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Last Updated 02/19/2007

Hopehaven Weyr

Welcome to Hopehaven Weyr! This site is currently under construction, but all the links should work. Check back often to see its progress!

Who Are We?

What Do We Do?

How Do I Join?

Hopehaven's Personas Dragon Information Hopehaven's Guide

Useful Tidbits


The Mailing List

Who Are We?
Hopehaven Weyr is an e-mail roleplaying game based on Anne McCaffrey's Dragonriders of Pern series of novels. We've created our own Weyr to play in, and anyone is welcome. You don't even have to have read the series, although it does help. (If you have yet to read any of the books, visit our Introduction to Pern page for the basics)

What Do We Do?
In the fictional Weyr of Hopehaven on the Southern Continent, a community of exiled dragonriders exists. Each has been kicked out of their home Weyr for some offense or simply because their Weyrleaders disliked them. Now, with Thread only a few months away, the ragtag band of renegades, rebels and rogues at Hopehaven must rise to meet it. Are they up to the challenge? Only time will tell.

In addition to ongoing e-mail roleplays, we also publish a fanzine twice yearly (in January and July). The 'zine, called Hope's Herald, is sent out to all members by e-mail with submissions including stories, poetry and artwork. On the first Sunday of each month from 8-9 PM EST, we also meet in AOL Instant Messenger chatroom "Hopehaven Weyr" for an out of character chat/ plotting session. New members are always welcome.

How Do I Join?
First, download our Weyr Guide in TXT format or DOC format. Then fill out the persona sheet and e-mail it to Mel the Persona Goddess (ashyn_grace @ She will contact you in a day or two with any corrections or changes needed to your character information, and also get you added to the mailing list.

Unlike most other fandom Weyrs, Hopehaven's story requirements are very light. All members are required to submit one story, poem or piece of art to the Hope's Herald per year. Members with status personas (rank of Wingleader, Lord/Lady Holder, Goldrider, Craftmaster or Weyrcrafter) are required to send in 2 submissions per year.

Questions? Comments?
Feel free to e-mail the Webmistress, also known as Nikki.


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We miss you Moyra!