Chapter 1: Warrior's Birth

Born on December 19, 1486. Believed to have gained great power from his father at birth, He is one of the 4 Warriors of legend. His father trained him well; knowing of what he will become one day. His father tells him once he passes on that CJ will become the new Warrior of Wisdom and that with his father's passing his power will become unbelievably strong. In 1501, a clan known as the Red Dragon Army attacked the town Berlin. Millions were murdered, many more being killed by deadly infections. CJ's family… All gone, they all fought against the army but didn’t succeed. CJ now 15 had nothing left, but a scar running across his chest. He looks to his dead friends and relatives and then screams out in rage as blue aura fills his body, he has ascended to the true Warrior of Wisdom. Even though he knew now he had amazing power he didn’t care. He only wanted to avenge all those who had fallen, tears ran from his eyes, as he knew what he must do with this new power of his.

He now knows why his father was so hard on him and why he trained him countless hours a day. He learns of where the Red Dragon's headquarters are from helpful peasants outside Berlin. Thoughts of revenge only ran through his mind. He was only 15 he knew nothing of his power not even how to use it properly, but he know how to get it out and cause suffering to those who deserve it. He walks up to the gate as two guards stand in front of him, telling CJ if he doesn’t get out that he will surly be killed. CJ smiles, "Killed?" He looks up to one of the guards and quickly elbows him in his mouth knocking his teeth out. The other guard looks on withdrawing his sword, and swings in to CJ. The sword breaks on CJ's arms as he blocks it. With the broken piece of the sword CJ drives it through the chest of the guards. As CJ opens his hand and fires a beam of energy to the other guard still holding his mouth. The guard is vaporized into a memory.