Chapter 2: The Rage is Unleashed.

"The gates are locked." He says calmly. With one swift karate chop, the bars are slashed right open. He walks right through. He stands in front of a huge castle as he looks up then smiles. As he leaps into the air landing on top of the castle, with perfect ease. An arrow flies towards him, as he moves out of the way, he looks to his left. "An archer…" She shoots another arrow to him, he catches it, and she drops her bow in fear. He slowly walks up to her, takes an arrow from her, walks back throwing it in the air then kicks the arrow to her, smacking her right between the eyes. As the point from the arrow comes out from the back of her head, he then steps over her and goes down to the next level of the castle.

Walking down the steps an armored knight attacks him with a mace, several inches from his face he catches the wooden part of the mace. With some pressure from his thumb he snaps the ball of the mace off. CJ then punches through the armor grabbing the knight's shirt and pulling him close to him. "Where is your leader?!" The knight speechless of any words, CJ says "Ah your useless." Takes the ball of the mace and drives it into the open part of the armor. He walks away. As he walks he sees a man wearing a long robe, he recognizes him… "You’re the one who slashed my chest!" He grabs a sword from the wall as he looks to him. The man says, "Guards! Seize him!" As CJ walks one by one a guard dies with each step comes one slash of the Cutlass within a hallways distance of walking 25 guards are dead.

He looks eye to eye with the ruler of the Red Dragon. Drops his sword, and punches him right in the chest 3 times. "That was for my brother and cousins." He falls to his knees as CJ elbows him in the head 5 times. "That was for all my friends." He takes both his hands digging it into his face and pulls back ripping a part his cheek. "That was for my mother and father." He picks the sword up, as the leader backs up against a wall. "And this is for everyone else!" He drives the sword right through his stomach and goes through the stone wall. He dies… CJ looks to him once more. "And this if for all the pain that your gonna cause me." With these words CJ spits into his lifeless face.

He walks through the empty castle finding his way to his exit. As he pushes the doors open he hears a light cry for help. He looks back seeing a man with a huge peice of the castle on him. He kicks it off the man and looks to him and helps him up. "Aren't you gonna kill me to?" The man says. CJ says "No… I'm done here." The man smiles, pulling out a dagger from his belt and jumps to CJ. CJ turns around and blasts a hole right through the man sending him flying to the next floor. "You fool… now I'm done." He walks out. With the last of his energy he forms a Kai Ball within his hands and throws it to the castle. He stands on a mountain watching the castle falls.

He returns to his town where the remaining survivors are, they looks at him covered in blood. He speaks loudly. "Fear not people of Berlin the Red Dragon Clan has fallen!" They all look to him and then to where the building once stood. The mayor comes out with tears and smacks CJ in the face. "Ah…" CJ looks to him. "You bastard… my daughter was in that building held for ransom…" The mayor walks away saying, "get out of my town and this country."