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Now, I know everyone hates rules, but these you MUST read and follow, okay? I will only put 5 for each topic thing.

Basic Rules
1)No Cursing! NONE!
2)Be respectful (especially to Perfection in Gold).
3)No powerplaying.
4)Have fun!

Challenging Rules
1)Don't challenge more than once a day.
2)If you challenge one person (if you win or lose) you can't challenge them for 3 days.
3)What I say goes!
4)Don't take anything personaly.

Breeding Rules
2)Be polite about it (don't be discusting).
3)I will choose the gender, color, markings, ect. You can ask though.

Questing Rules
Explained on page

Watering Hole Rules
1)Just be kind
2)Don't fight there

All done! If you need any help with the rules e-mail me!