Chapter 5: Gwendoline's Secret

She comes within touching distance. They exchange few words, as they introduce themselves, the young girl is known as Gwendoline. CJ feels as if he can trust her. She begins wondering why he is here all alone. CJ just tells, "trying to forget what my life has become." He notice caring feelings inside of her as she asked him to be more blunt. CJ goes over his past life... More to the point, why he is here all by himself. He can't help but show his pain in the tears he had once had, and hasn’t shown since that ill-gotten night of heartbreak. She holds him gentle in her soft arms, he feels a bit at ease missing the warm of a women's touch, though it felt a bit different of that of Kasiha's. But to him, it felt more comforting.

Her hands lightly run through his long black hair, his tears slowly dry away, becoming nothing but a memory, as he loved the touch of this woman. He slowly put his arms around her almost having the feeling that he must. He sat their, as he noticed drops of blood falling upon his chest. He looks up, "Gwen. Your bleeding…" She looks down as he lets him go, saying how much of a monster she is… CJ doesn’t believe it, knowing how she had made him feel. She says in a sobbing voice, " That she was a vampire and she was gonna kill him." CJ looked to her, almost knowing she wouldn’t do such a thing from the look in her eyes as they came close to each other.

CJ puts his hand on her shoulder saying, "its ok, I knew as soon as you held me that you wouldn’t hurt me, for sure." She looks up to him the tears of blood slowly running still, "You don’t think I'm a monster", she says As her voice sounds a bit surprised. CJ then smiles, "Of course not, how could someone so gentle be a monster, have those feeling for someone she was gonna kill. That’s my definition of someone loving and caring." He wipes her tears away slowly, as he kisses her slightly skunking cheek, brining it to a stop as she smiles back, as they look into each other's eyes.