upload! So I've got 1 less download! I'm working on the Midis, as they don't work to perfection eyt. But they soon will! Cya!

February 15th, 2001:

I've finally got the downloads up and running! Sorry but I didn't use ANY of your ideas for servers for the downloads! Because either they gave 50mb of space ro they didn't hold zip files! BUT I've talked to the owner of Angelfire and he said he would fix it and now the roms can work! So I've got all the roms working! But I stil need to get the Midis working! So they're my next target! I'll then be adding a load of things and redoing the whole website! I'm still as you speak going through it all working on it! Bu now that I'm using FTP I have to upload the files everynight and sometimes I forget, so don't worry if it's the 19th and there's no updates, but on the 20th it says there's been updates! BECAUSE that can be for 2 reasons! 1: I live in England meaning the times are different! So when I update you could be asleep! OR 2: Since it's FTP I forget to upload the files meaning the updates going on the day after! Well, I'll keep ya posted on whats happening! ALSO do you see that I've changed the way the updates look! I think it's much better like this and I'll keep it like this!!

February 14th, 2001:

Sorry for the NO updates for ages, and No replies to E-mails! As I've nw just come out of Hospital! And my neck is feeling abit better but not much! But I added a Harvest Moon GBC2 Screen Shots page! It's got loads of screenshots and they're cool!! Well, I'm planning on updating EVERYDAY from now on as more and more people like the site and also I've got load more info, and about 30 screenshots for Harvest Moon For Girl! Also, some people E-mailed me saying that Harvest Moon For Girl is not real and is BEEP! But I can tell all of you that it IS real! Because it has already come out in Japan and if you go to Japan rund this time of year you'll see it in the plentyful! I'm going again to Japan in afew months! So I'll probably get a load of Harvest Moon games! So I'll be able to update more!! But until then (Tomorrow!! hehe!) CYA!!
PS: I've added aload of the updates to the Old Updates Page!!

February 7th, 2001:

Well, I don't usually do this, but I'll start doing it more often that way I can update the site more than once a day! Well, I've decided that having a site as big as HMP is a hard job, so I've decided to let people help me, if you want to help, please E-mail me at:! ALSO, if any of you have good save files, please send them in and I'll give you credit, as always, here at HMP we give credit for what other people do for us, and when credit is deserved! (And we're very generous with credit!!), so if you send us anything and we do use it, you'll be given credit! ALSO do NOT (Means: DO, sorry, DON'T) give us deadlines, you may have forgotten that I live in England and am in a very cold room and never come out, I've spent at least 18 hours in this room, other than going to other rooms for reasons (I wont go into detail), but since of this, when it's 5pm here, it'll be 12pm in America! Meaning I wont be able to send things as early as you want! Cause if you send it when it's 12am here, I wont revieve it until 7am here and I wont be able to reply to it as I'll have to rush off to a meeting cause as you ALL know being head of a company is very busy and as you ALL also know this is a VERY big site and hard to control, also PLEASE BARE with me as I sort through the 100's of replies to the Fan club, please I'll get back to you as soon as possible, cause I get like over 20 E-mails aday! (Not including the Fan CLub mail!!!), so please bare with me as I sort through it ALL! AND I'll be getting a new server that gives me UNLIMTED space and NO BANNERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So that should be better, although it'll be a long URL, it'll be shortened by NIC, (My very good friend who game me the URL:!!), so wait untill all is revealed and all will come clear!! CYA!! (Next Time!)

February 7th, 2001:

Today to celebrate so many people coming to this site and the re-opening of it, and the Non-Frames nearly done (On my computer, no on the net), and then I'll soon put it up! Well, ain't this a good time! Now I've got a white counter so its easier to see, and it looks better and more chalky!

February 4th, 2001:

Today I made a form instead of you having to E-mail me your answers for the quiz, go to the OTHER page and you'll see a quiz form, so it is now easier!! I will be adding alot of Javascript to my site now, as it will enhance the way it looks and the feel and ease! So wait and just now the whole site will be made of javascript!! But until next time CYA!!

