K-Wing The K-Wing is a mass bomber for the Alliance. It is capable of dropping ion bombs that can knock out capital ship shields. The K-Wing often leads attacks on Capital Ships because of the bombs that they carry. After A-Wings, X-Wings, or E-Wings clear the way the K-Wing swoops in and starts to blast the capital ship away.
Craft: Incom T-95 K-Wing
Class: Starfighter
Cost: 400,000 (new), 250,000 (used)
Size: Tiny (19 m long)
Crew: 2(Skilled +4)
Passengers: none
Cargo Capacity: 300 Kg
Consumables: 2 weeks
Hyperdrive: x1
Maximum Speed: Ramming (Alternate 6)
Defense: 25 (+2 size +13 armor)
(Optional) Maneuverability: +0
Shield Points: 75
Hull Points: 125
DR: 10
Weapon: Laser Cannons (4 fire-linked)
Fire Arc: Front
Attack Bonus: +12 (+2 size +4 crew +6 fire control)
Damage: 6D10x2
Range Modifiers: PB +0, S -2, M/L n/a
Weapon: Two Proton Torpedo Launchers (3 missiles each)
Fire Arc: Front
Attack Bonus: +10 (+2 size +4 crew +4 fire control)
Damage: 9D10x2
Range Modifiers: PB +0, S/M/L n/a
Weapon: Shield Bomb
Fire Arc: Drop
Attack Bonus: +6 (+2 size +4 crew)
Damage: special
Range Modifiers: PB +0, S/M/L n/a
Shield Bomb
The shield bomb shorts out a ship much like an ion-cannon does. The only difference between the shield bomb and the ion-cannon is that the shield bomb overloads an area of the shield and causes it to short out.
Damage: The shield bomb does 9D10x3 damage to a capital ships shields only.