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The Andonuts H4x0r Dictionary, First Edition

The name, actually, is a misnomer. This "dictionary" not only covers the basic h4x0r terms, but much of the slang of the EB Community in general (Starmen.Net, Moonside.Net, etc.). However, "The Andonuts H4x0r Dictionary" sounds better than "The Andonuts EB Community Slang With H4x0r And A Bit Of JEFFK Thrown In For Good Measure Reference Guide And Dictionary".

Basic H4x0r Translation:
-Letter "e" is replaced with "3"
-Letter "l" is replaced with "|" or "1"
-Letter "o" is replaced with "0"
-Letter "a" is replaced with "4"

ahve- v. Intentional misspelling of "have".

All Your Base Are Belong To Us- By and far the most popular term in this dictionary (in the established context). Starting out as merely a poorly translated video game intro, All Your Base Are Belong To Us appeared in Time, hundreds of websites, including Starmen.Net, and even this strip of the nationally syndicated comic Foxtrot. Check out a full history of All Your Base Are Belong To Us at this site.
Syn: All Your Base, AYB, AYBABTU

blueberry muffins- n. pl. A short-lived Starmen.Net fad.

h4x0r- n., adj. Literally, "hacker". Though it can mean that, it's usually used to define the "h4x0r" language (which itself is used for emphasis and to convey attitude, among other things). H4x0r can also be used as an adjective. Syn: haxor, hax0r, h4xor

JEFFK- n. The very odd person who runs the mailbag at Something Awful. Several of the words in this dictionary come from him.

j00- n. literally, "you". Most commonly used after 0wnZ.

l33t- adj. The second-most popular word in this dictionary, appearing on, among other places, Mensa's Best Of... page. Literally, "elite", more commonly used to mean cool, great, awesome, etc. Syn: leet, 1337

MS.Net- Moonside.Net

0wn, 0wnZ- v. 1. Literally, own and owns, respectively. 2. To be better than. 3. (For 0wnZ only) To be great. Syn: 0wNz

p33r- n. Literally, "peer"; from famous IRC disconnect line "Connection Reset by Peer"

p4nts- n. pl. 1. Literally, "pants" 2. Old Starmen.Net fad, spawning, among other things,; likely origin Five Iron Frenzy's "Pants, The Rock Opera"

ph33r- v. Literally, "fear"; commonly used in phrase "ph33r teh p33r"

SM.Net- Starmen.Net

teh- article- Intentionally mispelling of "the"; used chiefly with other h4x0r words.

-z0r(Z)- suffix (plural form)- giving added significance, status, coolness, etc. to something (example- mugz0rZ)

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