Forever's Charm

"What we do in life, echo's for eternity"

Welcome to FC! This game has some contact with Elynne Mitchell's silver brumby series, but is actually quiet different. Feel free to look around and maybe even join us!

Hey guys! I know this is stupied of me that I started a new game when I havn't even finished Meaningfull Innocence but, I had the urge to create a new site. How could I resist?

The Story or Guideline

The Characters

The Laws

Talk to the Players

Talk to the Owners


Going Away and Active Check

Joining Ridge





Challenging Falls

Sneaking Creek

Breeding Fields

The Boarder

This game is copyright (c)2002-2010 by Shezz Bayswater. All contents on these pages was made by me and you may not use it. If I find anyone, violating these terms, I will react imediately and swiftly. I will contact their server and notify them before recking there rpg/sim life!