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               Final Fantasy Underground


-March 12th 2002- Added some more pages today. Also looking formore affiliates. So if you have a site and want to affiliate me then E-Mail me.


-March 10th 2002-  Well I put up my staff page with the applicatin and everything. I think it works but not quite sure. I need some ideas from you guys out there. I want to know what you think should be on FF Underground. Send me an E-mail I won't bite.


-March 9th 2002-  I'm gonna try and get as many new pages up as I can and also put a counter up here.


-March 6th 2002-  Well today I added some links and am going to add a guestbook. Please bare with any delays.


-March 4th 2002-  Today is the first day that I decided to work on my site since June 31st of 2001.


           Plans for the New Underground


        Well it's been about eight months since my last update of the old site.  So I'm planning to update the new site as much as possible.  I also plan to add lots of media such as Music, Movies, and other neat stuff that pertains to Final Fantasy.  If any of you out there are web site owners no of any free web servers that support large bandwidths and has a large storage capacity let me now. I am also looking for some staff member.  Please visit my Staffs page if you are interested. I am also looking for any ideas on what you all out there would like to see at Final Fantasy Underground.


                 Final Fantasy Underground So Far


            Well to tell you the truth I haven't done anything yet, besides develop a new layout with help of my good friend from Final Fantasy Forever.  If you get a chance I highly recommend visiting his site.  He has some very good stuff, and like my site his site is under renovation also.  If any of you have any ideas on what you would like to see on the ~NEW~ Final Fantasy Underground, please contact me