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Mags Pyee Mags Pyee

Writer: Yvonne
Name: Mags Pyee
Age: Good question.
Species: Black-billed Magpie (Pica pica, Corvidae)

Appearance: In her natural form Mags is a large black and white bird with a long tail. Her head, bill, breast and underparts are black, with green iridescence on her wings and tail. Her belly, shoulders and primaries are brilliant white which are conspicuous as white wing patches when she's in flight. She's not natural to Maine, her kind's range going from the northern part of the northern hemisphere from southern Alaska to eastern California, and east to Oklahoma.

In her human form Mags is an extreamly short, thin, nervouslooking woman of indeterminate age, standing at 4'8" and weighing in
at 65lbs. Her low weight is due to the fact that even in human shape her bones are bird light, which can cause problems because they are so easy to break. Large, wideset black eyes peer out of a thin face dominated by a large beaklike nose and thin, thin lips. Her hair is usually a wild mess that falls wispily to just below her shoulders, and a large white streak stands out sharply against the midnight black of her hair, which is touched by an odd, unnatural greenish iridescence. The white streak is a palm-width wide and starts from the middle-left of her forehead. She has relatively no figure and could almost be mistaken for a boy, as her breasts are almost non-existant and she has no hips. Her hands and feet are thin and clawlike with longer than usual fingers and toes, and she is able to manipulate objects just as well with her toes as with her hands. She is usually dressed in overly large, baggy clothing adorned with a mulitude of shiney jewelery, almost enough to set up a street vendor's stall with.

Abilities/weaknesses: Mags as been hyper-sensitive to magic ever since she was changed, so much so that having it around her can be extreamly painful. She also reeks of magic and stands out like a beacon to anyone who is even the remotest bit sensitive to that sort of thing, and due to that, and because of the tangle of spells around her, she has become a bit of a target for mages with less than ethical intentions.

Shifting from bird to human, or human to bird, is a painful affair for her, but over time the pain has lessened, although it is still there. While shifting she seems to shimmer and then her current shape is replaced with the new one. Her clothing always shifts with her.

Personality: More bird than human, Mags is an odd mixture of shyness and exuberance. She's curious about almost everything, especially if it's shiney or has moving parts, and is uncomfortable in large groups of people.She is also a severe claustrophobe and gets very agitated when she can't see the sky.

History: Mags became a familiar when she found her mage the same year she was born. She was brighter than usual, for a magpie, and becoming a familiaronly enhanced that.

The mage, Max, however, dabbled in the darker arts. While he enjoyed his familiar's help and companionship he wished that she was more than she was, and the idea came to change her, much as a mage could change a normal human into a shapeshifer. After years of research he devised an experimental spell that would give an animal the ability to shift into human form, and tested it on a number of animals before finding the right combination that wouldn't kill the subject.


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