
Brief Information About Chocobos(taken from a forty page translated manual released in Japan regarding FFXI)
  • Chocobos can only be ridden in field areas and not dungeons or towns.
  • No abilities,items, or magic can be used while riding.
  • No fighting while riding.
  • You CAN target monsters to track/chase behind while riding.
  • Trading items, healing actions, logging out, and going to the POL temporarily are not allowed while riding.
  • If your HP drops to 0 while riding due to poison or some other problem, you are removed from the chocobo.
  • The area where you dig will affect what type of item you get. For example, in a desert you may receive Earth items, and by water you may receive water-based items if you find one.
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In order to recieve a chocobo in the game, you must first go to a town and find the local chocobo shop. Here you will need to be given permission to get a chocobo. How you gain this permission is still unknown. Perhaps is has to do with the guilds or a sidequest.

After you gain your permission, you will be free to ride your chocobo anywhere you feel you want to.This is obviously well worth getting 'granted permission' almost no matter what because you classical Final Fantasy players know how much of a luxury time is in traveling.

Back in Final Fantasy VIII chocobos were able to dig in the little chocobo forests for rare items. Anywhere in the online Final Fantasy XI world, your chocobo will be able to dig a deep hole and possibly find an item at a cost of one Ghysal Green (Gisaru Fruit).