Chapter 4: Pain of Loss

CJ isn't seen for months, many believed that the pain caused him to commit suicide, others just don’t know. It is proven for all this time that he is on the move, he explores many areas and trains each and every day hardly sleeping or eating. His power more then triples in the time of his absence. The pain of losing one so dare makes a man lose his sanity; he felt no emotion for anything or anyone anymore, not even himself. He lost all his pride and just looked on to becoming stronger. Which is why he trained so hard not caring if the training would rip his body a part.

One night he trains harder then before from a dream he had of his love in the arms of another. He throws all his might with his power, blasting a part mountains and ranges of rocks. He gets the vibe that he's not alone, he feels something or someone else lurking in the shadows watching him. He thinks nothing of it, he doesn’t care anymore… but something about what he senses, he just can't get it out of his head. He finally says, "ok come out whoever you are!" A young and beautiful woman comes from behind a tree. Its been so long since he seen anyone, let along a women. They talk from a distance as their eyes met as she began walking closer.