February 3rd, 2001:

QUICK NOTES: Click here if you think that you are worthy of looking at the Fan Club! ALL members will be E-mailed this password, SO please now DO NOT enter a password when you fill in the form to join the Fan Club, soon I'll take that part out, but not for the moment!. I'm just saying that my Non-Frames probably wont work, as I'm changing it dramatically, now instead of everything being like that, it's the complete opposite! I'll tell you when it's finished, but I wont put it up until ALL the pages are done!! So, just wait and see!! NOTE: Please DO NOT send your entry twice for the Top Sites, and please only send it once and only send the Fan Club entry once!! People have been sending them in two times and some others more! I might make a rule that if you send it in twice you're not allowed to join for that month, or something like that! Please hold on as I've just come back from Japan, and America, and it has been a very busy few weeks and I'll have to go back very soon to sort out some more things that went wrong when I came back to England! Oh well! Hope you like the site!!

February 1st, 2001:

I added the instructions on how to use the HM3 patch and play it in English! That should make some people happy! I've decided to keep HMP up! And I'll be updating often, I'll get much more info up and do alot more things! If you still have any problems or need anything please E-mail me at and I'll E-mail you back hopefully that same day or the next! Oh, please forgive me people who have signed up for the club, but I'm getting that up and running so please could you wait just abit longer and you'll get a reply soon! Just so you know, all that have entered have been acepted! But I've had no time to actually E-mail you and all, so please forgive me and I'll be getting all the info up, as the Fan Club has about 30 or more members now! Well, I had better stop babbling and get on with trying to get the midis and downloads up as I'll add the patched rom! And I'll add a full HM3 kit where you'll have everything you need! Well, CYA!!

January 30th, 2001:

Well, I'm sorry for the late update, but many people have been E-mailing me telling me to take HMP down, and as the votings go, more people want it to stay up, so it shall and I'll update more often to make up for the lack of updates, and hope you like the new feel, I'm changing TWO pages, as they don't work, the Midis page hasn't worked for ages and nor has the downloads page, but I'll have tips and secrets and I'll show you how to use the patch and all! Hope ya like the new feel!

January 28th, 2001:

I'm very sorry for the real late update!! I've just been in Japan for the past few weeks, and I've also made a new poll, please answer the question it asks, as this site may be closed, many people have been E-mailing me saying :"get rid of your site, i's crap! It's got nothing on! Even porn sites beat this!" and many other things, so please tell me if I should carry on with this site or not. Thank You.

January 15th, 2001:

Well, I don't think I mentioned about Mieks link to her Game Room, it's really cool, it's a place where she lists all of the games she's got and all the cool games around! Major planning going on, the `BEEP` thing about angelfire is that their downloads don't work tooo well, well they actually work like `BEEP` (note: If I said what I wanted to say instead of the beep, your computer screen would crack and you would already have been through pubity!), so I wont say what I want to, I'm going to get anew server, if you have any in mind please tell me, that would be a great help (NOTE: Not HomeStead, yes lots of people like them but they're not the kind of place I'm thinking of, oh and not some place that gives 50mb, just like some place that gives off at MAX 15mb or 16mb, so if you do have any in mind tell me!!), so please, you'll be given credit for helping me if I choose the one you said (NOTE: please give a name that you would like to be credited as if I need to credit you)). I think that's all forward and simple! See Ya Next Time!!

January 14th, 2001:

Sorry for the late update, but I've just re-spidered my search box, so it wont work for a while, it should work tomorrow or the day after, I went round looking at my site seeing what I needed to put in, and what I had put in, I'm in the doing of getting a load of pics for Harvest Moon: For Girl! It's about 30 or so, I hope gameweekly don't mind as I coudn't find their E-mail to ask them if I could use their pics, well I hope they don't mind and I'll be updating, as you can see I've now got a new E-mail, you can now E-mail me at: or, you can now E-mail me at either one of those two, as I check them both everyday, and if you joined the Fan Club, I say thank you, and please bare with me as I'm at the moment changing my internet server so it is kinda hard to check my E-mails and reply to them all, but when I've got a suitable internet provider I'll reply to ALL of your E-mails, the new info about the GameCube will go in the Information page as that's got a Rumors section! It's been along day, well I'll try and get all the pics up soon for HMFG, but until I do, happy huntin! (P.S: The pics will only all be up by Webnesday 17th 2001, January.)

