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Q: What's this website about?
A: Hi there and welcome. This is the website of Dinaris Techarin and home of the Techarin Symphony. Dinaris Techarin's current project is digitaly recording the original music for Ultima Online in a high quality MP3 format. It is a complex process but the results are well worth it.

Q: So what happened to all the music?
A: Unfortunatly, I do not have the resources to host the files. Angelfire is a great place that hosts websites for free but unfortunatly, I can not host large ammounts of data due to bandwidth restrictions.

Q: So Where's the Music?
A: The people at UO Stratics have been kind enough to host the music files for me. Please head to their website at, Scroll to the bottom of the page and on the right hand side under Tools, you'll see the MP3 Music Link.

If you would like to contact me about anything you can email me at: