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What are "Jobs"?

Upon creation of a character, the player must select a class, or job. There are 11 different jobs to choose from, each having it's own certain job abilities and skills. Squaresoft has also implmented support jobs that you can use. For this feature, you have to go up two job levels each time you play. After you do a certain quest, your support job will be chooseable in the Mog House. However, the support job is different than your main job in a few ways. Whatever your main job is, your support job will be half that. No experience will/can be added to your support job. And, your support job can never become your main job.

Different Jobs


Skilled in melee combat with various types of close combat equipment, including swords and axes.
Job Ability Req. Level Effect
Mighty Strike1All physical attacks will hit for a critical amount in a given time.
Provocation5Taunts the monsters into attacking you.
Berserker15Raises your attack, but lowers your defense.
Defensive25Raises your defense while lowering your attack.
War Cry35Increases attacking power to all members in a certain area around you.


Master of the Martial Arts, believes in fighting with his body and mind, very proficcient in unarmed combat. They use their tough body as a weapon to attack the enemies.

Job Ability Req. Level Effect
Hundred Fist1Attack goes up, however attacking range goes down for a while.
Accumulation5Powerful attack boost for next attack.
Evasion15Increases percentage of evasion.
Concentration25Hit percentage goes up.
Chakra35Refreshes your own hit points.

White Mage

Priest magicians skilled in "white magic". This magic enables them to heal others and their own wounds. Check out the magic page for a full list of spells!

Job Ability Req. Level Effect
God's Blessing1Heals high amounts of HP to members in a certain area.

Black Mage

Magicans who's skills center in the destructive "black magic" Their magic centers around attacking, cursing, and negative status effects.Check out the magic page for a full list of spells!

Job Ability Req. Level Effect
Whirlpool of Magic1Allowed to use magic for a certain amount of time without spending any magic points.

Red Mage

They are able to use both White and Black magic. However, it takes a longer time to learn the spells from both classes, and a higher level red mage will never be as powerful in a certain specialty of magic as a White Mage or a Black Mage. They also have combat skills that are better than their other mage counterparts.

Job Ability Req. Level Effect
Continous Magic1Shortens Magic casting time.


Instead of fighting enemies from the front, they use their quickness to evade enemy's attack and steal items from them. Abilites focus more on support.
Job Ability Req. Level Effect
Complete Evasion1Dodge all attacks headed your way for a certain time.
Steal5Steal item from target.
Surprise Attack15Major damage to an enemy who's not targeting you.
Escape25Increase speed for a certain time.
Pick Pocket35Steal money from target.


They are able to choose "Song" in their Magic Command, choose a song from the list, set target enemy and uses the musical instrument to play the Songs. The songs causes various status effect and the sound will differ if you equip yourself with different Musical Instruments.

Job Ability Req. Level Effect
Song of Spirits----Increases power of a Song in a given time..

Beast Master

They have special ability called "Control" against monsters. If succeed, the monster will be yours after sometime. The monster that's controlled over by you will be called "Pets".

Job Ability Req. Level Effect
Battle----Pet will attack against target you have set

Dark Knight

Existence of taboo that uses the power of Darkness

Job Ability Req. Level Effect
Blood Weapon1Absorbs enemy's physical attack for a period.


A knight on horseback(what happened to chocobos?).

Job Ability Req. Level Effect
Holy Guard of Circle----Increases defence again undead fiends!


For everyone who had a Robinhood complex. These are very skilled at archery, and are best at attacking far from the front line.

Job Ability Req. Level Effect
Unknown----Unknown at this time.