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TIE Bomber

TIE Bomber The TIE bomber is a double hulled TIE fighter capable of dropping Ion bombs on its targets. TIE bombers follow a flight of TIE’s that have knocked out defenses and patrolling fighters. TIE bombers are slow, lumbering craft but they pack a lot of fire.

Craft: Sienar Fleets TIE bomber
Class: Starfighter
Cost: 80,000 (new), 30,000 (used)
Size: Tiny (12 m long)
Crew: 1 (Skilled +4)
Passengers: None
Cargo Capacity: 45 kgs
Consumables: 2 days
Hyperdrive: None
Maximum Speed: Ramming (Alternate 8)
Defense: 22 (+2 size +10 armor)
(Optional) Maneuver: +2
Hull Points: 80
DR: 5

Weapon: Laser Cannons (2 fire-linked)
Fire Arc: Front
Attack Bonus: +10 (+2 size, +4 crew, +4 fire control)
Damage: 5D10x2
Range Modifiers: PB +0, S -2, M/L n/a

Weapon: Ion Bombs (10 bombs)
Fire Arc: *
Attack Bonus: +12 (+2 size, +4 crew, +6 fire control)
Damage: 7D10x5
Range Modifiers: *

* The Ion bomb is dropped from the bottom of the TIE bomber. In atmosphere the Ion bomb can be dropped from up to 3 km up. In space the Ion bomb can be dropped at point blank range