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Guild Charter

Initiates | Ranks | Attendance | Disciplinary Actions | Tradeskills


  The Firemaul Clan is a roleplay lite guild. This meaning we do not enforce roleplay in guild chat, but do highly encourage our members to roleplay. We will be hosting two weekly roleplay nights and do ask that our members attend at least one a week. If you are online and a member of the guild, there is no reason to not stop in and roleplay for at least a few minutes. These nights will be Tuesday and Thrusday nights. We also would like all members to submit a backstory for their characters to our webmaster (Euros). As a RP lite guild, we have RP reasons for most of what we do, such as our future plans for Battlegrounds. We are (as far as RP is concerned) a militaristic unit in the Horde, defending the lands and honor of the Horde. Aside from being a RP lite guild, and until Battlegrounds is released, we are in the process of adjusting toward being a more raid oriented guild. Raiding in the senses of higher level raid dungeons (when we get members to the appropriate levels) as well as attacks on Alliance outposts and Cities (within a reasonable level range of those participating).

 All guild members are expected to follow the Guild Charter as is written below. No exceptions will be made. All guild members are also expected to follow the ToS (terms of service) for playing WoW.


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All members start at the rank Grunt. This is our initiate rank. Initiate members are not allowed to wear Guild tabards until said tabard is presented to them at the ceremony in which they are promoted to the next rank. The exception to this rule will be made for the Head Grunt (please see the rank breakdown below). Said ceremony will be held at a random place and time, usually in Orgrimmar. Members promoted to Guard and recieving their tabard will be inducted in groups whenever possible, though special ceremonies may be held for just one promotion. In the event that a member from another guild joins our ranks, we ask that they please not wear their tabard until after their ceremony.


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All members start out at the Grunt rank. From there they may be moved to Guard. Following Guard is Flame Guard, and then to War Council. Each division is different and serves its own purpose. The Grunts are the inititates, the new members who may be new to the game, or just new to the guild. Either way, they need time to adjust to our ways of doing things, and will recieve that time as a Grunt. The Guards are the "meat" of the guild. They serve as general members at the moment, and during Battlegrounds and Raids, they will be the main fighting force. The Flame Guards are the "royal" or "elite" fighters. They serve as an escort force for the guild's figure heads in diplomatic situations, as well as carry orders down to the Guards in battle situations. The War Council is a group of dedicated and trusted members who aid in the balance of power for the guild. They have the power to overturn any decision made by the Guild Leader, and in the absence of the Guild Leader, and his Second in Command, the Council is allowed to make decisions which may be overturned by the Leader upon his return. In the event of an overturned decision (by either side) a discussion will follow to allow the original decision maker a chance to explain the decision, and attempt to change the party that overturned the decision's mind.

Each division has a head. The Head Grunt answers the questions of the new members, and aids them in their "training" within the guild. The Head Grunt is considered a Guard in rank and may be promoted to Head Guard, or Flame Guard accordingly. The Head Guard serves as a commander of the Guard, and carries down battle orders from the Guild Leader, his battle leiutenants and the Flame Guards. The Head Guard is considered a Flame Guard in rank, and is eligible for promotion to Head Flame Guard or War Council accordingly. The Head Flame Guard Serves as the personal guard for the Master of Arms, and sees to the "training" and assignments of the other Flame Guards. The Head Flame Guard is considered Head Flame Guard in rank and may be promoted to War Council accordingly.

The Guild Figure Heads are, in order of rank, Guild Chieftan, Master of Arms, and High Councilman. The Guild Chieftan is leader and "final say" decision maker for the guild as well as the public figurehead and representative to any and all alliances that may be forged. The Master of Arms is the second in command of the guild. He stands in as the Chieftan when the Chieftan is away. He also heads up the Flame Guard, however, he is not the Head Flame Guard. He selects the Flame Guards and aids in the overseeing of their "training" along with the Head Flame Guard. The Master of Arms also has a vote on the council, unless he is standing in as Chieftan, in which case, both he and the High Councilman lose their vote, and the High Councilman moderates the discussion of the Council. The High Councilman heads up the War Council. He is responsible for setting up council meetings, and holding votes when they need to be held. He also serves as Head Advisor to the Chieftan.

All ranks are expected to follow the Chain of Command. Said Chain being: Grunts report to the Head Grunt who reports to the Council. Guards report to the Head Guard who reports to the Council. Flame Guards report to the Head Flame Guard who reports to the Master of Arms. The War Council reports to the High Councilman who reports to the Guild Chieftan. The Master of Arms answers to the Guild Chieftan.

ALL RANKS SHALL FOLLOW THE CHAIN OF COMMAND, AND RESPECT THEIR SUPERIORS. Any rank caught speaking down to a superior, shall be demoted.


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The attendance policy is fairly simple and flexible, all we ask is a little common courtesy. We allow any and all members fourteen (14) days of inactivity before they are removed from the guild. However, we will grant extended (indefinate time span) to those members who inform one of the Guild Figure Heads of their coming absence. Extended absences (in excess of 14 days) due to playing on another server, or playing an alt, will not be tolerated, and the 14 day rule will still apply. Also, those removed from the guild due to inactivity may be reinstated*, but they will be required to start over from the Grunt rank. Special action will be taken if a member repeatidly disappears for fourteen or more days and then returns requesting reinstatement.

*(requests for reinstatement may be sent via in game mail, or whisper to Arkron, Euros, Keishiva, or any online members of the War Council.)


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Disciplinary actions will be taken with proper proof from any member of the online community, not just from guild members. Any offense not listed below that may seem inappropriate will be acted on according to the decision made by the Guild Figure Heads. Also, for minor offenses not listed below, we operate on a three strike system, upon recieving the third strike for the same offense, you will be removed from the guild. For major offenses, please refer to the above statement ("Any offense not listed below that may seem inappropriate will be acted on according to the decision made by the Guild Figure Heads").
The Following are Grounds for Immediate Removal: We like to have fun as much as the next guild, but these things are no laughing matters to us, and prompt actions will be taken. We ask that any member of the Argent Dawn realm that sees one of our guild members doing something unacceptable, that you please take a screenshot and send it to the Guild Chieftan, Master of Arms, or High Councilman and the matter will be dealt with promptly. Keep in mind that any reports filed with us (there will be a section to file such reports on the Forums, or please feel free to email one of the listed figure heads) without screenshots will be investigated further, and results may not be as prompt.


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We like to consider our guild an online community, and as such, we have a well rounded economic structure for our Tradeskills. Well rounded for our size anyway. We provide our services to one another free of charge, but may require reagents for items or potions that we do not have, from time to time. We will never charge one another for items or services, all members are expected to share this philosophy. For example: our tailor has recieved a request for X amount of small silk bags. Said tailor has the silk and thread, but requires the heavy leather needed to make said bags. He may require the recipient of the bags to acquire the leather from another source, be it another player or guild member, or the Auction House. Said tailor will then make the bags and give them to the recipient. However, if the tailor already had the leather for some reason, he would not ask said recipient to acquire the leather.

Any plans, recipies, patterns, schematics, etc that are found are expected to be offered to someone in that profession within the guild. If no one is currently in need of the plans we do not require you to send them to the guild bank for future members, but we would appreciate it, as you may need some of the plans (etc) from the bank at some point.

Top | Initiates | Ranks | Attendance | Disciplinary Actions