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You choose what planet you wanna be on from here

PLANET ARLIA A fairly small world, Arlia is home to a race of insect-like creatures. The planet is controlled by an unjust ruler, and many of its inhabitants have been forced into slavery. Vegita and Nappa arrive at this planet and kill the oppresive lord, but later blow the entire system up.

EARTH A medium sized planet with large oceans and varying climates, Earth is the perfect place for life to flourish. The birthplace of all the human Z warriors, Earthlings participate in martial arts tournaments to prove their strength. All of the Dragonball series and most of Z is spent on Earth. WISHES

OLD NAMEK Home of the Namek-jin, Planet Namek is roughly the same size as Old Vegeta, but has a slightly weaker gravity field. The Namek-jin call this place their home, and live there peacefully until and evil force comes looking for the Dragonballs. The battle with Furiza takes place here, and the planet is destroyed in the process. Orbiting three suns, Old Namek never has a night. The same Fauna and Flora lives on the entire globe, but a great variety of species exists here.

OLD VEGITA Much larger than most planets, Old Vegita posesses an immense gravity field many times that of the Earth. In the beginning, Old Vegita was inhabited by two races, the Tsufuru-jin and the Saiya-jins, which were constantly at war. The Tsufuru-jin were an advanced race with hugely superior technology, but compared to the Saiya-jins, they were physically weak. When Old Vegita's moon went full, the Saiya-jins all went Oozaru and obliterated the Tsufuru-jin. Furiza later hired them as his task force, but destroyed Old Vegita when he felt the Saiya-jins were becoming a threat to his power. Goku, Vegita, Nappa, Brolli, Paragas, Turlis and Raditz were the only Saiya-jins not on Old Vegita when it was blown to bits

DARK STAR A lightless, desolate world, it is home of Babidi's minion Yakon. The creatures on this planet are used to the darkness, and use it to their advantage.

PLANET MEAT A fairly normal world (other than it's color), Planet Meat is wiped of all intelligent life by Bardock's team. It is also here that Dodoria and his men jump Bardock's force and slaughter them.

NEW NAMEK After the original Namek was destroyed, the Z warriors used the Dragon balls to find the Nameks a new home. New Namek is very much like the first, except it has only one sun. The Big Ghetti Star attaches itself to Namek in movie #6, scarring its face.

BIG GHETTI STAR An enormous living machine, the Big Ghetti Star travels from planet to planet, assimilating anything mechanical and sapping energy from living things. Its power is augmented when it happens upon Koola's remains. The Big Ghetti Star is eventually destroyed by Goku and Vegita

FURIZA #79 One of Furiza's many bases of operation, it is the only one we are shown in the series. The Ginyu Force is stationed here, along with Vegita. It is not known what happens to this base after King Cold and his sons are killed.

YARDRAT After Furiza's defeat on Old Namek, Goku finds a Ginyu pod and barely escapes the dying planet with his life. He lands on the strange world of Yardrat, where he meets a telepathic group of people. They teach Goku how to teleport from one place to another without the passage of time.

MAKYO STAR Homeworld of Garlic and his son, the Makyo star passes very close to Earth every few thousand years. When close to his homeworld, Garlic Jr. possesses a great deal of power. It is destroyed by Gohan.

SLUGS SHIP (MOVING PLANET)* Slug is a villain that gets around in style: He hijacks planets and uses them as huge spaceships. He has his eye on Earth, but is stopped by the Z warriors. His planet-ship is destroyed in the process. WISHES - 16 (TAKES 2 TIMES AS LONG TO FIND THE DRAGONBALLS AND GET TO THE PLANET) *CAN NOT TELEPORT HERE *CAN NOT START OFF HERE

ZUN Pui-Pui's homeworld is dry and empty, much like Earth's moon. It has 10x the Earth's gravity, and is pocketed with craters. The few inhabitants have grown accustomed to its conditions.

KONATS The home of Tapion and his brother Minoshya, Konats is terrorized by the massive demon Hildegarn. After Hildegarn is trapped within the two brothers, they are sent to opposite ends of the universe. Their homeworld is one of the few alien planets that isn't destroyed in the course of a movie.

More Planets soon