Hello?!? Im Back!!! After what 5 years?!? I need a ton of help, anyone that still plays rpg´s email me star_2_angel@hotmail.com

<bgsound src="https://www.angelfire.com/rpg/medeviltimes/suspence.mid" loop=infinite>

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Join the rebelion aginst the gods and help in the fight to overpower Medevil Times    
Welcome to Medevil Times
The village

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Join the Lands only if you dare...




§You enter through the portal and unto a new world, right then a voice speaks to you although you see nothing in sight that might be emmiting it, the direction of it is comming some place in front of you..."Welcome....I be Agkelos ek Fysi....Angel of Nature and also The God of Gods and your creator, for the time being i am the only one left of the now extinct race of Gods for i have relinquished there powers orbs and hid them in variouse points in Medevil Times, if you whish to go on a quest to seek out one of these orbs and gain there power, upgrading you to Gods rank, you may do so in the Dissaster & Surprise terrirtory".The voice hushed and you where left alone to decide what your next move might be....

I advise ALL to take a good look at Medevil Times rules for we have many which are not used in other games...I also would like to promote the use of variouse boards like the race track, Battle Pits, the Battle Dome, The Missing Board, etc...

One other thing i would like to share to you...If you would like to add ANYTHING to Medevil Times from Mannors to Shops, Assosiations, Stores, Stables etc....You are quite welcome to but remember to e-mail me the url so i can link it to Medevil Times.If you dont know how to make a web page then i will help you out, but you would have to do other things like making message boards and looking for images etc.

click the pic
Here you may find the different places to live in for remember t´is a rule in Medevil Times that you must have a place to stay at be it a home,hotel,mottel or any other roof over your head.



*Tame Dogs and Wolves*

*Any member of the cat family*

*Human area-Horses*

*Wild Horses*

*Wild Dogs & Wolves*




*MedevilTimes Bird Garden* or *The Falconry*

The Veternery

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