January 5th, 2001:

I updated alot over the past few days but haven't put it up, so here I'll list all the things that I updated (not in order!), first of all, you'll all be pleased to know about my new name domain, it's: and it's easy to remember and short! Then I got a load of emails with rumors and help and info, so I put all of that up, and I got a new FAQ up, and I'm now working on a non-frames version of Harvest Moon Palace, now every Saturday I'll update this section of Harvest Moon Palace, but every Sunday I'll update the non-frames sectio, but also I will do small updates in the week and when I've got time! So now you'll be seeing one update per week minimum! And about 5 MAX! So, there's more reason to come here! Also, I've got more info on Harvest Moon For Girl, and loads more info on ALL games, so just wait till ALL the info is up, well I think it is all up, but tomorrow I'll go round the site and check as it will be time to update the site tomorrow! Well, there's probably more that I updated but that's enought to write about for now I guess! Well, also check out a new site called Final Fantasy Palace, the URL's and it's also just as short, well even shorter! See ya ALL next time people as there will be jst the same amount of updates!!

December 30th, 2000:

Not much of an update today, I just found out that one of the pics were a fake so I took it down, thatnks to the person who told me that, also, if any of you like a game called Final Fantasy, click HERE!!, although the site hasn't been up for a while and not alot of info is up, but what is up is correct and is perfect!! So why not go there, you might be surprised!!

December 27th, 2000:

I added a load of screen shots to Harvest Moon GBC3 and I put them ALL on one page so it's easier to view them ALL! But apart from that not much has happened, but what will happen is I'm going to get help from another person soon! And I might put the Harvest Moon GBC2 screenshots up today but if not, definately tomorrow!

December 23rd, 2000:

I've added a Harvest Moon GBC2 FAQ, I made the FAQ and I think it's brill, you can download it HERE!, you can also download it in the GameBoy section! I've also added two new links, they're both COOL sites, the one's about Harvest Moon 64 and the other's about Harvest Moon GBC2! Other than that not much of an update, it's still the christmas holidays so I wont be updating as much, but between Boxing day and New Years eve, I'll be updating like mad, and then the day after New Years day I'll also be updating like mad! So kust wait until then, but you might see a few little updates here and there, or maybe something big, but that's if I've got time, because I'm going to spend three hours in town today buying ALL the Christmas presents!! I'm abit late this year, so I've not much time to update today, todays the last day to get the Christmas tree up and all, buy the presents and wrap them, I'm truely late this year, looks like I'll have to stop now. See ya people!! HAPPY CHRISTMAS AND A HAPPY NEW YEAR TO YOU ALL!!

December 22nd, 2000:

As you can see, I'm now using this kinda updates system, it will be better than the other one and NOW I also have an old updates page meaning this updates section won't take sooo long to load up, other than that I haven't updated much, it's near Christmas and I'm not going to update much over the Christmas holidays, unless I'm asked, but after the holidays I'll be updating as usual!! I think that's all I need to say, I hope ALL of you have a Happy Christmas and a Happy New Year!! But until then, GOOD BY!!!!!!!

December 16th, 2000:

Hello man, I got alot updated today, ALL the roms, downloads, patches, savefiles, the lot, they ALL work, except for the midis, they need to be fixed as none of you have WinRa and I do and that's what all the files are in, so I've now got WinZip so all should work, it will be a few days till ALL the midis are fixed, but they all should soon be fixed, I started on them today, so about 3 of them work, the rest need to be fixed! Until then, see ya all later!

