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Player Character Index Page First Edition
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Player Characters 1st Edition: Click on the Link for each Character

Caleb's childhood was spent on Edwarth Manor, his family home. He now lives in rooms in the royal castle of Waken, where his father is acting constable. Caleb is a member of his father's council and considered the castle wizard. He is happy with the attention he is afforded about town and as landed noble blood. He favours the north in political disputes, not trusting the anti magical policies of Primate Simmon and his inquisitions. He is also however selfish and only works on schemes that result in profit to himself. He spends as much time as he can finding and enchanting materials for his focus.


General Exp Level: 8th
Magic Level: 4th
Wishes to finish his focus jar and ink, he is also interested in political power. Allendei Paints Magic Runes Amassing Power

Elmar Haz
Elmar does not know his parents, it is said that his father was a baker's assistant and his mother a tanner Journeymen's daughter. He was abandoned on the step's of St. Elfeam's and raised by nuns. He is extremely religious and devout in the ways of the Holy One. He has no believe in the multi-theistic pagan faiths, although he feels a strong need to help and protect these peoples when he can, and to bring to them the word of the One. He has supported many local adventures in their exploits.

Ordained Cleric

General Exp Level: 6th
Divine Magic Level: 2nd
Aides in the war of Good vs. Evil, is at home supporting warriors of good & feeding the needy Allendei St. Elfeam Priest Fighting Evil

Formosa the Floggar
Formosa is the son of a wood elf knight, who serves in the retinue Ceraden, Anarion Oolong, appointed to the wilderness watch of Aseren Gate, Anarion apprenticed his 6th son to a Human Wizard of Thronbreak, Gwendyale the Ragged. He has always had a uncontrolled temper that can lead him to murderous outbursts. He is wanted in Thornbreak for threatening the town, with a companion minotaur of his, and causing a mediocre level of murder and mayhem before fleeing.


General Exp Level: 9th
Magic Level: 5th
Thornbreak environs
An early version of this character, he is now in Terranar with Ayar Alsand. WoodElf Friend of Ayar's Amassing Power

Illoren was the only child of a master mathematician, his father had worked in Berelan and then moved to Niobia where he roomed in an Inn. Illoren's mother had died soon after his birth and he was raised by paid nurses. Illoren's father died when Illoren was 12, and he became the inheritor of his father's wealth. Illoren was schooled in the King's College School of Niobia, when 12 he was apprenticed to his guardian, a linguist. Illoren, has studied his basic languages, and continued his schooling. Illoren, joined the Society and Commonality of the True Word, a secret order of power word magic, that his master is also a member of, they work to further the craft and avoid the eyes, ears, and instruments of the Inquisition. Illoren lives, works and tends, his masters book shop on Monestry Lane in Niobia.

Power Word Mage

General Exp Level: 4th
Magic Level: 2
Undercover wizard working in bookbinding, linguistics, and a Niobian bookshop Allendie Mystic Word Mage Learning Craft

Izan is from the only family of Halflings to have a place within the Allendie feudal structure. The Baron of Astromancer's Vale, traces his family lineage from the faery Kings of Hervan Myriel, and stands aloof from the rustic little people of his demesne. Orberil, the reining astrologer royal, added significance to the Barony of little people when he made the area his home, and built his keep. Orberil is himself of royal blood, but more importantly he has held the appointed post of Astrologer Royal for over 300 years, since the fall of the great drake and founding of the Allendie Kingdom itself. Izan is one of a band of little people who's unique standing has afforded them training and access to professions on par with humans.


General Exp Level: 8th
Magic Level: NA
Hervan Myriel
Baron's offspring, contacts in the Allendie court of Arraken, and the Fairy courts of Hyrvan Mierel Hobbit Lord-ling of the little people Staying Safe

Manakin is the first son of a Master Scribe/Astrologer. He was appointed to the citadel militia at an early age, and has had a successful military career, he is now a sergeant. He is a prominent member of the clergy in both the Temple of Horus and Bes. His father worships Ptah. The minions of Set, hound them from the patched expanse about their oasis and canals. Manakin secretly distils herbs, and materials into mind clouding concoctions, that impart magic effects.

Citadel Militia

General Exp Level: 6th
Magic Level: 3rd
Exploring the haunt of Lamia, ruins and temple used by agents of Set. Pyramid Builders Dayward of SouthTower Patrolling

Shadoh Smoke of Stone
Shadoh is a nomad of Wyvern Plains, he serves in his father's 2nd Arban aiding his brother, Togan. Currently he has left the horde and has travelled north, he has joined a group who are exploring the swamp north of Barb Hill. A terrific hunt of monstrous half-men, and armored insectoid hounds, plague the common people of this land. His party are searching for the source of these abominations, and ways to save the simple farm folk.

Nomad Warrior

General Exp Level: 7th
Magic Level: NA
Looking for fame, a bride, good horse stock, magic, treasure and companions. Nomad Hun knows Offbah the Pic Adventuring

Yajall is the first son of a university scribe/scholar from Nabroth Melzanos. His father is a journeyman teacher and researcher, into non-human creatures. Yajall is was born invincibly strong, he has also always been trustworthy, as such he was sort out as protective muscle, and his father had him taught warrior crafts. In his early years he attended Allendei religious school and was taught their belief in the One. Following Melanos culture he still attended the temple of Hnalla, and mounted its great pyramid each Week on the day of Stars.

Citadel Militia

General Exp Level: 4th
Magic Level:NA
Nabroth Melzanos
Spy mission for Brahil, infiltrating the forces of Herrigar Gunnerson along the boarder Brahillian Bodyguard to Cecil Demain On mission