Colonial Weapons & Equipment

Laser Pistol
The standard issue laser blaster, this finely crafted weapon features a light, durable plastic frame that can stand up to abuse, a diffusion setting for use as a hand light, and acomfortable grip. It is often worn low on the thigh, in a speed draw type holster. The burst setting is less accurate than the single shot, but it affords greater firepower when necessary
Range: 800 ft
Rate of Fire: Single and burst only
Payload: 30 shots (or 10 bursts)
Damage: 2D6 per shot (1D4 x10 per burst)
Vibro Knife
The traditional in close weapon, this simple and ancient concept of a thrusting weapon has been augmented by a small, pulsing forcefield. It is this forcefield which allows the blade to sink into metal as though it were only thin fabric. Many pilots often carry one of these as a backup to their pistols.
Range: Close (30 ft when thrown)
Damage: 3D6 (3D4 when thrown)
Pulser Rifle
This weapon is similar to the Laser Pistol in many ways, save that it's normal mode is the burst fire setting. It can be swtiched over to single shots for greater accuracy, but it's primary function is as an assault weapon, which it does most admirably. Usually these weapons are only stored on Rams or in Shuttlecraft, since they take up a lot of space in a Viper. Other than that, they are rarely, if ever, issued aboard ship.
Range: 1600 ft
Rate of Fire: Single and burst only
Payload: 60 shots (or 20 bursts)
Damage: 5D6 per shot (2D4 x10 per burst)
Vibro Sabre
Often a necesseity in jungle environments and in situations where a simple knife isn't enough but a blaster or rifle is too much, the Sabre is still a proud tradition among the Colonials. Typically worn by officers at formal functions, it also harkens back to the era of aristocracy, when a Sire was given his authority when he recieved his blade.
Range: 3 ft

Colonial Viper Starfighter

Linked Laser Cannons
Turbo Boost!
Viper Star Fighter control stick The pride and power of the Colonial Fleet is in her sleek, fast and agile Viper Star Fighters. These fast warplanes have fantstic range, speed and maneuverability, and mount impressive weapons on ships so small. They also have a unique thruster reverse system that allows these craft to suddenly manuever from in front of an enemy, to his rear.
The control stick has only four controls on it, making the Viper easy to pilot. A trigger switch for the communicator, and three thumb triggers on top of the stick, the Turbo for super acceleration, the laser cannon firing button, and the retro thruster switch, for applying brakes and reversing direction.
Model Type: Viper Starfighter
Crew: One Pilot. A passenger may be accomodated in the small storage space behind the pilot compartment.
Cargo: usually none. Can be stripped down for additional storage.

SDC by Location:

  • Main Body *- 500
  • Armored Pilot Compartment - 100
  • Stabilizer Wings (3) - 25 Each
  • Engines **(3) - 35 each

Laser Cannon*** (2) - 10 Each

* Depleteing the SDC of the Main Body triggers an auto eject sequence for the Pilot Compartment (94%) and renders the vehicle inoperative.
** Depleting the SDC of an Engine will likely (65%) detonate an engine and thus destroy the fighter. The fighter can continue to operate on two or even one engine, at reduced speed. Engines can be manually shut down by the pilot.
*** The laser cannons are difficult to hit at best and are considered called shots.

  • In Space: top speed of 10,000 mph
    cruising speed of 6000 mph.
    Turbo mode: doubles speed in space, but has limited firing time.
  • In Atmosphere: top speed of mach 16,
    typical cruising speed of 600 mph.
    Turbo mode: triples speed in atmosphere, but has limited firing time..

Range: 5.5 million miles, with 10 minutes of turbo boost time.
Weight, fully loaded - 4500lbs
Height: 11 ft.
Width 12 ft.
Length 26 ft

Weapon Systems

  1. Linked Laser Cannon: a standard weapon system used throughout the Colonial Fleet, this system of two laser cannon targeting the same position is exactly the same as the laser turrets and AA defense systems employed on Battlestars,making the systems interchangable.
    Primary Puropse: Space Combat/Assault
    Secondary Purpose: Ground Straffing, Anti-Warship Assault
    Range: 5 miles Rate of Fire: single shots (Linked system, both guns fire at once) or bursts equal to the pilot's attacks per melee
    Damage: 7D6 per single shots, 1D6 x10+10 per three shot burst.
    Payload: Effectively unlimited, draws energy from the engines, so as long as the engines are operable, the guns should have power..

  2. Proton Torpedo Launcher: Located in the nose of the Viper is a single launch tube. A Viper can carry up to two proton torpedoes for use against large enemy vessels or ground installations. This system is usually only loaded upon request, as a direct laser hit on the forward fuselage of the ship can often detonate the torpedoes. Once launched at thier primary target, the torpedoes are self guiding and can avoid incoming attacks (+5 to dodge) and can even select a secondry target if the primary target is destroyed.
    Primary Purpose: Anti-Ship Assault
    Secondary Purpose: Ground Assault
    Range: 15 miles Rate of Fire: One at a time. Speed: 20,000 mph
    Damage: 5d6 x10 +100 Payload: 1 or 2 (max)

Colonial LandRam

Colonial Shuttlecraft

Colonial Battlestar