
Each planet has a guardian. In Invasions, that person must defend the planet from attacks, and, when not in Invasions, they stay on the planet and get 2250 Zeni a week. Guardianship is on a first come, first serve basis...kinda. If two or more people arrive on the same day and want the guardianship, they all fight for it (literally). If you get to a planet where there is already a guardian, and you want the guardianship, you can fight for it. The winner gets the planet, and the loser gets death. A Guardian fight must take place within three weeks of the challenge's acceptance.

If a Guardian of a planet is away for at least three weeks, anyone may fly to the planet and take it from them without a fight. You can leave your minions behind on a planet; Minions guarding a planet can be in any number. The attacker can only be one person, even if their ally if fine with not getting the planet.

One Life Energy Point is equal to 1,000,000 PL worth of an attack on one day. Any person and any amount of people can attack a planet at once; in Invasions the main goal of the attackers is probably to either 1) Destroy planets, or 2) Get the planets' Life Energies down to a certain level and do something special.

During Invasions, planets with their Guardians on them recharge their Life Energy at 1% a day. Otherwise, they only recharge 0.5%. (That means that normally Earth would heal two Life Energy a day, but during an invasion it would be healing four Life Energy)

Orbits: Space Stations can go between Orbit Points for about three days per point, hovering over the planets at the proportional times.

God Stones: Each planet holds two of each set of god stones.


1000/1000 Life Energy

Earth is a typical planet, it is average in size, and is currently populated by humans. It is said to be the planet where all creation started.


Astral Plains

1500/1500 Life Energy

The astral plains is a planet in which several of the neutral demi-gods fled to keep from becoming part of the Great War. The planet itself is not highly populated, but it is a very unique and powerful place.


Untainted Cosmos

1250/1250 Life Energy

The untainted cosmos is the planet rumored to originally be the holy castle because it appeared in earth's night sky toward the end of the Great War. After human's found their way to this planet, they soon found wrong, but it does seem to be a very divine place.


Akuma's Hen'iki

1250/1250 Life Energy

Akuma's Hen'iki is the untainted cosmos evil counterpart. As all things are, the balance between good and evil must be kept and thus, this planet appeared at the same time as the Untainted Cosmos. However, it was not thought of as the sinister dungeon, for that was rumored to be in the earth's core. It was thought of as only another large and fiery star.



750/750 Life Energy

A calm harmonious planet of aqua blue, it’s terrain filled with large blue plants in thick forests of the planet. Otherwise, the planet is flat, and filled with translucent creatures, and some that are not visible to the human eye. Instead of water, the planet has Govas, which replaces water. The ratio of Govas to land is 85%-15%. Beware.



500/500 Life Energy

The planet aerion is completely shit. It's population is probably no more than 20 people. It has shit for gravity and will probably be first to blow in any invasion..It only holds one stone of each set of god stones, and takes an extra week to find one.


Celestial Terrene

750/750 Life Energy

A spiritual planet, it is a counter-part to Ovado. It's aspects are average, as is everything else.
