TRITHERION (the Summoner), Lesser Power, male, CG
Attributes: Freedom, Retribution, Individuality, Self-Protection, Liberty
Domains: Chaos, Good, Guardian, Protection, Strength, War
Symbol: Rune of Pursuit
Typical Worshippers: Rangers, individualists, warriors, some elves
Raiment: Dark blue or purple robes, with gold or silver trim. Gold and red cassocks, emblazoned with the Rune of Pursuit
Preferred Weapon: Shortspear, longsword, greatclub
Holy Days: Autumn Festival, meditiation and prayer

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Tritherion (tri-THEH-ree-on) is the Power of individuality and the right to self-protection. His symbol, a pursuit rune, indicates the need to strive for liberty and to seek to bring an end to those bent on abridging life or freedom.

Tritherion is depicted as a tall, well-built young man with red-gold hair and gray eyes. He wears pale blue garb with golden chain mail, and carries a broad-bladed spear, a broadsword, and a scepter. It is said that Tritherion is able to summon many creatures to aid him in battle.

All deserve life and the ability to choose their own place in the world, and those who would place others in shackles or control them with oppressive laws must be toppled. Train the common folk to defend themselves and their property should another wish to take their freedoms. If you are wronged, you are right to exact vengeance yourself, especially if none will help you.

Tritherion’s aspect as a Power of protection and revenge on wrongs appeals greatly to many people. In borderlands, and to those seeking to regain lost homes, he has a burgeoning following. Even in well-ordered lands such as the World Emperor, this chaotic, freedom-fighting Power finds many passionate converts. Services to Tritherion include ceremonial flames, bell-ringing, displays of weaponry, and the triumphal procession of new converts to the faith.

In rural areas, the clerics are spies and border skirmishers (where appropriate), and they work with woodsmen and demi-humans to keep vigilant watch against despots and evil humanoids. In urban areas, the clergy gives training in self-protection and weapon use, regularly practice battle tactics, and recruits rangers and thieves to teach their clerics skills of covert conflict.