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Bristlebane's Delirium

Welcome to Bristlebane's Delirium.

We are what many would call the "less there" of Norrath. They view our actions as insane and sometimes suicidal. We know they are wrong though. We are the only ones understanding life is for the moment and the moment is our only life. Our actions will be remembered by all who remember them and only forgotten by those who forget to remember what the were supposed to not forget to remember.

At times we will do things that are unquestionable and make no sense. If you sense that you are questioning something unquestionable then you are doing it wrong and must start from square two as square one will probably already be occupied by it's occupant.

Below (being the area under this one) are passages which may lead you further into our way of thinking. Tread carefully....

You must pick which portal of the mind you wish to venture into

To the images we have seen

To see who has been chosen

To read the writings on the wall

To Clymenes Raiding Guide

To the raids we plan on doing

To see the story of our creation

To see what we require to be a member

To some helpful Everques links