December 11th, 2000:

Hi, I will give you a short and brief paragraph about what I've updated, but has been deleted on the main page, here I go: I've updated alot of pages, such as the Playstation pages and other things, I'm constantly changing the layout, like I changed the layout of how things were put so it looks better. That's all I'm going to tell you, don't forget, PLEASE email me by my new email address, I hven't got any for my new, but none for my old, so I'm wandering why, don't forget, if you've any questions or anything, just let me know and I'll sort it out! Now, I'll tell you what I updated today, as you can see I changed the polls and added NEW questions, and stuff like that, I've now got a message board, which is for if I can't get to you fast enough by email, I'll just post it up there, and post things that happen up there as my forum isn't doing toooooooo well! Don't forget, I know it all, so just ask me anything and I'll answer you within the next two days, that's due to slow email, as I'm on the other side of the world, and as the fact that I can't go on the internet before 6pm GMT time. So just bare with me if I still need to email you back, ok thanks! See ya all later! Bye!

December 10th, 2000:

You might think that I have'nt updated for a while, but I have, the main page was wiped and this was ALL of the updates I still had, so I have updated but soon I might get them ALL written down, but probably not. Also, please use my NEW email, not the OLD one, ok, and also, I'm planning on getting about 2 FAQ's soon, so just wait and see, one will be written by me and the other some one else. Also, if YOU have a FAQ you would like to let HMP use, please send it in, you WILL be given FULL CREDIT for it! Well, that's it for the moment!

November 25th, 2000:

Hi, I've fixed ALL the pics on the main page and ALL the pics on the Screen Shots page, soon ALL the pics on the website will be fixed! I am going to put up the recipes very soon, just wait. I will also be putting up a FAQ for GBC 2 ver SOON!! I also put up Issue 1 of the HMP magazine, it's really COOL, go check it out in the articles page!! But until then, sit back and relax....

November 22nd, 2000:

Hi, I's my birthday today, so I updated quite abit, all the pics on the main page should work, later on I will get ALL the pics to work. I will be puting up the Harvest Moon palace magazine soon, hopefully this Friday, but I am not sure if it will be finished in time. I am planning to get a load of stuff uploaded and things done! Soon there will be a Harvest Moon GBC 2 FAQ, and I plan to make little sections for each game, but that will probably only be finished by the end of this week, maybe even next week, I'll have to see what happens. Until then keep coming back for more updates and to see whats happened!

November 19th, 2000:

I got Harvest Moon GBC 2 the rom uploade today, about all the roms and savefiles are up, just the Midis pages left I should think! Still trying to get the patch of Harvest Moon GBC 3, but it doesn't seem that it works on the emulator that I have. But until all is sorted, sit back and relax!

November 18th, 2000:

I made the pics look abit better, the roms still need to go up, and a few more Midis need to go up, basically there's not a big job to do anymore. When everything is loaded up, I can concentrate on the actual games, because I have some recipes for BTN, and they NEED to go up. But until then, just sit back and have FUN!

November 12th, 2000:

I plan to update abit more as I can, not that much info on the games yet, I have plenty of info, but the time I need to get it up. A few roms are up, the Midis page has some problems, but they will soon be fixed. I plan to get the Downloads page completely finished by the end of this week. The Midis page should be finished by the end of next week. I will put up more info on the new playstation Harvest Moon. Soon there will be a FAQ for Harvest Moon GBC2, and maybe just a walkthrough for GBC3. But until then you will have to sit back and wait! Have FUN!!

November 9th, 2000:

Sorry about the late update, I got a new pet, and they can be very demanding! So I will not be able to update as much as I wanted to, but I will try to as often as possible, only a few more midis to go up now, but the downloads page doesn't seem to want to work, so that will take a bit longer to get up and running. Until then, have a good time!

November 5th, 2000:

There are 2 Polls in the 'Other' section, and 1 in the 'main' section. There is now a guestbook, and a forum, there is aslo now a Hit Counter (Means how many people visit your site). The only thing that needs doing is the Downloads page, as there are a few more things to get up and running!

This site was started on the 25th October 2000, but I lost all the updates from then to the 5th November 2000 so there is no trace of updates since then but I can assure you that there were!