Biths are generally considered to be intelligent beings by other creatures. They are known to be somewhat haughty around alien species they consider inferior. Many Biths act as mediators because of their ability to see both sides of an argument. Biths are widely known for their gambling and great proficiency with musical instruments.
Personality: Biths are intelligent but a little haughty.
Physical Description: Biths are human sized but they have larger heads and are a gray color.
Language: Biths speak Basic.
Example Names: Figrin D’an
Adventurers: Many Biths leave their homeworld to make a living for themselves where ever they can. Biths travel around the galaxy looking for a place to ply their trade. A few take up the cause of the Rebels but few do because of their inability to fight.
Bith Species Traits
* +2 Wisdom, -2 Charisma. Biths are intelligent but not to friendly.
* Medium-size. As Medium-size creatures, Biths have no special bonuses or penalties do to their size.
* Bith base speed is 10 meters.
* +2 species bonus on Entertain checks. Biths are naturals with musical instruments.
* +2 species bonus on Gamble checks. Biths are natural gamblers.
* +1 species bonus on Will saves. Biths are wise and have a strong resistance to mental tricks.
*Automatic Languages: Basic.